Leno: Romney's Gotten Thousands of Emails Demanding Palin Speak at Con

Jay Leno took some cheap shots at America's leading Republicans Tuesday. During his Tonight Show monologue filled with jokes about the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Leno said, "Ever since it was announced that Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Republican convention the Romney campaign has been flooded with thousands of texts and emails demanding she be allowed to speak - all…
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 10:18 AM

Maher: Ryan 'Smartest Guy in GOP,' Palin 'Stupidest Woman on Earth, Bu

Bill Maher made it clear Tuesday that when Real Time returns from vacation on HBO this Friday, Paul Ryan will be a prime target of his attacks. Speaking with the Huffington Post, the typically stoned comedian said, "This is the intellectual?...Somehow he's the smartest guy in the Party and [Sarah Palin's] the stupidest woman on earth, but they agree on everything" (video follows with…
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 8:57 AM

CNN's Moderator Candy Crowley: A Political News Pro, But Still Liberal

Affirmative-action lovers were thrilled that CNN's Candy Crowley would be the first female to moderate a presidential debate since Carole Simpson's sneering turn in 1992. Crowley deserves the opportunity after being in the field of political news for decades, and is the closest thing the current crop of moderators has to a Tim Russert type in being able to question firmly both sides of the…
Tim Graham
August 15th, 2012 8:50 AM

Capehart: 'Back In Chains' Biden Has Nothing To Apologize For; Geist

An animated opening segment on today's Morning Joe focused on the fallout from VP Joe Biden's remark to a largely African-American audience yesterday that a Romney presidency would "put y'all back in chains." Washington Post editorialist Jonathan Capehart claimed Biden doesn't have "anything to apologize for."  But earlier, Willie Geist opined that had Paul Ryan said such a thing, "there…
Mark Finkelstein
August 15th, 2012 7:27 AM

Embarrassed HuffPo Retracts Claim Fox News ‘Doctored’ Romney Gaffe

Liberal internet news site Huffington Post has egg on its face after it ran a story accusing Fox News Channel of deliberately removing the verbal flub GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney made while introducing his running-mate, Paul Ryan, as “the next president of the United States.” It was a small error but since liberals are always eager to portray themselves as more intelligent,…
Matthew Sheffield
August 15th, 2012 5:02 AM

ABC Uniquely Notes Bill Clinton Spoke Favorably of Paul Ryan Budget

On Saturday's World News, ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl informed viewers that former Democratic President Bill Clinton had spoken favorably to Republican Rep. Paul Ryan about his budget plan that is so unpopular with other Democrats. After recounting President Barack Obama's history of clashing with Rep. Ryan, Karl continued:
Brad Wilmouth
August 15th, 2012 1:50 AM

CBS Uniquely Notes Racial Tinge of Biden's 'Chains' Gaffe

As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Tuesday gave attention to Vice-President Joseph Biden asserting that Mitt Romney, by "unchaining" Wall Street would effectively "put y'all back in chains," only CBS's Bob Schieffer informed viewers that about half the audience in Danville, Virginia, was African-American, thus suggesting the Vice-President was making an embarrassing pander to black…
Brad Wilmouth
August 15th, 2012 1:35 AM

CNN's Soledad O'Brien Calls Out Biden's 'Racially Coded' 'Chains' Gaff

On Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360, substitute host Soledad O'Brien made the argument that Vice-President Joseph Biden's "chains" gaffe in Danville, Virginia, was "racially coded language," as she rejected the Obama campaign's spin that the comment was not meant to be a reference to the enslavement of African-Americans in the past. After relating the Obama campaign's explanation, she shot it…
Brad Wilmouth
August 15th, 2012 1:29 AM

Gold Medalist Hope Solo to Piers Morgan: 'You're Telling Me You Watche

CNN's Piers Morgan got caught Tuesday evening behaving like a dirty old man. After shamelessly flirting with Olympic gold medal-winning U.S. women's soccer goalie Hope Solo, the sixteen years his junior guest eventually asked, "You're telling me you watched our final because I'm hot?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 15th, 2012 12:20 AM

Bozell Column: Paul Ryan Is Not Freddy Krueger

Mitt Romney made a smart executive decision selecting Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate. Ryan’s genial personality, serious policy wonkery, and political courage have dazzled conservatives and won respect even in a  few liberal circles. Romney scores points for political courage as well. He knew liberal politicians and journalists would talk in punishing terms about Ryan’s budget…
Brent Bozell
August 14th, 2012 11:02 PM

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Chick-fil-A Vandalism Incidents

The broadcast networks complain loudly about real or perceived offenses committed by conservatives. But when they are faced with violence committed by those they agree with, they downplay or even bury such behavior. The silence of the networks regarding the vandalism of multiple Chick-fil-A restaurants is only the latest example of destruction committed by the left and ignored by the media.…
Paul Wilson
August 14th, 2012 10:38 PM

WashPost Joins Time, CNN In Suspending Fareed Zakaria's Column After P

The Washington Post really knows how to bury the lede. In a Tuesday story on how suspended CNN-Time journalist Fareed Zakaria is now under fire for stealing quotes without attribution in his book The Post-American World, media reporter Paul Farhi waited until the 13th and final paragraph to acknowledge that that the Post has joined CNN and Time in punishing Zakaria for his plagiarism. “…
Tim Graham
August 14th, 2012 10:22 PM

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Chick-fil-A Vandalism

Networks skip 3 destructive incidents on part of gay marriage advocates.
Paul Wilson
August 14th, 2012 9:38 PM

Mediscare! CNN Hypes Cartoon Characters' Plight Under Romney-Ryan's Me

In what seemed like a White House commercial, CNN used cartoon characters to explain the benefits of ObamaCare back in June. Now CNN is trotting out the same elementary and partisan stunt to hype that seniors might lose ObamaCare benefits if the Romney-Ryan ticket wins in November. On Tuesday, medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen explained that "Medicaid Marlene" might lose her Medicaid…
Matt Hadro
August 14th, 2012 6:52 PM