Mediscare! CNN Hypes Cartoon Characters' Plight Under Romney-Ryan's Me

In what seemed like a White House commercial, CNN used cartoon characters to explain the benefits of ObamaCare back in June. Now CNN is trotting out the same elementary and partisan stunt to hype that seniors might lose ObamaCare benefits if the Romney-Ryan ticket wins in November. On Tuesday, medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen explained that "Medicaid Marlene" might lose her Medicaid…
Matt Hadro
August 14th, 2012 6:52 PM

Ridiculous Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan May Be 'Worse' Than Quayle, 'More

A cartoonish Chris Matthews on Tuesday managed to mangle a historical analogy and spew liberal propaganda at the same time as he offered this ridiculous assessment of Paul Ryan: "This guy could be worse than Quayle, more trouble than Tom Eagleton." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Worse than Dan Quayle, who was successfully elected vice president in 1988? "More trouble" than Eagleton, the…
Scott Whitlock
August 14th, 2012 6:32 PM

Cal Thomas Column: Romney/Ryan is Real Change

Last Thursday's Wall Street Journal editorial "Why Not Paul Ryan?" made the case for his selection as the Republican vice-presidential nominee in this statement: "Romney can win a big election over big issues. He'll lose a small one." After Ryan's serious proposal to restructure Medicare -- which virtually everyone knows must be reformed -- the response from Democrats was an unserious TV ad,…
Cal Thomas
August 14th, 2012 6:30 PM

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts Shamefully Exploits Teen Girls to Slam Ryan Vot

Towards the close of today's MSNBC Live, anchor Thomas Roberts presented a segment featuring three New Jersey teenage girls who started a petition on the left-leaning website demanding female moderators for the upcoming presidential debates.  The young ladies succeeded in getting 180,000 signatures for their initiative. But rather than simply hailing their civic activism, Roberts…
Matt Vespa
August 14th, 2012 6:15 PM

UPDATE: AP Corrects Aug. 10 Claim on Timing of Obama’s Promise to Cu

Late this this afternoon, the Associated Press made a correction to Christopher Rugaber's August 10 story on July's federal budget results. His original claim, noted on August 11 by yours truly at NewsBusters and at BizzyBlog, was that Barack Obama's promise to cut the deficit in half was something "he pledged to do during his 2008 campaign." As noted in my original post and its mirror, the…
Tom Blumer
August 14th, 2012 6:15 PM

Goldberg Tells MSNBC's Mitchell to Leave Georgetown Bubble, O'Reilly W

On The August 13 broadcast of the O'Reilly Factor, Bill had regular guest Bernie Goldberg discuss Andrea Mitchell's absurd comment that Paul Ryan isn't a pick for "suburban moms."  This came after Ryan claimed that rights come from God, not government, but Mitchell seemed to think these two unrelated points, when combined, made a cogent argument.  Apparently Ms. Mitchell hasn't heard of an…
Matt Vespa
August 14th, 2012 6:02 PM

MSNBC's Wagner: Ryan's 100% Pro-life Record a Problem; Ignores Obama's

Rep. Paul Ryan's 100 percent rating by the pro-life National Right to Life Committee and his support of the "Protect Life Act" are evidence of the Wisconsin Republican's extremism on abortion and as such, should hurt the appeal of the Romney/Ryan ticket with women voters, MSNBC's Alex Wagner argued on the August 14 edition of her noon Eastern Now with Alex Wagner program. Of course the 100…
Ken Shepherd
August 14th, 2012 5:40 PM

Ed Schultz Radio Producer James Holm Actually Slams Paul Ryan ... For

The name James Holm -- not to be confused with accused Aurora gunman James Holmes -- might ring a bell for NewsBusters readers. Holm first came to our attention back in December 2010 with his alarming suggestion that President Obama "put a gun" to the heads of CEOs sitting on $1.9 trillion in capital reserves. (audio clip after page break)
Jack Coleman
August 14th, 2012 5:35 PM

ABC's Tilted Moderator: Martha Raddatz Touted 'Cool' Hillary, 'Huge Vi

ABC’s Martha Raddatz is perhaps the freshest face of the Old Media veterans chosen as a moderator by the Commission on the Presidential Debates. After five years at National Public Radio, Raddatz has handled a variety of serious Washington beats for ABC since 1999. She's married to journalist Tom Gjelten, who's worked for NPR for 30 years. Raddatz has also been married to Obama's FCC chairman…
Tim Graham
August 14th, 2012 5:34 PM

Condescending Brian Williams: Paul Ryan Received 'Not So Warm Welcome

Leading off Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams struck a patronizing tone as he noted "things get rough for the new guy on the trail" Paul Ryan, with "incoming fire on his own record and a not so warm welcome to the big leagues during his appearance today at the Iowa state fair." In the report that followed, correspondent Peter Alexander seized on protestors showing up at a Ryan…
Kyle Drennen
August 14th, 2012 4:58 PM

Howard Kurtz: 'Is Paul Ryan a Ticking Time Bomb

Howard Kurtz considers himself to be a "media analyst." So what's the deal with his highly-opinionated hit-piece published at the Daily Beast Tuesday with the highly-inflammatory title "Is Paul Ryan a Ticking Time Bomb as Mitt Romney’s Running Mate?"
Noel Sheppard
August 14th, 2012 4:50 PM

CNN Repeats Dishonest Obama Attack on Ryan

Instead of fact-checking President Obama's dishonest attack on Paul Ryan for blocking a farm bill, CNN simply reported it three times on Tuesday morning. Correspondent Brianna Keilar actually repeated the false attack in her own words. "[T]hey [the House] failed to pass a bill for drought relief, which as you know is huge right now because of all of the farmers, all of the cattle ranchers…
Matt Hadro
August 14th, 2012 4:08 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: Our U.S. Olympic Team Was Pure Gold

I can't speak for anybody else but my wife and myself have been immersed in the Summer Olympic games from London the last few days. Of course the athleticism has been incredible, the best planet earth has to offer and whether seasoned veteran or rookie they gave it their all, even the athletes who came to the games knowing that their chances of winning a medal were about as likely as growing…
Charlie Daniels
August 14th, 2012 4:08 PM

AP's Writeup on Expiration of Facebook 'Lock-up' Period Fails to Note

In her story this aftermoon on the imminent expiration of the company's "lock-up" period during which certain employees and insiders must hold onto their company stock, Associated Press Technology writer Barbara Ortutay reports that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will be locked into his holdings until mid-November -- while omitting out of apparent ignorance the fact that he previously cashed…
Tom Blumer
August 14th, 2012 3:12 PM