Open Thread: Affirmatively Stupid

Sometimes, the decisions made by government bureaucrats are so stupid, it's hard to believe that they're real. Today's case in point: The Department of Justice has decided to make an effort to find attorneys with "severe intellectual" and "psychiatric disabilities." Considering that this is the same agency that brought us the ill-conceived Fast and Furious and its subsequent cover-up, perhaps…
Matthew Sheffield
August 22nd, 2012 10:03 AM

NBC 'Reality Check': 'Effective' Obama Ad Paints Romney as 'Mr. Burns

In what co-host Matt Lauer billed as a campaign ad "reality check" on Tuesday's NBC Today, a Romney ad criticizing the Obama administration for gutting Welfare reform was dismissed as ineffective, "too complicated" and "Pants on Fire" false. Meanwhile, an Obama ad slamming Romney over taxes was praised for making Romney look like a cross between wealthy Simpson's villain "Mr. Burns" and an "evil…
Kyle Drennen
August 22nd, 2012 9:52 AM

Chick-fil-A, Media Magic and 68 Days That Didn’t Shake the World

The left tried to pull a fast one on marriage.
Matt Philbin
August 22nd, 2012 9:38 AM

Chick-fil-A, Media Magic and 68 Days That Didn’t Shake the World

Matt Philbin
August 22nd, 2012 9:37 AM

NYTimes Lead Editorial Stretches 'Far Right' Smear to Include Conserva

The New York Times used a controversial comment by Republican U.S. Senate candidate for Missouri Todd Akin to broadly smear Republican candidates in Tuesday's lead editorial, "New Definitions of Extremism – Representative Akin and other primary winners shift ever rightward with the Republican Party." But the Times is seriously stretching the definition of "extremism" to call include…
Clay Waters
August 22nd, 2012 9:18 AM

Bozell Column: Roseanne's Rotting Roast

The only thing that will ever convince Comedy Central to stop perpetuating its disgusting celebrity roasts are poor ratings. Taste, decency, talent -- none of these has bearing on this network's decisions. Nor do they care about the damage they're inflicting on youngsters. They care only about the numbers. So the good news is that their August 12 roast of Roseanne Barr flopped, bringing in only…
Brent Bozell
August 21st, 2012 9:32 PM

Will Media Be As Outraged By Nonprofits Attacking Koch Brothers As The

In recent weeks there has been a lot of liberal media handwringing over 501(c)(4)s, nonprofit social welfare organizations that are legally allowed to publish political ads without disclosing anything about their donors. The far-left ProPublica observed Saturday:
Noel Sheppard
August 21st, 2012 8:17 PM

David Limbaugh Column: Has Obama Been Divisive?! Let Me Count the Ways

I was on Sean Hannity's show the other night, and the question was whether Obama's statement denying his divisiveness is defensible. It's not. Obama said, "I don't think you or anybody who's been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We've always tried to bring the country together."
David Limbaugh
August 21st, 2012 6:33 PM

Time's Joe Klein: 'Awful Lot of Celebration of Ignorance Going on in R

Time magazine's Joe Klein made a truly disgraceful comment on MSNBC's Hardball Tuesday. "The Republican Party has a major grassroots problem which is that a good part of its grassroots now celebrate ignorance. It’s more, it’s more than abortion and women’s rights" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 21st, 2012 6:19 PM

Matthews Smears GOP: 'Some People' 'Have a Problem With a Woman Sayin

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday continued the effort to tie the entire Republican Party to the gaffe-prone Todd Akin, smearing the GOP as a party that doesn't believe in the concept of rape. Matthews interrogated former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele: "Is it true or not true that you've got people in your party so far to the right that they have a problem with a woman saying she…
Scott Whitlock
August 21st, 2012 6:02 PM

Time's ‘Ideas’ Blog Toys with Notion of Mandatory Voting

Whatever happened to American exceptionalism? Liberal abhorrence of the concept has been well-documented in the past. One of the latest examples can be found at Time Ideas, where Eric Liu has published a case for mandatory voting laws. Liu never outright admits as much, but it’s abundantly clear he feels such a policy would help elect more liberal Democrats to office and hence put the country…
Ryan Robertson
August 21st, 2012 5:19 PM

Cal Thomas Column: A Debate About Debates defines a "debate" as: "A formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers." That is not what will take place during three exchanges between President Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, or the one vice-presidential exchange between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.
Cal Thomas
August 21st, 2012 5:02 PM

‘Days of Our Lives’ To Add Drama with Gay Bullying Storyline

Fall 2012 TV premieres promise to be laden with gay themes, and daytime soap “Day of Our Lives,” will jump on the same bandwagon. The Huffington Post reported openly gay character Sonny Kiriakis will be part of an anti-gay bullying plotline and will suffer a violent attack. The plot is in lock-step with other anti-conservative story arcs. Sonny’s assailant will be an old friend, Tad, who…
Lauren Thompson
August 21st, 2012 5:01 PM

CBS Morning Show Ignores Obama's False Reply on Campaign's Felony Char

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Norah O'Donnell and Gayle King applauded colleague Nancy Cordes for her "great question" to President Obama on Monday about a dishonest ad from a supporting super PAC that blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. However, they failed to mention Cordes's earlier question on how Obama's campaign has "suggested that Mr. Romney might be a felon for the way that…
Matthew Balan
August 21st, 2012 4:26 PM