Updated: Save for Gov. Nikki Haley, MSNBC Omits Coverage From Minority

Update/Correction: MSNBC aired South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's speech. Haley is Indian-American. | A funny thing happened on race-obsessed MSNBC tonight. The liberal network failed to give viewers coverage of the speakers who happen to be member of racial minorities.  As Francesca Chambers, Editor of Red Alert Politics, reported on August 28th: When popular Tea Party candidate Ted…
Matt Vespa
August 29th, 2012 12:27 AM

ABC Hammers at Romney's 'Likability Problem

Just before Ann Romney's speech at the GOP convention, ABC repeatedly branded Mitt Romney with unfavorable ratings from its latest poll, and emphasized his "likability problem." ABC brought up Romney's unfavorable image four times in five minutes. "Mitt Romney has a real likability problem," announced reporter Cokie Roberts. George Stephanopoulos introduced the ABC News poll saying "It shows…
Matt Hadro
August 29th, 2012 12:20 AM

MSNBC's O'Donnell Rips Ann Romney For Ignoring 'Struggling' Women Who

MSNBC 's immediate reaction to Ann Romney's Tuesday night speech at the Republican National Convention was to stick by the left-wing talking point that she can't relate to ordinary Americans, especially women. Lawrence O'Donnell seconded Rachel Maddow's claim that Mrs. Romney "has not had most women's economic experiences," and went further: "She began her speech...by talking about women's…
Matthew Balan
August 28th, 2012 11:26 PM

NBC's Brian Williams Obnoxiously Presses Rubio About GOP's 'Rape Debat

Brian Williams wasted no time, on NBC’s live Tuesday GOP convention coverage, in bringing up the Todd Akin controversy, as he pressed Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio if he was worried about the “rape debate” surrounding his party. In fact, all of the NBC Nightly News anchor’s questions were negative as he pestered Rubio about the “closed-in” nature of nominee Mitt Romney and the “…
Geoffrey Dickens
August 28th, 2012 11:04 PM

Bozell Column: Republicans, Torn Apart In Factions

The Republican convention was delayed by a day on Monday. It’s not a problem: the national media’s pre-convention spin was timed perfectly, almost as if it was on automatic pilot. In Monday’s New York Times, longtime political writer Adam Nagourney regurgitated the same old, tired political spin that the Republican Party is too conservative and exclusionary on “social issues,” and that their…
Brent Bozell
August 28th, 2012 11:00 PM

MSNBCers Upset at 'Bar Bouncing' Boehner's 'Ugly Imagery

Republican House Speaker John Boehner’s convention speech, in which he compared removing an obnoxious bar customer to throwing the current president out of office, threw the MSNBC crew went into a tizzy. On Tuesday night’s live coverage of the Republican National Convention, an incensed Lawrence O’Donnell railed against Boehner’s “ugly imagery of grabbing this president, throwing him out…
Geoffrey Dickens
August 28th, 2012 9:50 PM

CNN's Acosta Tries to Put Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In Context

CNN's Jim Acosta tried to add some context to President Obama's infamous "you didn't build that" comment, during Tuesday's GOP convention coverage. "But wasn't he talking about you need roads, you need bridges, get the supplies to your business," Acosta pressed Newt Gingrich, who scoffed at the Obama campaign's explanation as "total baloney." [Video below the break.]
Matt Hadro
August 28th, 2012 9:49 PM

CNN Asks If GOP Holding Convention Tuesday Is 'Appropriate

CNN's John Berman, reporting live from the floor of the GOP convention, asked a Louisiana delegate if it wasn't "inappropriate" for the Republican Party to continue the convention on Tuesday night with Hurricane Isaac set to make landfall in Louisiana. "There's been a lot of talk about whether it's appropriate at all for Republicans to be having this convention tonight, these festivities. Do…
Matt Hadro
August 28th, 2012 8:44 PM

Pelley Pushes Ann Romney on ‘Whether Republicans Have Women’s Best

“A lot of women look at the Republican platform on abortion, contraception, a number of issues,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley told Ann Romney, “and ask the question whether Republicans have women’s best interests at heart?” Pelley’s loaded question came just after he held up his smart phone so Mrs. Romney could see how the Obama campaign “is starting a tour called the ‘Romney-Ryan:…
Brent Baker
August 28th, 2012 8:33 PM

Reuters, Maddow Tout Tampa as 'Death Metal' Capital

On Monday night, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow played around with a story from Reuters intended to embarrass the GOP. Tampa is apparently the “death metal” capital of America. Reporter Andy Sullivan insisted “Some say it's ironic that a party that includes large numbers of religious conservatives would hold its convention in the city that fostered a musical genre known for album titles like ‘To Hell…
Tim Graham
August 28th, 2012 7:51 PM

Cal Thomas Column: Romney's Opportunity

TAMPA, Fla. -- This week when Mitt Romney strides to center stage to deliver his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, he might draw inspiration from an unlikely source: the song "I Am What I Am" from the musical "La Cage Aux Folles." One of the chief complaints from voters about politicians is that they too often package themselves disingenuously to get elected, only to…
Cal Thomas
August 28th, 2012 6:13 PM

FreedomWorks President: Tea Party’s Success Has Media ‘In a Bit of

TAMPA, Florida | FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe said Tuesday that the success of the Tea Party has the media in a bit of a panic. Speaking with NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Kibbe also said press attacks on the Tea Party will probably end “the day after the election” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
NB Staff
August 28th, 2012 6:10 PM

Former NBC Reporter Tells Maddow: All Romney Has Going For Him Is His

On Monday’s Rachel Maddow Show, the MSNBC host mocked Mitt Romney’s pursuit of the white vote, reporting Romney told USA Today that President Obama moved toward welfare waivers “as a calculation that was designed to shore up the Obama base before the election.” Maddow thought it was ridiculous: “As if people on welfare are Barack Obama’s base. [Maddow winks] Especially the lazy ones. [Winks…
Tim Graham
August 28th, 2012 5:51 PM

Predictable: NYTimes Fills News Gap With Overblown Stories on Discord

How painfully predictable: The New York Times filled the news gap caused by the cancellation of Monday's events with rumors of party discord. In fact, the Times first tried to gin up controversy at the 2012 Republican National Convention long ago. Here's a May 13, 2010 report from Damien Cave on how toxic beaches in Tampa might ruin the Republican convention, then over two years away: The…
Clay Waters
August 28th, 2012 5:21 PM