Nation Magazine: 'Condi Rice's Membership at Augusta National Is Nothi

MSNBC's Ed Schultz isn't the only liberal media member disappointed with Augusta National Golf Club's announcement that it's admitting two women including Condoleezza Rice as members. The Nation magazine actually published a piece Monday titled "Condi Rice's Membership at Augusta National Is Nothing to Celebrate":
Noel Sheppard
August 21st, 2012 8:57 AM

‘On Faith’ Writer Declares ‘What Catholics can Learn From the Qu

Imagine if Post had written what Muslims could learn from Bible.
Paul Wilson
August 21st, 2012 6:47 AM

Ed Schultz: Augusta Should Have Admitted Michelle Obama and Hillary Cl

The Augusta National Golf Club did an amazing thing Monday: it finally admitted women as members, with one of them being African-American Condoleezza Rice. But that wasn’t good enough for MSNBC’s Ed Schultz who whined on his program later that evening that Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton should have received this honor instead (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 20th, 2012 9:23 PM

DUers, Kossacks Go Berserk Over Newsweek Obama Cover

"Arrrrrgh!" That quote pretty much sums up the reaction of the Democratic Underground and Daily  Kos posters to the Newsweek Obama cover, Hit The Road, Barack. And as you can see in these two DUer threads here and here as well as this Kossack thread, the left is hitting back...hard. A big part of their anger comes from their sense of betrayal from a "friendly," namely Newsweek magazine. The…
P.J. Gladnick
August 20th, 2012 8:45 PM

Nets Try to Use Ryan Tax Returns to Embarrass Romney

After Paul Ryan released his last two years of tax returns late Friday, reporters on ABC and CBS not only made sure to point out that Ryan paid a higher federal tax rate than the wealthier Mitt Romney, but also noted that he had supplied more than two years to the Romney campaign as part of the vetting process, as if to put additional pressure on Romney and Ryan that they should make more than…
Brad Wilmouth
August 20th, 2012 8:23 PM

NYT's Rosenthal Again Tries to Get World to Turn Off the Air: 'We Can

New York Times environmental reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal's latest 1,600-word attack on air conditioning,"The Cost of Cool," made the front of the Sunday Review. " The text box: "Air-conditioning makes us feel better, but it's hurting the planet." Rosenthal previously argued in a June 21 post on the paper's "Green" blog complaining that she can't buy an environmentally correct air conditioner…
Clay Waters
August 20th, 2012 8:01 PM

Libtalker Mike Malloy Blames Family Research Council for Gunman Shooti

Predictably, left-wing radio talker Mike Malloy blames the Family Research Council for being targeted by a pro-gay rights activist who allegedly opened fire at their headquarters and wounded a security guard. What is surprising about Malloy's rant, even to those of us familiar with this most vampiric of radio hosts, is its jaw-dropped toxicity -- an American version of Radio Rwanda, circa…
Jack Coleman
August 20th, 2012 6:45 PM

Howard Fineman: 'Todd Akin Is the Paul Ryan of Missouri

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday's Hardball compared the Republican vice presidential candidate to a congressman who is under fire for discussing what makes a "legitimate rape." Fineman attacked, "Because Todd Akin is the Paul Ryan of Missouri." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Akin on Sunday was asked about women who get pregnant after being raped. He replied, "If it’s a…
Scott Whitlock
August 20th, 2012 6:27 PM

AP's Kuhnhenn Leads Obama's First Presser in Five Months with Softball

Although the Obama/Biden campaign has plenty of gaffes and erroneous statements to answer for from the past five-and-a-half months -- the last presidential press conference was March 6 -- Associated Press White House correspondent Jeff Kuhnhenn opted to toss a softball to President Obama today as he was selected by the president to ask the first question at the chief executive's impromptu…
Ken Shepherd
August 20th, 2012 4:51 PM

NBC's Todd: After Creating 'Economic Havoc,' House GOP 'Partied and Go

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd used reports of a Republican congressman skinny dipping during a 2011 trip to Israel to slam the GOP: "...a bunch of freshman House Republicans who came to Washington trying to stop things...create this confrontation with the President over the debt ceiling...created all sorts of economic havoc…
Kyle Drennen
August 20th, 2012 4:31 PM

CBS Quickly Covers GOP Congressman's Skinny-Dipping; Dallied On Weiner

Mere hours after Politico reported on Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder's admitted skinny-dipping in the Sea of Galilee in Israel, CBS highlighted the story on its Monday morning newscast. By contrast, the network was slow to report on former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner's lewd photo scandal in 2011. On June 1 of that year, ABC and NBC's morning shows reported on the "underwear uproar,"…
Matthew Balan
August 20th, 2012 3:48 PM

Liberals Refuse to Drop ‘Hate Group’ Brand for Family Research Cou

In the aftermath of the pro-gay attack on the Family Research Council, pro-LGBT organizations and personalities condemned the violence, but stood staunchly in defense of the motives. According to the Aug. 16, Washington Post, “LGBT groups stand in solidarity with the Family Research Council.” That’s far from the truth.
Lauren Thompson
August 20th, 2012 3:45 PM

Soledad O'Brien Defends Stimulus: 'Didn't That to a Large Degree Help

CNN's Soledad O'Brien defended the stimulus bill on Monday's Starting Point, calling it a "big thing" that President Obama accomplished and adding that police officers and firefighters kept their jobs because of it. "[I]f the stimulus hadn't been passed, then what would have happened to the economy?" she threw a Democratic talking point at Rep. Mike Burgess (R-Tex.). "Didn't that to a large…
Matt Hadro
August 20th, 2012 3:26 PM

MSNBC's Wagner Devotes 10-Minute Segment to Pay Gap, Ignores Female De

As part of her hour-long August 20 special edition of Now about to "women's issues," MSNBC's Alex Wagner devoted a 10-minute-long segment to the so-called pay gap -- women earning on average 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Wagner's guests, Salon's Joan Walsh, Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Lilly Ledbetter predictably did their parts to help Wagner sell the pay gap issue…
Ken Shepherd
August 20th, 2012 3:06 PM