MSNBC's Touré Neblett Reacts to Ryan's Speech: For Women and Minoriti

Near the end of his Wednesday night speech at the Republican National Convention, vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan told his audience and the nation that "sometimes, even presidents need reminding, that our rights come from nature and God, not from government." John Hayward at Human Events noted that MSNBC's Touré Neblett did not handle Ryan's self-evident assertion very well. In fact,…
Tom Blumer
August 31st, 2012 9:32 PM

Chris Matthews Admits to Verbally Accosting GOP Delegates at Restauran

Just hours after a producer for deranged MSNBC host Chris Matthews was accused of physically assaulting Republicans outside the party’s national convention last night, Matthews himself has admitted to verbally confronting several GOP delegates at a restaurant in Tampa, Florida calling them a “douchebag convention.” According to The Hill newspaper, the perpetually angry liberal television host…
Matthew Sheffield
August 31st, 2012 8:54 PM

NBC Plays Up Stimulus Funding of DC Reflecting Pool Renovation

On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams touted the stimulus spending that went to renovating the reflecting pool between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC: "Tourists in Washington this holiday weekend will find water in the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool for the first time in two years. It was actually stimulus funding that paid for the major renovation…
Matthew Balan
August 31st, 2012 8:31 PM

To the 'Fact-Checkers': This Is What Lies About Auto Plant Closings Lo

This afternoon, NB's Kyle Drennen did a great job of runnng down the pathetic contention by establishment press "fact-checkers" that vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan somehow lied or misled viewers during his speech Wednesday night concerning the closure of the General Motors plant in Janesville, Wisconsin and what presidential candidate Barack Obama said at the plant in 2008. No, WaPo, …
Tom Blumer
August 31st, 2012 6:39 PM

PolitiFact Repeals the Laws of Supply and Demand

If you restrict the supply of something, the price will go up.  It’s one of the laws of supply and demand.  Thus, cap-and-trade energy rationing schemes drive the price of energy up, by capping the supply.  President Obama has conceded that in his unguarded moments.  In a January 17, 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Obama said that “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket…
Hans Bader
August 31st, 2012 5:04 PM

Obama’s Failed Stimulus Funded ‘Green Jobs’ Initiative Ads on MS

File this under unsurprising but notable, because it’s the type of story that mainstream media outlets will largely ignore in an attempt to protect an undeserving administration from anything that could hurt its re-election chances. According to a Washington Times report by Jim McElhatton, the U.S. Department of Labor allegedly paid a public relations company at least half a million dollars…
Ryan Robertson
August 31st, 2012 4:50 PM

NYT's Calmes Elevates Liberal 'Fact-Checking': GOP 'Falsehoods' Have

White House reporter Jackie Calmes talked to Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod for a strong hit of Republican Convention bashing in her Friday New York Times story "Obama Team Sharpens Attacks on Rivals' Character." Calmes cited liberal media analysis to bolster her contention that even "independent fact-checkers" think the Republicans are lying. As the Obama campaign heads into its…
Clay Waters
August 31st, 2012 4:16 PM

Desperate Media Scramble to Call Paul Ryan a Liar Ignores the Facts

Immediately after Paul Ryan concluded his acceptance speech for the Republican Party's vice presidential nomination on Wednesday, the media sought ways to tear down the Wisconsin Congressman's indictment of the failures of the Obama administration. In particular, networks and newspapers attempted to knock down Ryan's accurate claim that President Obama promised to keep open a GM plant that closed…
Kyle Drennen
August 31st, 2012 4:00 PM

Liberal Bloggers: Republicans 'Condone Rape,' Are 'Making Sure Rapists

You'd think an image of a man violently covering a frightened woman's mouth, accompanied with the words, "He’s decided to become a father…right-wing Republicans want to make sure he does", would be considered mildly extreme, right? Not extreme enough for Huffington Post contributor and pro-Obama blogger, Erin Kotecki Vest, who posted the image to her Facebook page.
Rusty Weiss
August 31st, 2012 3:53 PM

MSNBC Failed to Cover 'Incredibly Moving' Story About Romney; Today MS

Last night, at 8:38 p.m. Eastern, Ted and Pat Oparowski -- who attended church with Mitt Romney in the late 1970s -- shared their heartwarming story of how Mitt Romney took time out of his busy schedule to visit their cancer-stricken son David and to help him settle his affair and write his will when it was apparent the cancer would take his life. Both CNN and Fox News Channel carried the…
Ken Shepherd
August 31st, 2012 3:45 PM

New York Times News Headline: 'Ryan's Speech Contained a Litany of Fal

The latest entry in the media's obsession with picayune and partisan "fact-checking" of the Republican National Convention: New York Times reporter Michael Cooper's Friday "Check Point," "Facts Take a Beating In Acceptance Speeches." The original web headline was ridiculously partisan for a news story: "Ryan's Speech Contained a Litany of Falsehoods." Representative Paul D. Ryan used his…
Clay Waters
August 31st, 2012 2:47 PM

Witnesses: MSNBC Producer Assaulted Chris Matthews Heckler for ‘Ting

As the presidential campaign season has moved along, veteran Democratic strategist-turned MSNBC host Chris Matthews has become increasingly vocal in expressing his hatred for Republicans and adoration for President Barack Obama. That tension must be rubbing off on his staff members since one of them, a producer, is now accused of assaulting two men at the Republican National Convention last night…
Matthew Sheffield
August 31st, 2012 12:50 PM

NYT Admits MSNBC's Liberal Bent, But Falsely Claims NBC's Chuck Todd

New York Times "TV Watch" columnist Alessandra Stanley focused Friday on MSNBC's embarrassingly partisan coverage of the Republican National Convention and tried to contrast it with the struggle of NBC's more objective reporters to remain above the fray: "MSNBC, Arch Counterprogramming to Fox." The online head was more interesting: "How MSNBC Became Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin." Stanley even…
Clay Waters
August 31st, 2012 12:33 PM

Nasty Networks Slam 'Bizarre,' 'Rambling' Eastwood Speech: Did It 'Der

The network morning shows on Friday slammed conservative actor Clint Eastwood's "bizarre," "rambling" endorsement of Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention. Good Morning America, CBS This Morning and NBC's Today dissected the speech in 11 out of 12 segments about the convention. GMA guest host Amy Robach mocked, "The good, the bad and the ugly." She hyperbolically added, "Did…
Scott Whitlock
August 31st, 2012 11:41 AM