Game of Thrones Author Blasts ‘Racists and Oligarchs’ Who Support

It was widely reported back in June that the producers of the HBO series “Game of Thrones” deliberately used a gruesome image of former president George W. Bush’s head impaled on a stake during the drama’s season one finale. The backlash was so great that DVD shipments were halted, digital copies were edited, and an apology was issued via press release. Now the author of the books, George R.R…
Ryan Robertson
August 14th, 2012 2:35 PM

New York Times London Reporter Alan Cowell's Obsession With 'Capitalis

A Tuesday story from London-based New York Times reporter Alan Cowell on London's successful staging of the 2012 Olympics had this aside blaming last year's riots on societal "greed." The Games took place almost exactly a year after riots and looting spread from London to other British cities, shocking the country with a vision of a society whose greed had produced an underclass fueled by…
Clay Waters
August 14th, 2012 2:13 PM

Game of Thrones Author Preaches to the Liberal Choir, Offensively

George R.R. Martin accused ‘Tea-Baggers’ of trying to steal the election with voter ID laws.
Ryan Robertson
August 14th, 2012 2:05 PM

Get This: CBS Skipped Hillary's Connection to Coke Dealer in '96, Spot

CBS This Morning on Tuesday played up how Mitt Romney's campaign had to conduct "a little more damage control" after the GOP presidential candidate held an event at a popular Miami establishment owned by a convict. Correspondent Jan Crawford highlighted how "Romney held an event yesterday at a well-known restaurant in Miami whose owner - get this - pleaded guilty to cocaine distribution in 1999…
Matthew Balan
August 14th, 2012 1:42 PM

Paul Krugman Blasts 'Big Fraud' Paul Ryan for 'Dishonest' Budgets

In September 2011, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman told CNN's Gloria Borger that Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare voucher plan "would kill people, no question." As you can imagine, he's not terribly happy about Romney picking Ryan as his running mate. Krugman can't even bear fellow liberals offering grudging praise to Ryan. discussing on a Monday morning blog post "a lamentable but revealing…
Clay Waters
August 14th, 2012 1:29 PM

WaPo's Dvorak Blasts Conservative Restaurant Owners, Compares 'Papa Jo

"Since when does serving up junk food give someone a license to preach?" carped Petula Dvorak as she opened her August 14 piece, "Now featuring filet o' fracas."* Gee, I dunno, Petula, maybe 1791, when the First Amendment -- you know, that pesky little document that guarantees freedom of speech and religion among other things -- was ratified. "We've got the Papa John's pizza guys weighing in…
Ken Shepherd
August 14th, 2012 1:14 PM

George Stephanopoulos Already Touting Unpopularity of Paul Ryan, Reads

Former Democratic operative turned TV host George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday immediately set to work on the job of parroting Democratic talking points about the new Republican presidential ticket. The network anchor teased the program by hyping, "Mitt Romney and his new running mate under attack from the White House. President Obama says they will end Medicare as we know it." [See video below.…
Scott Whitlock
August 14th, 2012 12:35 PM

Piers Morgan Tries to Bait Gingrich; Isn't Ryan Budget 'Radical Form o

When CNN isn't reading liberal talking points about the Romney-Ryan ticket, it's resorting to using conservative friendly fire against the Ryan budget, like Piers Morgan did on Monday. Morgan baited Newt Gingrich by asking "it is a radical form of social engineering, isn't it?" after he played a clip of Gingrich ripping the Ryan budget as "radical change" – a statement Gingrich later…
Matt Hadro
August 14th, 2012 12:03 PM

AP Ties Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio to 'Convicted Drug Dealer

AP couldn’t let Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio hand out juice at a campaign event in Miami without connecting them to cocaine. What? David Fischer’s story was headlined “Host for Romney event is a convicted drug dealer.” It began: “Mitt Romney held a campaign event Monday evening at a Miami juice shop owned by a convicted cocaine trafficker.” In 1995, cocaine trafficker Jorge Cabrera gained…
Tim Graham
August 14th, 2012 11:38 AM

NBC's Lauer Frets 'True Conservative' Paul Ryan Will Be 'Immovable Obj

In an interview with former House speaker Newt Gingrich on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer worried about vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's commitment to conservative principles: "I've heard Paul Ryan described as a true conservative....Do you honestly think he is someone who will work and reach across the aisle to Democrats or will he be an immovable object on key social issues…
Kyle Drennen
August 14th, 2012 11:33 AM

Has Tea Party 'Expanded' or 'Lost Momentum'? Depends on When You Read

Is the Tea Party on the decline or not? Don't ask the New York Times. Political reporter Michael Shear wrote in Monday's paper that "Tea Party Hopes to Gain Larger Stage in Election With Romney's Pick." The text box: "A movement already energized by a string of electoral victories." But in May, a Times reporter wrote that the Tea Party "has lost momentum." Here's Shear: For two years, Tea…
Clay Waters
August 14th, 2012 11:31 AM

Open Thread Tuesday

Comment on the news of the day and whatever else suits your fancy.
NB Staff
August 14th, 2012 11:21 AM

John Sununu Tells Soledad O'Brien 'Put an Obama Bumper Sticker On Your

Less than twelve hours after getting caught reading from a liberal blog during a heated debate with a Romney adviser, CNN's Soledad O'Brien was back on the air Tuesday echoing Democrat talking points. In fact, things got so hot with former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu (R) on CNN's Starting Point that he ended up saying, "Put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead when you do this" (…
Noel Sheppard
August 14th, 2012 10:33 AM

Former NYT Chief Editor Bill Keller Sprays Conservative Targets Ryan

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller went after Republicans and the party's "disciplined conservative infrastructure" in his 1,200-word Monday column on Romney's vice presidential pick Paul Ryan – "The Romney Package." Pecking at a multitude of conservative targets, Keller also said Reagan conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork was "attacked (with justification) as a…
Clay Waters
August 14th, 2012 10:18 AM