Hannity Hits Tom Brokaw on Liberal Bias, Former NBC Anchor Feebly Resp

At the same time his company’s cable outlet MSNBC was having a Democratic  lovefest during the DNC, NBC’s Tom Brokaw had the audacity to deny liberal bias was a problem right to Sean Hannity’s face. Appearing on Wednesday’s edition of FNC’s Hannity the former NBC Nightly News anchor was challenged by Hannity about his industry’s “bias.” Brokaw, initially tried to deflect the question as he…
Geoffrey Dickens
September 5th, 2012 10:40 PM

Mocking Obama: Conan O'Brien Shows How It's Done

Comedians have spent the past four years bemoaning how hard it is to poke fun at President Barack Obama. Obama is too smart, too handsome, too cool, they argued. What they really meant was:
Christian Toto
September 5th, 2012 10:34 PM

While Broadcast Media Buys 'Severe Weather' Excuse for Moving Obama Sp

If you have tickets for the Democratic National Convention and wanted to see President Barack Obama deliver his acceptance speech this Thursday at Charlotte's Bank of America Stadium, you’ll be greatly disappointed.  Despite the official excuse of severe weather -- forecasters put the chance of storms at 20-30 percent -- the change in venue really seems to be because Obama campaign officials…
Matt Vespa
September 5th, 2012 10:26 PM

OMG: God, Jerusalem Back in Dem Platform Despite Virtual Press Blackou

  Well, it looks like we have a bit of evidence that, contrary to an assertion by a pair of Politico reporters, it's not the media elites who can "powerfully shape" the narrative coming out of party conventions (the issue in question there was how Mitt Romney's nomination acceptance speech would be spun). After all, as Scott Whitlock at NewsBusters noted earlier today, the three major…
Tom Blumer
September 5th, 2012 10:21 PM

CNN Mocks DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz's 'Alternate Reality' on God and

A major controversy erupted on the floor of the Democratic National Convention Wednesday surrounding God and Jerusalem inside the Party's platform. Hours later, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave CNN an absolutely ridiculous explanation for what transpired resulting in her being mocked for her "alternate reality" by numerous commentators including Anderson Cooper and John King (video…
Noel Sheppard
September 5th, 2012 9:46 PM

Paul Ryan Schools Piers Morgan: Obama Has 'Made Things Worse

When CNN's Piers Morgan argued that President Obama needed time to fix the economy, Paul Ryan answered him on Wednesday that Obama slowed what should have been a quick recovery. "You have to give President Obama a bit of time just to get things back on track," the liberal CNN host pushed. Ryan countered that "usually when we have a deep recession in America, we come bounding out of it with…
Matt Hadro
September 5th, 2012 9:26 PM

MSNBC's Matthews Closes Interview with San Antonio Mayor By Asking Why

MSNBC's Chris Matthews this evening finally got the chance to interview Julian Castro, the Democratic mayor of San Antonio, Texas, whom Matthews insisted had given one of the "greatest" political speeches he ever heard Tuesday night. It was, of course, a thoroughly softball interview, but it concluded on an odd note, with Matthews delving into his unhealthy obsession with "birtherism" to ask…
Ken Shepherd
September 5th, 2012 8:47 PM

ABC Spikes Democrats Forced to Make Embarrassing Platform Fixes, Celeb

“You don’t want to put delegates in a position where they’re booing God and Jerusalem, especially on videotape,” the Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes observed on FNC’s Special Report in citing a “basic rule” for conventions, calling it “a bad moment for Democrats” since “it has to be included in all the coverage of the convention.” Hayes, it turns out, was far too generous in his presumption about…
Brent Baker
September 5th, 2012 8:40 PM

Democrats Reinstate God, Jerusalem to Platform, ABC World News Ignores

Shortly after 5 p.m. Eastern today, it took three attempts for Democrats to reinstate the words "God" and "Jerusalem" into their party platform, drawing some reactions of despondency from the more liberal members of the party. Over on MSNBC, for example, Chris Hayes called it a "craven capitulation."   This shift from the original platform that omitted God and did not explicitly express…
Matt Vespa
September 5th, 2012 7:44 PM

Chris Matthews Told Ryan in 2010 'We Are Trying to Match With Obama th

MSNBC's Chris Matthews went on a rant early Wednesday morning about Republicans accusing President Obama of trying to bring European socialism to America. Unfortunately, the aging Hardball host conveniently forgot that he basically said the same thing to Paul Ryan in 2010 (video follows with transcripts and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
September 5th, 2012 6:33 PM

NBC Politics Website Omits NARAL Speaker From Tuesday Speech Roundup

Last week I noted how the NBCNews.com website considered speeches by Gov. Susana Martinez (R-N.M.), Obama co-chair-turned-Republican Artur Davis, and Staples founder Tom Stemberg to not be "notable" enough for inclusion in their "curated" follow-up posts the day after their respective speeches. Well, today, NBC Politics has a post with "highlights from Tuesday night's Democratic National…
Ken Shepherd
September 5th, 2012 6:18 PM

MSNBC's Alex Wagner On DNC Speeches: If Anyone Can 'Be The Tentpole He

Bill Clinton just turned 66, so perhaps it might seem a bit dated to still find it amusing when feminist TV pundits  stumble into sexual double entendres for the intern-exploiting president. But that's what happened on Now With Alex Wagner on Wednesday. When Time columnist Joel Stein suggested the Democrats might not be able to offer better speeches than Tuesday's slate, Wagner replied if…
Tim Graham
September 5th, 2012 5:53 PM

Democrats' Keynote Speaker Julian Castro Spared GOP-Style Fact-Checkin

Gov. Chris Christie's keynote address at the Republican convention didn't warrant a full story last week in the New York Times. Yet when San Antonio mayor Julian Castro delivered the keynote to the Democratic convention, Jeff Zeleny offered a full story in Wednesday's edition, giving the Democrats space from which to blast Republicans: "New Democratic Voice Challenges Republican Vision." Castro…
Clay Waters
September 5th, 2012 5:07 PM

NBC Touts Betty White for DNC After Clint Eastwood 'Gave Elderly Peopl

During the Today's Professionals panel segment on Wednesday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Tamron Hall promoted an online petition to get 90-year-old actress Betty White to appear at the Democratic National Convention, noting that the creator of the petition, "is concerned that Clint Eastwood gave elderly people a bad name with what he did" at the Republican convention. Advertising executive…
Kyle Drennen
September 5th, 2012 4:45 PM