Media Lions Roar at Christian Athletes

During the first centuries of Christianity, Christians were thrown to lions in arenas to be jeered by mocking crowds. Today, Christian athletes face the taunts of a media strongly opposed to their faith. No Christian athlete draws more media catcalls than New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow. writer Dan Bernstein dismissed Tebow as “little more than an affable simpleton” and…
Paul Wilson
September 6th, 2012 3:39 PM

During Democratic Convention, Two of Three Networks Ignore Dire Jobs P

For three nights, ABC and NBC fail to mention the national unemployment rate or the ‘nearly 13 million’ people looking for work.
Julia A. Seymour
September 6th, 2012 3:14 PM

Daily Kos on Uppers: Just Hours From Gallup Finding '20 Point Democrat

The left-wing hysteria over how well the Democratic Convention is going has completely overtaken the senses of bloggers scribbling at the Daily Kos. In his regular “Cheers and Jeers” blog, the gay activist and “booger of change” known as Bill in Portland, Maine can already see a massive polling bounce approaching: CHEERS to Night 3 This is it, kids," he wrote. "The final night before Gallup…
Tim Graham
September 6th, 2012 2:27 PM

Nagourney in NYTimes: 'Wednesday Evening, Rep. Barney Frank...Was One

Oops. While celebrating in Thursday's New York Times the spotlight shown on gay issues during this week's Democratic National Convention, reporter Adam Nagourney (who is openly gay) wrote that gay Rep. Barney Frank spoke to the convention on Wednesday night. Nope: Frank was actually bumped when the program ran long and will deliver his speech tonight instead.
Clay Waters
September 6th, 2012 1:31 PM

Politico Catches Team Obama in Double-Talk Over Boss's God-Jerusalem P

In a rare moment of reluctant semi-journalism which didn't name names, the Politico's Reid Epstein, in reporting about the God-Jerusalem debacle at the Democratic Convention Wednesday night, buried the lede, waiting until his third paragraph to tell readers (belated HT to Weasel Zippers) that "While the campaign at first said Obama had seen the language prior to the convention, it later said he…
Tom Blumer
September 6th, 2012 12:50 PM

NBC on DNC: 'Life of the Party' Bill Clinton 'Owned the Room,' Speech

On Thursday, the hosts of NBC's Today could barely contain their glee over former President Bill Clinton addressing the Democratic National Convention, with Savannah Guthrie proclaiming: "Life of the party. Former President Bill Clinton delivers a powerful and partisan speech....blasting Republicans, and in the throes of a bad economy, making the case for four more years." [Listen to the audio…
Kyle Drennen
September 6th, 2012 12:42 PM

ABC Buries Democratic Booing of Restoring God and Israel to Party Plat

ABC on Wednesday and Thursday buried coverage of the embarrassing spectacle of Democratic delegates booing the reinsertion of God and Jerusalem to the party's platform. World News, Nightline and live coverage of Wednesday's convention completely ignored the gaffe. Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Thursday breezed by it with a single sentence: "Lots of infighting about the party platform…
Scott Whitlock
September 6th, 2012 11:51 AM

Roseanne Barr: 'You'd Think Israel Had Oil the Way Our "Leaders" Keep

"Jeez, you'd think Israel had oil the way our 'leaders' keep their our [sic] lips on its ass." So poorly wrote comedian Roseanne Barr in a piece published by the Huffington Post Thursday entitled "I Approve This Message":
Noel Sheppard
September 6th, 2012 10:07 AM

Open Thread: The Coming Middle Class Tax Increase

People have long known that President Obama's plan to increase income taxes on higher-earning individuals is a budgetary nonsense as there simply are not enough people making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000 to bring the deficit down in a meaningful way. In an important followup to this point, the Wall Street Journal looks at how the only way for the federal budget to…
NB Staff
September 6th, 2012 9:53 AM

CNN Washington Bureau Chief: MSNBC's Convention Coverage 'A Cheering S

"If you watch MSNBC during convention coverage, you have a cheering section for the Democrats." Such was quite accurately said by CNN's Washington bureau chief Sam Feist Tuesday.
Noel Sheppard
September 6th, 2012 9:07 AM

MSNBC President Phil Griffin's Howler: We 'Live in the World of Facts

MSNBC president Phil Griffin must be the most deluded executive in the television news industry. On Wednesday, he actually told the Huffington Post his farce of a network is "about smarts, it's about depth....[our people] live in the world of facts."
Noel Sheppard
September 6th, 2012 8:22 AM

MSNBC Hosts See Clinton Hitting 'Haters' in GOP, Matthews Cites Church

During the midnight hour of MSNBC coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman went after what they viewed as "hate" on the Republican side, with Matthews raising the topic by reciting Bill Clinton's contention that he never felt "hate" for his opponents. A bit earlier, Matthews also managed to bring in a reference to Nazi Germany as he admired Clinton…
Brad Wilmouth
September 6th, 2012 8:22 AM

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of

Each morning, NewsBusters is showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala on September 27. (Click here for ticket information) Already this week, we’ve published the worst quotes of 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991. Today, the worst bias…
Rich Noyes
September 6th, 2012 7:58 AM

Even Leftist Nun Can't Use 'God' In Her Convention Speech

All the liberals (especially liberal Catholics) who complained the church was entering partisan politics when Cardinal Timothy Dolan agreed to give a blessing to the Republican National Convention -- before he accepted the same assignment for the Democrats -- apparently had no complaint about Catholics entering partisan politics when Sister Simone Campbell drew standing ovations on Wednesday…
Tim Graham
September 6th, 2012 7:55 AM