NBC's Kelly O'Donnell 'Forcibly' Tries to Tie Ryan to Akin

On NBCNews.com's "First Read" Kelly O'Donnell attempted to further tie in the Romney-Ryan campaign to Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comments with this gasp-inducing headline: Ryan backed more than one 'forcible rape' abortion bill. In the article, O'Donnell made a substantial deal out of the term "forcible," seemingly implying that if there wasn't much violence during the rape, then it would…
D. S. Hube
August 23rd, 2012 9:38 PM

Think CNN Will Get Around to Covering That Dem Lawmaker Who Had Sex Wi

Minnesota Democratic State Rep. Kerry Gauthier has had a rough go of it lately. Embroiled in a sex scandal that has attracted the attention of national media outlets, Gauthier has gone from waging a promising reelection bid for his seat, to being caught engaged in oral sex acts at a rest stop with a teenage boy, to pulling out of the race and facing possible expulsion from the Minnesota…
Rusty Weiss
August 23rd, 2012 9:24 PM

Revealed: Liberal Website That Attacked Romney’s Cayman ‘Schemes

Earlier today, the liberal website Gawker did a document dump including 950 pages worth of confidential documents affiliated with Bain Capital. The idea was to expose Mitt Romney's alleged tax-dodging schemes with offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Problem being, the parent corporation known as the Gawker Media Group has a little secret of their own.
Rusty Weiss
August 23rd, 2012 8:06 PM

No Surprise: Media Execs' Donations Overwhelmingly Favor Obama, Democr

While some sectors of the American economy have changed allegiances this presidential cycle in terms of their donations to the major political parties, one industry that hasn't changed its allegiances is media. That probably doesn't come as a surprise to readers of this site but the numbers are still interesting nonetheless:
Matthew Sheffield
August 23rd, 2012 7:54 PM

NPR Trumpets Obama's 'Modesty About What Government Can and Can't Do

Scott Horsley's report on Wednesday's All Things Considered could have mistaken for a three-and-half minute ad from a pro-Obama super PAC. Horsley played up how "Mr. Obama often tempers his speeches with a dose of modesty about what government can and can't do" and how the President "pushes back strongly against the anti-government rhetoric of his GOP opponents." The NPR correspondent also…
Matthew Balan
August 23rd, 2012 6:57 PM

Chris Matthews: 'If I Were Obama I'd Marry' Bill Clinton

MSNBC's Chris Matthews sure doesn't have a problem expressing his affection for men on national television. After showing a new campaign ad former President Bill Clinton just completed for the current White House resident, the Hardball host actually said, "If I were Barack Obama, I'd marry that guy" (video follows with commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 23rd, 2012 6:26 PM

WaPo Reviewer Trashes New ‘Bible Challenge’ Game Show on Obscure C

“Can’t wait for the stoning-of-adulteresses question,” Washington Post TV critic Lisa de Moraes snarked in a column back in March about The American Bible Challenge, an original game show in development for GSN (formerly the Game Show Network), to be hosted by comedian Jeff Foxworthy. Fast forward to this morning’s Washington Post, and readers would find Hank Stuever’s scathing review on the…
Ryan Robertson
August 23rd, 2012 6:14 PM

Chuck Norris Column: Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 2 of

The New York Times reported, "With waning approval ratings and a stagnant economy, the possibility that Mr. Obama will not be re-elected has entered the political bloodstream." It's more than entered; it's flowing strong. Last week in Part 1, I began to list my Top 10 reasons not to re-elect President Obama. Though I would encourage readers to read the details of each of those points, here…
Chuck Norris
August 23rd, 2012 6:08 PM

WashPost Insists 'Democrats Aim to Be Inclusive'; Paper's All But Igno

"Democrats aim to be inclusive," blurts the headline in Amy Gardner's 5-paragraph item on how the Democratic convention "will feature a long list of female speakers and a slew of activities designed to make it the most inclusive convention in history, organizers announced Wednesday." Gardner went on to note that Sandra Fluke and "women from many other walks of life" will take to the podium,…
Ken Shepherd
August 23rd, 2012 4:43 PM

AP Report Cites Rising Jobless Claims as Evidence of 'Modest and Uneve

In his coverage of the Department of Labor's Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report at the Associated Press this morning, economics writer Christopher Rugaber stubbornly referenced a supposedly predictive benchmark the wire service has been using which has consistently failed in recent months. Rugaber also claimed that today's seasonally adjusted increase from the previous week, which…
Tom Blumer
August 23rd, 2012 4:39 PM

CNN Ignores Conservative Experts When Slamming Romney Welfare Ad as 'F

CNN shot down Mitt Romney's claim that President Obama "gutted" welfare reform, despite experts who helped construct the actual 1996 law insisting that Obama did indeed strike at its heart by nullifying work requirements for welfare recipients. "Problem is, President Obama calls this claim nuts," stated reporter Tom Foreman, who aired a clip of Obama calling it "patently false." Foreman…
Matt Hadro
August 23rd, 2012 4:18 PM

NYTimes Fronts Pro-Obama Medicare Poll Findings; Other Outlets Focus o

Thursday's New York Times front page included a report by Michael Cooper (pictured) and Dalia Sussman on a new CBS News/Quinnipiac University/New York Times poll of likely voters in the crucial states of Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin after Romney's choice as running mate Medicare reformer Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin: "In Poll, Obama Is Given Trust Over Medicare." Showing how the same findings…
Clay Waters
August 23rd, 2012 4:07 PM

David Letterman Names Rachel Maddow 'The Smartest Person in the World

David Letterman on Wednesday upped his superlatives for MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. Having previously called her "probably the smartest person" in "all of journalism," the CBS Late Show host raised the bar further first calling her "the smartest person on television," and at the end of the interview naming her "the smartest person in the world" (video follows with commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 23rd, 2012 3:58 PM

Letterman Depicts Koch Brothers As Running 'Dirtbag Multinational Corp

The media's seemingly incessant attacks on the Koch brothers continued Wednesday. On CBS's Late Show, host David Letterman aired an insulting mock ad by the Republican National Committee that depicted the Kochs as running a "dirtbag multinational corporation" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
August 23rd, 2012 3:24 PM