ABC: Paul Ryan's Mother Campaigning For A 'Very Calculated' Reason

At one point during Good Morning America's coverage of the presidential race this morning, co-host Dan Harris proclaimed that--"seven days into the newly minted Romney/Romney ticket, the snark and sniping is hitting new levels." He should know.  The snarkiest snipe of the morning came from Harris's own co-host.  Opening the show, co-host Bianna Golodryga [maried to former Obama budget…
Mark Finkelstein
August 18th, 2012 8:23 AM

Bill Maher: Romney Has 'A Messiah Complex

It's become clear that Bill Maher's devotion to Barack Obama is so all encompassing that he's lost any capacity to reason or view things with even an iota of impartiality. On HBO's Real Time Friday, the host actually accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of having - wait for it! - "a messiah complex" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 18th, 2012 1:35 AM

On PBS, Liberal Columnists Slam Biden for 'Chains' Gaffe

On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King admitted that it "bothers" him that Vice President Joe Biden felt the need to "resort to colloquialisms to talk to African-Americans," referring to the Vice President's "chains" gaffe in Danville, Virginia. After host Gordon Peterson asked, "How did the White House handle this one?"…
Brad Wilmouth
August 18th, 2012 12:13 AM

Bill Maher: 'Tea Baggers' Must Take 'Literacy Test' If Voter IDs Are R

For roughly sixty minutes Friday, Obama campaign contributor Bill Maher behaved like, well, a man that has given $1 million to reelect the current White House resident. In his final 'New Rule' segment, the HBO Real Time host said, "If Republicans can make it harder for minorities to vote with their tricky ID laws, then we get to make it harder for Tea Baggers to vote by bringing back the…
Noel Sheppard
August 17th, 2012 11:55 PM

Evan Thomas Invokes 'Death Panels,' Should Imitate European Health Car

Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Evan Thomas brought up the term "death panels" as he advised that America will some day have to stop "spending so much money" on people who are near death. As he brought up a few examples of reforms for American health care, he ended up proposing:
Brad Wilmouth
August 17th, 2012 11:32 PM

Daily Kos Week in Review: The Devil Inside

Some on the left have questioned the Catholic credentials of Republican VP-nominee-in-waiting Paul Ryan. Count on Kossacks, however, to allege that Ryan, and conservatives as a group, not only aren't Christians but are followers of Satan himself. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.
Tom Johnson
August 17th, 2012 10:42 PM

Like MSNBC, CNN Ignored Poll Showing 74 Percent of Americans Support S

In spite of a Washington Post poll showing 74 percent of Americans favor government-issued photo ID mandates at polling places, CNN skipped those numbers this past week in six separate segments on voter ID laws. As a Mediaite study noted, MSNBC aired 19 segments on voter ID laws from Monday through Thursday without mentioning the poll. While CNN's coverage was largely balanced, the poll…
Matt Hadro
August 17th, 2012 6:34 PM

Multi-Millionaire Brian Williams Lectures on Presidential Campaign Spe

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, sanctimonious anchor Brian Williams lamented the fact that "spending on 2012 presidential radio and TV ads has now surpassed the half-billion-dollar mark" and proceeded to list other things the money could buy, such as feeding  "9.2 million malnourished children for 50 days" or "provide clean water for 500 million children for 40 days." While Williams's…
Kyle Drennen
August 17th, 2012 5:24 PM

Leno to Gold Medalist Ryan Lochte: 'Somebody In the Olympics Was a Vir

NBC's Tonight Show host Jay Leno asked gold medalist Ryan Lochte what some would consider a rather personal question Thursday evening. "I know somebody in the Olympics was a virgin. Was that you?” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 17th, 2012 5:07 PM

Scott Rasmussen Column: Reaction to Ryan Shows Gap Between Mainstream

One of the things Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate ensures is a series of polling questions over the coming months asking voters what's more important: creating jobs or cutting government spending; helping the economy or cutting deficits; repealing the president's health care law or focusing on the economy. These questions reflect the way official Washington views the…
Scott Rasmussen
August 17th, 2012 4:56 PM

Malkin Column: The Liberal Sisterhood of the Plundering Hacks

Hey, remember when Nancy Pelosi and a gaggle of Democratic women vowed to eradicate Washington's culture of corruption? Tee-hee. Instead of breaking up the Good Ol' Boys Club, Capitol Hill's leading liberal ladies have established their very own taxpayer-funded Sisterhood of the Plundering Hacks. This week, the names of two of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's gal…
Michelle Malkin
August 17th, 2012 4:45 PM

David Shuster Still Bitter Over Karl Rove Non-Indictment

It has been over six years since David Shuster consulted his inner Jason Leopold and boldly predicted that "I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted." Apparently the bitterness of having to publicly eat crow has lingered to this day to the point that Shuster continues to be obsessed over the fact that the non-indictment of Rove turned him into a laughingstock condemned to the…
P.J. Gladnick
August 17th, 2012 4:20 PM

Mediaite Mini-Study: MSNBC Ignores Poll Showing Nearly 3/4ths of Ameri

A Washington Post poll published on Monday shows that 74 percent of Americans favor requiring photo ID to vote. Significant majorities of African-Americans and the elderly -- two groups liberals claim are likely to be "disenfranchised" by such requirements -- support a photo ID requirement. But as Mediaite editor Noah Rothman noted yesterday, in the 19 segments on voter ID that the liberal…
Ken Shepherd
August 17th, 2012 3:54 PM

MSNBC's Touré Neblett Offers 12 Second Apology for Romney 'Niggerizat

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Touré Neblett on Thursday's The Cycle accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of using what he called "niggerization" against Barack Obama. On Friday, Neblett offered a twelve second - yes, I said twelve second! - apology for his disgraceful remark (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 17th, 2012 3:31 PM