‘Days of Our Lives’ To Add Drama with Gay Bullying Storyline

Fall 2012 TV premieres promise to be laden with gay themes, and daytime soap “Day of Our Lives,” will jump on the same bandwagon. The Huffington Post reported openly gay character Sonny Kiriakis will be part of an anti-gay bullying plotline and will suffer a violent attack. The plot is in lock-step with other anti-conservative story arcs. Sonny’s assailant will be an old friend, Tad, who…
Lauren Thompson
August 21st, 2012 5:01 PM

CBS Morning Show Ignores Obama's False Reply on Campaign's Felony Char

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Norah O'Donnell and Gayle King applauded colleague Nancy Cordes for her "great question" to President Obama on Monday about a dishonest ad from a supporting super PAC that blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. However, they failed to mention Cordes's earlier question on how Obama's campaign has "suggested that Mr. Romney might be a felon for the way that…
Matthew Balan
August 21st, 2012 4:26 PM

Networks Devote an Enormous 21 Minutes to Obsessing Over Akin, Hyping

The network morning shows on Tuesday devoted an enormous 20 minutes and 53 seconds to obsessing over a gaffe by a Republican congressman, hyping Todd Akin's comments for nine separate segments. NBC, CBS and ABC touted Democratic efforts to link the gaffe-prone representative to the GOP presidential ticket. Former Democratic operative turned Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos…
Scott Whitlock
August 21st, 2012 4:02 PM

CNN's Banfield Surprised at 'Very Far Right-Wing' GOP Pro-Life Platfor

For CNN's Ashleigh Banfield, complete opposition to abortion equals a "very far right" position, as she insisted on Tuesday about the new Republican Party platform. For context, CNN used the same "far right" label to describe Sikh shooter Wade Michael Page's racist skinhead band. "[T]he platform, for the most part, was crafted by the very far-right wing of the party and then if you combine…
Matt Hadro
August 21st, 2012 4:01 PM

Media Leave Liberal Soros’s Politics Aside in News of Manchester Uni

Left-wing billionaire George Soros acquires minority share of popular English soccer team, but his politics goes unmentioned.
Julia A. Seymour
August 21st, 2012 3:56 PM

New York Times Again Piles on Liberal Melodrama Over Augusta National

Somewhere, former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines is smiling (or at least wearing a less-prominent scowl). The Augusta National Golf Club's surprise decision to admit two women as members made the front of Tuesday's paper: "Host to Masters Drops a Barrier With Its First 2 Female Members." As executive editor, Raines caused controversy even among the liberal media in 2003 for his…
Clay Waters
August 21st, 2012 3:41 PM

NBC Panel: If Akin Stays in Senate Race, Romney/Ryan Will Be 'Tarred

During the Today's Professionals panel segment on Tuesday's NBC Today, attorney Star Jones predicted that if Todd Akin continues his Senate run in Missouri, the entire Republican Party will be branded with his controversial remarks: "If he doesn't [get out], the Romney/Ryan ticket is going to be tarred with this feather for the entire campaign. They sponsored bills together that pretty much…
Kyle Drennen
August 21st, 2012 2:59 PM

Obama Now Telling Reporters What Topics to Ask About

Now that the normally loyal White House press corps has stopped continually carrying water for President Obama (they only do it 90 percent of the time now), the Administration is resorting to a new tactic of going to local media for interviews while at the same time setting specific questions for them to ask about. Instead of being asked to account for ridiculous statements from his campaign…
Matthew Sheffield
August 21st, 2012 1:59 PM

MSNBC's Roberts Uses Akin Row As Springboard to Bash GOP Over Pro-Life

Every four years, without fail, the liberal media wring their hands over the influence of pro-lifers on the GOP platform, suggesting that the party is too "extreme" in its position on abortion and hence out of step with middle-of-the-road voters. Of course, the same concern is not expressed regarding the Democrats' position on the same issue being too out-of-step with most Americans. This…
Ken Shepherd
August 21st, 2012 1:48 PM

AP Politicizes AAA Labor Day Travel Press Release, Errs Obviously in t

An unbylined Associated Press item late this morning told us that, according to AAA, "Thirty three million people will travel 50 miles or more during Labor Day weekend," which will be "the highest level of travel for Labor Day since the start of the recession in late 2007." But it won't be, as will be revealed in the AAA-sourced graphic found at Page 3 of its 36-page report (large PDF) seen…
Tom Blumer
August 21st, 2012 1:40 PM

NBC Declares: 'Women's Issues Are Front and Center Again' and GOP is

At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed: "Firestorm. A Congressman's words about rape rocket across the country...women's issues are front and center again." Introducing the lead story moments later, Williams announced how "suddenly" Republican Todd Akin's comments "exploded well beyond the borders of Missouri." Correspondent Andrea Mitchell began her report…
Kyle Drennen
August 21st, 2012 1:03 PM

Piers Morgan Spins Todd Akin Controversy Into 'Romney's Worst Nightmar

CNN's Piers Morgan played right into the hand of the Obama campaign's co-chair on Monday night, casting the fallout from Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) rape remarks as "Romney's worst nightmare." "Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head," Morgan told Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) after she delivered her liberal spin tying Akin to Paul Ryan and the GOP. "Now it [the debate] has become Romney's…
Matt Hadro
August 21st, 2012 12:24 PM

Jay Leno on Tonight Show Layoffs: 'We've Been Taken Over By Bain Capit

Jay Leno on Monday addressed the recent announcement that there have been numerous layoffs at NBC's Tonight Show forcing him to take a pay cut to save some of his staff. Feeling the need to take a cheap shot at presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Leno quipped, “Turns out now we've been taken over by Bain Capital" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 21st, 2012 10:18 AM

‘On Faith’ Writer: ‘What Catholics Can Learn from the Quran

The Washington Post's "On Faith" blog network has joined the chorus of media outlets extolling the virtues of Islam. Kathleen Duff of the Religion News Service, in an August 17 post, expressed her newfound admiration for the holy book of Islam. In a glowing piece titled “What Catholics Can Learn from the Quran,” Duff wrote: “This year during Ramadan – the ninth month of the Islamic calendar…
Paul Wilson
August 21st, 2012 9:24 AM