David Limbaugh Column: Team Romney Must Sharpen Its Message

The November elections are a Republican landslide begging to materialize, but will the GOP make it happen? I believe so. I'm not buying these negative polls, but to increase our chances, let's sharpen the message, not dilute it. A recent Fox News story reports that Romney and Ryan are both beginning to emphasize a bipartisan message rather than sharpen the contrasts between Obama's manifest…
David Limbaugh
September 12th, 2012 10:27 AM

Time's Joe Klein: Netanyahu's Behavior Is 'Absolutely Outrageous and D

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came down strong on the Obama adminstration Tuesday for its failure to implement a foreign policy that would prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. On MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday, Time magazine's Joe Klein called Netanyahu's actions "absolutely outrageous and disgusting" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
September 12th, 2012 10:20 AM

Open Thread: Obama Campaign Goes Partisan on

Despite a pledge to avoid political attacks on yesterday's somber anniversary, the Obama campaign couldn't help itself from injecting negative attacks into its communications, despite a promise that it would do just the opposite:
NB Staff
September 12th, 2012 9:49 AM

NY Times Puts Coverage of Cairo, Benghazi Attacks on Page A

In this case, instead of "all the news that's fit to print," it's all the news that's fit to downplay. While relegating news of the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the American Consulate in Behghazi, Libya to Page A4, today's New York Times placed the following stories on the front page of its New York and National editions (HT Daniel Drezner via Instapundit):
Tom Blumer
September 12th, 2012 9:43 AM

Mike Barnicle Suggests Prosecuting Pastor Terry Jones In American Amba

Mike Barnicle has suggested that the Department of Justice consider prosecuting Florida pastor Terry Jones in the death of the American ambassador to Libya and deaths occurring during riots last year in Afghanistan. Hat tip readers Melody, Jonathan R., Ray R. Barnicle made his suggestion on today's Morning Joe, during a discussion of the attacks on the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt and…
Mark Finkelstein
September 12th, 2012 9:09 AM

NPR Correspondent Refuses to Say Pledge of Allegiance or Stand for Nat

"While I sat at my laptop, most of the reporters around me stood and put their hands over their hearts. This time instead of just sitting and working, I tweeted what I was feeling." So wrote NPR White House correspondent Ari Shapiro Tuesday about refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance or stand for the national anthem at the beginning of a Mitt Romney campaign event the previous day.
Noel Sheppard
September 12th, 2012 8:48 AM

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of

Each morning, NewsBusters has been showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala September 27. (Click here for details and ticket information.) If you’ve missed a previous blog, recounting the worst of 1988 through 1997, you can…
Rich Noyes
September 12th, 2012 8:01 AM

Palin: 'If Obama Doesn’t Have a “Big Stick” to Carry, Maybe It

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin moments ago offered her opinion of President Obama's lack of response to Tuesday's attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Writing on her Facebook page, the former vice presidential nominee said, "If he doesn’t have a 'big stick' to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one."
Noel Sheppard
September 12th, 2012 12:30 AM

ABC Skips Netanyahu's Rebuke of Obama Admin Over Iran

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC's World News on Tuesday failed to mention Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the Obama administration for not being aggressive in preventing Iran from building nuclear weapons. The CBS Evening News included a plug in its opening teaser and then devoted a full report to the story.
Brad Wilmouth
September 11th, 2012 10:47 PM

Bozell Column: The Blatant Bias With the Wives

The conventions have come and gone, but as always, the TV network “news” coverage of Tampa and Charlotte demonstrated once again that these people have no intention of trying to be equally positive or equally aggressive with the two major parties. Their obvious but unstated agenda is to drag Obama over the finish line to re-election. Always on pins and needles for his man Obama, NBC anchor…
Brent Bozell
September 11th, 2012 10:38 PM

AP Photo Captions in Coverage of Chicago Teachers' Strike Mention 'Eva

If you tried to get a handle on the showdown between Chicago Public Schools and its teachers' union based on picture captions from the Associated Press, you would think that the teachers' strike has nothing to do with money. The reality is that Chicago's teachers are, depending on the figures quoted, either the highest-paid cadre of K-12 educators in the nation or so darned close to it that…
Tom Blumer
September 11th, 2012 8:45 PM

On Sharpton's Radio Show, Union Director Raves That Teachers Started

Last year in Wisconsin, the liberal media picked up the very insulting comparison that protesting government employees in Wisconsin were creating an "Arab Spring" for Gov. Scott Walker, as if he were an Arab dictator. "It's like Cairo moved to Madison," said ABC anchor Diane Sawyer. Now that the teachers are on strike in Chicago, this insulting meme has now shifted to Mayor Rahm Emanuel. On…
Tim Graham
September 11th, 2012 7:04 PM

NYT Leaves 9-11 Off Front Page, Uses Date to Accuse Bush of 'Negligenc

On the 11th anniversary of 9-11, there was not a single mention of the attacks on the front page of the New York Times. In fact, there were just two local news stories related to the attacks in the entire Tuesday edition, one on delays in opening the site museum, the other on how some towns in New Jersey were scaling back annual memorial ceremonies. (The paper did put another threat to New York…
Clay Waters
September 11th, 2012 6:36 PM

On 9/11 Anniversary, Cairo Mob Invades U.S. Embassy, Removes Flag, Fli

Earlier today, an angry Cairo mob stormed the U.S. embassy, ripped down the American flag, and flew in its place a black al Qaeda banner. The mob is reportedly angered about a documentary film that supposedly offends Muslim religious sensibilities with critiques of the Prophet Muhammad. While CNN and Fox News have both mentioned the developing story, MSNBC has not as of the time of this…
Ken Shepherd
September 11th, 2012 6:13 PM