Thomas Column: Pro-life Politicians Need to Remember That It's Always

It's trapping season. The targets are Republicans, whom the Democratic-friendly media (the trappers) hunt in order to smear -- especially the Romney-Ryan ticket -- forcing them off message. The bait in the latest case is the issue of abortion in cases of rape. The hunter's target was Rep. Todd Akin, a Missouri Republican, who is running for the Senate against Democratic incumbent Claire…
Cal Thomas
August 27th, 2012 3:25 PM

NYT Hits Romney's 'False Claims' of Obama Eliminating Work Requirement

Sunday's lead New York Times story by the political team of Jeff Zeleny (pictured) and Jim Rutenberg accused Romney of playing the race card with false ads on welfare reform: "Romney Adopts Harder Message For Last Stretch – Nod To White Workers – A Tropical Storm Threat Forces Party to Delay Convention by a Day." The Times accused the Romney campaign of ads "falsely charging that Mr. Obama…
Clay Waters
August 27th, 2012 3:24 PM

Wrong, Maddow - It Was Dems, Not GOP, Willing to Shut Down Govt. Over

When it comes to dispensing the casual lie, few leftists in media rival Rachel Maddow. Most recent example -- Maddow claiming on her MSNBC show Aug. 22 that Republicans wanted to shut down the federal government in April 2011 to stop taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion chain. (video after page break) --
Jack Coleman
August 27th, 2012 3:05 PM

Geraldo Rivera: Fox and NewsBusters 'Will Be Fair' With RNC Coverage

Geraldo Rivera on Monday praised the fairness of Fox News and NewsBusters while not being so kind about how the mainstream media will cover the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Speaking with NewsBusters about how the press will report the event, Rivera said, "We’ll be fair, you’ll be fair – we’ll leave them to their own just deserts" (video follows with commentary):
NB Staff
August 27th, 2012 2:39 PM

ABC's Jonathan Karl To NewsBusters: My Politics Are 'Fair And Balanced

Jonathan Karl would clearly rather ask others about their politics than answer questions about his own.  In an impromptu interview at the RNC this morning, asked by NewsBuster Noel Sheppard what his politics are, an apparently uncomfortable Karl answered: "I would say fair and balanced: how about that?"  When asked in a follow up whether he thinks he is indeed fair and balanced, Karl…
NB Staff
August 27th, 2012 2:20 PM

Greetings, GOP, You Angry Herd of Radicals! From the New York Times Su

In anticipation of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, the New York Times Sunday Review section, edited by liberal veteran reporter Andrew Rosenthal, was crammed with articles, interviews, and features hostile toward Republicans. Los Angeles bureau chief Adam Nagourney found the GOP in danger of losing the South and maybe even Texas one day in "The Sun Belt, Eclipsed."
Clay Waters
August 27th, 2012 2:17 PM

CBS This Morning Looks for a Touchy-Feely Mitt Romney

Setting up the stakes for Mitt Romney and the Republican National Convention on Monday’s CBS This Morning, journalists and pundits kept insisting that the candidate had to show his touchy-feely side. Correspondent Jan Crawford plugged a CNN poll showing how Romney is “down 35 points on the question of whether or not he understands and is in touch with problems facing women.” Soon-to-be co-…
Rich Noyes
August 27th, 2012 1:41 PM

Michele Bachmann Tells NewsBusters 'I Read You Guys All The Time

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann had some very kind words for NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Monday. "Good to see you guys here. I read you guys all the time (video follows with commentary):
NB Staff
August 27th, 2012 1:36 PM

Hardly Reported: Venezuelan Refinery Disaster Has Chavez on Defensive

The Associated Press, in a Sunday evening dispatch, reported that the refinery explosion in Venezuela, which has thus far killed "at least 39 people" and injured "more than 80" (as of 10 a.m.; now it's at 41)  is "Venezuela's deadliest refinery blast ever." I'm sure that I join all readers here in expressing deep condolences and prayers for the victims and all who have been affected.…
Tom Blumer
August 27th, 2012 1:29 PM

Sam Donaldson Tells NewsBusters 'Real Journalism' Is 'A Dying Breed

"I think there’s some real journalism left, but it’s a dying breed.” So said ABC's Sam Donaldson during an impromptu interview with NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Monday (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
NB Staff
August 27th, 2012 1:10 PM

Who Knew? Sununu A Fluent Spanish Speaker

When this NewsBuster entered a Spanish-language press conference at the Republican National Convention this morning, he was surprised to find former New Hampshire Governor and Romney surrogate John Sununu at the podium . . . holding forth in fluent Spanish. Interviewed after his remarks, Sununu told NewsBusters that he was born in Havana and that his mother was originally from El Salvador.  "…
Mark Finkelstein
August 27th, 2012 1:02 PM

NBC Hypes Storm as 'Latest in a Series of Distractions' After 'Tough W

In a report for Monday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd was eager to paint a picture of Republicans in disarray prior to the GOP convention: "The specter of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, which proved so politically damaging to George W. Bush, looms large here in Tampa. It's the latest in a series of distractions that has jolted the Romney campaign off its core…
Kyle Drennen
August 27th, 2012 12:51 PM

ABC Downplays New Poll Showing Romney Leading, Frets About 'Pep Rally

The hosts and reporters on Monday's Good Morning America downplayed a new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing Mitt Romney taking the lead over Barack Obama. It wasn't until the 8am hour that news anchor Josh Elliott specifically revealed the numbers: "When it comes to the economy, 50 percent trust Romney to handle it, while just 43 percent favor the President." The poll has the presumptive…
Scott Whitlock
August 27th, 2012 12:45 PM Celebrates Gender-Bending Japanese Ad

If there’s any remaining doubt that the left-wing media have little but contempt for traditional Americans, it ain’t the fault of Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams. In an August 26 piece fittingly reposted at the far-left moon-bat site Alter-Net, Williams lovingly described a Japanese Toyota ad featuring an androgynous model while getting in a shot at America.
Matt Philbin
August 27th, 2012 12:44 PM