Letterman Booed for Depicting Romney as Male Model on ‘The Price Is

It seems that even the CBS Late Show audience has a limit to how much Mitt Romney bashing it will take. On Wednesday night, David Letterman was booed for depicting the presumptive Republican presidential nominee as a male model on The Price Is Right (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2012 10:30 AM

Jon Stewart Asks Brian Williams 'What's Preventing the Media From Disc

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart asked NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams the $64 trillion question on Wednesday's Daily Show. "What is preventing the media from discussing more substantive issues before the introduction of Paul Ryan, and then since the introduction, and then, let's say, you know, after the election?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 16th, 2012 9:39 AM

Economics Reporter Turned NYT Columnist Touts Basketcase Italy as High

Eduardo Porter's column on the front of Wednesday's Business section of the New York Times explained how "America's Aversion To Taxes" was dooming the country, and urged Americans to be more like the overly regulated, bankrupt financial basket-case Italy, which enjoys confiscatory taxes and "the benefits of public health care," and a "more generous social safety net."
Clay Waters
August 16th, 2012 9:32 AM

Not A Typo: Lefty Prof Sachs Says Obama Is 'Shrinking' Government Too

Move over, Paul Krugman.  Someone's taken your place as the most extreme advocate of excessive government spending. On today's Morning Joe, Columbia prof Jeffrey Sachs actually criticized the Obama administration for "shrinking" government too much.  Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see?  Peanuts compared to what we Sachs wants us to spend!  View the video after the jump.
Mark Finkelstein
August 16th, 2012 9:21 AM

CBS Evening News Mentions Anti-Romney Cancer Ad, Fails to ID Producer

Wednesday's CBS Evening News finally mentioned the controversial ad -- produced by an Obama super PAC -- which blames Mitt Romney for former steel worker Joe Soptic's wife dying of cancer, as CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a report recounting negative campaigning from both the GOP and Democratic sides. But she only vaguely referred to the pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA, as an "…
Brad Wilmouth
August 16th, 2012 1:40 AM

AP Again Treats Govt. Spending in GDP Report as Same as All Govt. Spen

There are so many holes in Paul Wiseman's Wednesday report at the Associated Press on the weakness of the current "recovery" that it would take a term paper to cover all of them. I'll just concentrate on a repeat error Wiseman made. It is one which AP colleagues Christopher Rugaber (with Wiseman, as demonstrated here) and Martin Crutsinger (as shown here) have also committed. All three…
Tom Blumer
August 15th, 2012 11:53 PM

Giuliani Calls Out Media Double Standard on Biden Gaffes

On Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani complained that the media pay so little attention to Joseph Biden when the Democratic Vice President perpetrates a gaffe while pouncing on gaffes by Republican politicians. Giuliani began:
Brad Wilmouth
August 15th, 2012 11:19 PM

Only ABC Offers Full Story on Shooting at FRC; CBS, NBC Blow It Off Wi

ABC was the only broadcast network that offered a full story on the FRC office shooting on Wednesday night. They led with the story and gave it two and a half minutes. None of the network newscasts reported the breaking detail that shooter Floyd Corkins volunteered for six months at the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, adding depth to his political motivation. On NBC Nightly News, Brian…
Tim Graham
August 15th, 2012 11:12 PM

Soledad O'Brien, In Denial: 'I Don't Think I Show Bias In My TV Show

CNN morning anchor Soledad O'Brien granted an interview to The Hollywood Reporter to react to charges she was reading from the left-wing Talking Points Memo blog on air. She insisted she's utterly non-ideological on the CNN set. "I don't think I show bias in my TV show. I think I am aggressive with people about trying to find the facts behind what they say," O'Brien told the Reporter's Paul…
Tim Graham
August 15th, 2012 8:48 PM

Ed Schultz Alludes to Maddow's 'Hard Time Talking About' Medicare With

"Democrats" are struggling to defend Obamacare's $700 billion-plus cuts to Medicare, according to Ed Schultz. But given the timing of his complaint, it was obvious Schultz was including MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow in the mix. Here's what Schultz said on his radio show Monday, one day after Maddow's shellacking by National Review editor Rich Lowry on "Meet the Press." NewsBuster Noel…
Jack Coleman
August 15th, 2012 8:01 PM

Barney Frank: Paul Ryan Opposed To Helping Feed Poor Children, Putting

At least Barney didn't accuse Paul Ryan of going all Twilight on starving children, or of actually pouring kerosene on burning buildings. No, appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show today, the retiring Dem congressman contented himself by claiming that Ryan opposes people coming together to feed poor children or put out fires. View the video after the jump.
Mark Finkelstein
August 15th, 2012 7:42 PM

Clintons Might Be 'World's Greatest Parents,' Vogue Editor Tells CNN

In a fawn-fest over Chelsea Clinton with CNN's Ashleigh Banfield on Wednesday, Vogue magazine's contributing editor Jonathan van Meter slipped in some serious love for Bill and Hillary. "I think one of the things the Clintons will go down in history for, it may very well being the world's greatest parents. I mean, they did such an incredible job of protecting her [Chelsea] from the likes of…
Matt Hadro
August 15th, 2012 7:08 PM

David Limbaugh Column: Paul Ryan Is Mitt Romney's Line in the Sand

Mitt Romney has outdone himself in choosing Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate. The conservative base is ecstatic, and that will translate into voter intensity and high turnout. Our country faces an unprecedented debt crisis, primarily driven by our entitlement programs. We have more than $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities — a staggering, incomprehensible number — and we are on a collision…
David Limbaugh
August 15th, 2012 6:31 PM

Chris Matthews, Who Linked Palin to Giffords Attack, Skips Shooting at

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who previously linked Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, completely ignored the shooting of a security guard at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). By Matthews' own past statements, wouldn't an examination of the possible root causes of the FRC shooting be warranted? On January 10,…
Scott Whitlock
August 15th, 2012 6:18 PM