On 9/11 Anniversary, Cairo Mob Invades U.S. Embassy, Removes Flag, Fli

Earlier today, an angry Cairo mob stormed the U.S. embassy, ripped down the American flag, and flew in its place a black al Qaeda banner. The mob is reportedly angered about a documentary film that supposedly offends Muslim religious sensibilities with critiques of the Prophet Muhammad. While CNN and Fox News have both mentioned the developing story, MSNBC has not as of the time of this…
Ken Shepherd
September 11th, 2012 6:13 PM

MSNBC Contributor Ed Rendell: 'Even People Who Lost Their Jobs Are Bet

Former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania turned MSNBC contributor Ed Rendell said something on Tuesday's Hardball that is going to make a lot of jaws drop. "Even people who lost their jobs are better off" under Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
September 11th, 2012 6:02 PM

Newsweek Editor’s Condescending View of Young Voters: ‘Being Hip M

Taking into account how the majority of Hollywood supports the Democratic Party no matter what, it should come as no surprise that Entertainment Tonight continues to produce segments of political fluff in an election year. The president himself showed up for a softball interview with his wife on Aug. 15, where he insisted that his re-election campaign hasn’t “tried to divide the country.” …
Ryan Robertson
September 11th, 2012 5:46 PM

NYT's Krugman: 'You've Got to Be Kidding' if You Think Obama Should Ha

James Taranto, who puts together the Wall Street Journal feature Best of the Web, was in excellent form Monday on the shifting standards of a certain economist turned partisan hack columnist who writes for the New York Times. When it comes to Republican presidents, four years is plenty of time to deal with inherited economic problems, but when it comes to Obama, "you've got to be kidding" that…
Clay Waters
September 11th, 2012 5:32 PM

On 9/11 Anniversary, CBS Promotes Vanity Fair Editor's Blame Bush Tome

Eight weeks before the presidential election, Tuesday's CBS This Morning marked the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by helping Vanity Fair's Kurt Eichenwald forward his accusation that the Bush administration ignored warnings about a possible terrorist strike as early as May 2001. Eichenwald claimed that "the CIA did a spectacular job...the White House and others said, well, they didn't…
Matthew Balan
September 11th, 2012 5:22 PM

CNBC's Joe Kernen Calls Paul Krugman a Communist

CNBC's Joe Kernen on Monday called New York Times columnist Paul Krugman a communist. Kernen expressed the same sentiments for economist and Huffington Post contributor Dean Baker (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
September 11th, 2012 5:15 PM

NBC Worries About People Forgetting 9/11 Attacks, Then Skips Moment of

Early in the 8 a.m. et hour on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer led a panel discussion on whether the September 11th attacks were staring to be forgotten: "...some people are saying that the attention for this event, these anniversaries, is waning, and that people have moved on. 20 years from now, are our children going to grow up – be in a world where the significance of this event,…
Kyle Drennen
September 11th, 2012 4:32 PM

Not Liberal Enough: Stephanopoulos Whines That New Woodward Book Will

Good Morning America co-anchor George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday attacked Bob Woodward and his new expose from the left, worrying that "Speaker Boehner [is] using your book as a sign that voters should turn away from President Obama." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Woodward appeared on ABC to promote The Price of Politics, his new book on the 2011 battle over the debt ceiling. According…
Scott Whitlock
September 11th, 2012 4:28 PM

Day Two of Chicago Teacher Strike: NBC's Kevin Tibbles Ignores 35 Perc

Reporting from Chicago this afternoon on MSNBC, NBC News reporter Kevin Tibbles described yesterday's teachers union picket lines as "festive" occasions but worried that the mood may sour if an accord is not reached soon. Yet while other media outlets have reported and confirmed that the Chicago teachers union had requested a 35 percent pay hike, Tibbles completely ignored the issue of pay,…
Ken Shepherd
September 11th, 2012 4:22 PM

Anderson Cooper Gives Frivolous Criticism of Romney for Hypocrisy

CNN's Anderson Cooper smacked the Romney campaign Monday night for alleged dishonesty. He claimed they were talking too much about social issues while saying the economy is their real focus. "The question tonight, and not just from the opposition, have the Romney forces been moving away from dollars and cents and jobs, and shifting toward more red meat, hot-button culture war mode?" Cooper…
Matt Hadro
September 11th, 2012 4:12 PM

Media Accuse Ryan of Lying About…Mountain Climbing

During any presidential campaign, wild accusations fly back and forth between the GOP and the Democratic Party, but the liberal media hit a new low last Wednesday when they made the ridiculous assertion that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan has been lying about the number of times he's hiked Colorado's mountainsides. With the economy and jobless rate in the nation in terrible…
Randy Hall
September 11th, 2012 3:57 PM

New Study Forces Media To Change Tune on Organic Food

Report claims organic food isn’t nutritionally better than food without ‘organic’ label.
Liz Thatcher
September 11th, 2012 3:00 PM

NBC Donates 25 Percent More Airtime to DNC Than RNC

If journalists were interested in fairness, there's nothing more basic than giving a similar amount of airtime to each major party convention. An MRC analysis finds that's exactly what CBS and ABC did, giving virtually identical airtime to the Republican and Democratic conventions on their morning and evening news shows. But NBC skewed in favor of the Democrats, donating 25 percent more…
Scott Whitlock
September 11th, 2012 2:55 PM

Once More, NYTimes Dubiously Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' a

New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes filed from Charlotte on Saturday after the Democratic National Convention had passed, "Democrats Face a Juggling Act Over Jobs." Surprisingly, Obama loyalist Calmes discerned political problems in the president's anti-business rhetoric. More predictably, she defended Obama's anti-entrepreneurship remark "you didn't build that," accusing the…
Clay Waters
September 11th, 2012 1:53 PM