NBC Hypes Storm as 'Latest in a Series of Distractions' After 'Tough W

In a report for Monday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd was eager to paint a picture of Republicans in disarray prior to the GOP convention: "The specter of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, which proved so politically damaging to George W. Bush, looms large here in Tampa. It's the latest in a series of distractions that has jolted the Romney campaign off its core…
Kyle Drennen
August 27th, 2012 12:51 PM

ABC Downplays New Poll Showing Romney Leading, Frets About 'Pep Rally

The hosts and reporters on Monday's Good Morning America downplayed a new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing Mitt Romney taking the lead over Barack Obama. It wasn't until the 8am hour that news anchor Josh Elliott specifically revealed the numbers: "When it comes to the economy, 50 percent trust Romney to handle it, while just 43 percent favor the President." The poll has the presumptive…
Scott Whitlock
August 27th, 2012 12:45 PM

Salon.com Celebrates Gender-Bending Japanese Ad

If there’s any remaining doubt that the left-wing media have little but contempt for traditional Americans, it ain’t the fault of Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams. In an August 26 piece fittingly reposted at the far-left moon-bat site Alter-Net, Williams lovingly described a Japanese Toyota ad featuring an androgynous model while getting in a shot at America.
Matt Philbin
August 27th, 2012 12:44 PM

Naomi Wolf Writes Biography About Her Lady Parts

Your humble correspondent is so fascinated by his own navel that he spends hours each day just staring at it. In fact, I am so absorbed by that body part that I am planning on writing a biography about it called "Belly Button: A New Biography." Should you think that I am over the top in narcissistic self-absorbtion, that is nothing compared to the book that former Al Gore "alpha male"…
P.J. Gladnick
August 27th, 2012 12:25 PM

‘Hunger Games’ Scare You? Blame Bush, Says DVD

America is a totalitarian regime. Or, it was when George W. Bush was president. And maybe it still is. Or something. As if we needed more proof that blockbuster entertainment needn’t have even a nodding acquaintance with cogent political thought, the people that brought us Suzanne Collins’s “Hunger Games” franchise can’t just quietly take their millions to the bank. They need us to know how…
Lauren Thompson
August 27th, 2012 12:14 PM

CNN Contributor Cites Bush's Katrina Fiasco to Ask If GOP Is 'Worried

In light of Tropical Storm Isaac threatening the Gulf coast during the Republican National Convention, The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza evoked shades of Hurricane Katrina and the Bush malaise on Monday's Starting Point. "Does the Republican Party worry about that right now, that when you think of hurricane and Republicans, that it's not necessarily two things that have gone together in the past…
Matt Hadro
August 27th, 2012 12:11 PM

WaPo Sees Vast White-wing Conspiracy in Tea Party Groups Exercising Le

If you're a conservative poll watcher on Election Day, you're probably a racist! That's essentially the charge leveled in an August 25 Washington Post-published article by AJ Vicens and Natasha Kahn of the News21 Carnegie-Knight Initiative.  Entitled, "True the Vote and other poll watchers motives questioned," Kahn and Vicens opened their article by noting the paranoia of a Milwaukee voter…
Matt Vespa
August 27th, 2012 11:51 AM

Salon.com Celebrates Androgynous Japanese Ad

Cheers ‘changing way gender is portrayed in advertising.’
Matt Philbin
August 27th, 2012 11:45 AM

Broadcast Networks Ignore New Study Showing Household Income Has Dropp

On Thursday, Sentier Research released a study showing that household income has actually declined at a worse rate in the sluggish economic recovery than it did during the December 2007-June 2009 recession. "From June 2009 to June 2012, inflation-adjusted median household income fell 4.8 percent, to $50,964," Washington Post's Michael Fletcher noted in Friday's paper, although his article was…
Ken Shepherd
August 27th, 2012 11:10 AM

Unhinged Matthews Welcomes GOP By Ranting About Romney Playing the 'Ra

Chris Matthews's unhinged, fuming performance on Monday's Morning Joe is a good reason why members of the GOP avoid MSNBC. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus aggressively battled the liberal cable anchor after the host unloaded on Mitt Romney for playing the "race card." [Must see video below the jump. MP3 audio here.] Asserting that just mentioning welfare is racist,…
Scott Whitlock
August 27th, 2012 10:40 AM

Open Thread: More States in Play Now

Since Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney's running mate, the situation in the various states seems to have changed a bit. Ryan's home state of Wisconsin has tightened up quite a bit, moving from solid Obama to a tossup. Mitt Romney's birth state of Michigan has also become more competitive:
NB Staff
August 27th, 2012 10:36 AM

Networks Ignore Ethanol Mandates in Most Coverage of Historic Drought

The severe drought affecting the Midwest this year has caused the latest corn projections to be the lowest since 1995. With such a small corn crop, the government mandates that make some of that corn be used for ethanol make even less sense, and will raise prices even further. The drought has been a big news story for the network morning and evening show in the past six months, earning 55…
Liz Thatcher
August 27th, 2012 10:01 AM

House Committee Finds ICE Exaggerating Deportation Numbers; Will Press

An Associated Press report by Helen O'Neill time-stamped Saturday afternoon claims that "a record number of deportations means record numbers of American children being left without a parent — despite President Barack Obama's promise that his administration would focus on removing only criminals." Perhaps the assertion about more parents being forced to leave their kids behind is true. But…
Tom Blumer
August 27th, 2012 9:53 AM

The Media vs. the GOP: Intolerant, Anti-Women, and Always Too Conserva

Bad weather may have forced Vice President Joe Biden to skip his plans to make mischief at this week’s Republican National Convention in Tampa, but Democrats don’t have to worry: the liberal “news” media have been “counter-programming” GOP conventions for decades. It doesn’t matter whether the nominee is a conservative like Ronald Reagan, or a moderate like John McCain — network reporters…
Rich Noyes
August 27th, 2012 9:02 AM