Piers Morgan Pushes Gun Control, Bristles at Notion of Delaying Politi

CNN anchor Piers Morgan devoted a considerable portion of his Friday program to pushing for more gun control, breaking with those who have advised delaying such talk until after a period of mourning for shooting victims in Aurora, Colorado. Morgan not only began Piers Morgan Tonight with a "Piers' Special Commentary" calling for more gun laws, but, later in the program, he included three…
Brad Wilmouth
July 21st, 2012 3:47 PM

Falsely Accused Tea Partier to ABC's Brian Ross: 'What Kind of Idiot M

As NewsBusters previously reported, ABC's Brian Ross on Friday falsely accused a Tea Party member of being the "James" Holmes that orchestrated the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado. "Jim" Holmes during an interview with the Daily Caller had some harsh words for his accuser saying, "What kind of idiot makes that kind of statement?”
Noel Sheppard
July 21st, 2012 3:30 PM

NPR's Anti-Murdoch Media Reporter Puffs Up MSNBC's 'Discursive, Civil

On Friday night’s All Things Considered, NPR media reporter David Folkenflik -- best known for ripping into Rupert Murdoch and his corporate empire -- devoted five minutes to promoting weekend MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry. The segment carried the online headline “MSNBC Gets Academic: Meet Host Prof. Harris-Perry.” You can tell it’s a puff piece when they ignore how MSNBC is crushed by Fox…
Tim Graham
July 21st, 2012 1:57 PM

Denver Law Professor Scolds Piers Morgan: 'This Is the Wrong Night' to

CNN's Piers Morgan spent much of his show Friday advocating for stricter gun laws in the wake of the massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Bucking this activism was Denver University law professor David Kopel who scolded his host, "I think this is the wrong night to be doing this. And I really wish you'd waited to have this segment until after the funerals" (video follows with transcript and…
Noel Sheppard
July 21st, 2012 1:08 PM

Share Bar Problems: Solved

Several NewsBusters readers have been reporting problems with the new social media sharing bar that appears at the side of the screen. We have removed the feature in our site code. It will take a little while for the bar to go away, however. Apparently the issue was with people running lower-resolution displays on their computers.
Matthew Sheffield
July 21st, 2012 12:33 PM

RIP Alexander Cockburn, Leftist Global Warming 'Heretic

It has been announced that Alexander Cockburn, a columnist for The Nation and co-editor of CounterPunch, died yesterday. Although Cockburn reflected a leftist viewpoint (mandatory if you write for The Nation) he displayed a refreshing iconoclasm on one topic sacred to the left: global warming. Cockburn didn't merely lightly criticize the global warming dogma worshipped by the left, he…
P.J. Gladnick
July 21st, 2012 11:51 AM

All Purpose Weekend Open Thread

Let us first so a prayer for the loved and lost in Aurora, Colorado. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and their friends. Anything else you'd like to discuss this weekend?
NB Staff
July 21st, 2012 10:40 AM

Bill Maher Uses Aurora Massacre to Attack American Exceptionalism

Leave it to HBO's Bill Maher to use the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, to attack the belief in American exceptionalism. On Friday, the vulgar comedian took to his Twitter account to claim that James Holmes' actions should be a "reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad":
Noel Sheppard
July 21st, 2012 10:24 AM

AP Pair Upset at Lack of Gun Control Calls and Clout of NRA in Aurora

Poor David Espo and Nancy Benac. A six-paragraph squib this morning headlined "Calls for gun control stir little support" at the wire service's national site and "Despite a string of high-profile shootings, calls for gun control stir little support" at Newser.com really should have been titled "Why Aren't You Guys Politicizing This, D**nit?" The two AP "reporters" bitterly wail and gnash…
Tom Blumer
July 21st, 2012 10:22 AM

Bozell: Of Course Obama's the 'Perfect American' to Chris Matthews, th

Of course President Obama is the "perfect American" to tingle-prone Chris Matthews, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News's Sean Hannity, because liberal media personalities like Matthews refuse to report on Obama adminstration failures and scandals. "He makes the point that you and I have been making for months about this campaign," the Media Research Center founder noted on the…
NB Staff
July 21st, 2012 9:00 AM

Chicago Trib's Kass Explains Likely Reason Why GMA's Stephanopoulos Le

Brian Ross is not the only blameworthy party in the irresponsible smear of a 52 year-old Tea Party activist as the possible perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre early Friday. Everyone on the set of ABC's Good Morning America could have said "wait, this is premature and irresponsible" -- and didn't. GMA co-host and former Bill Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos's response to…
Tom Blumer
July 21st, 2012 8:46 AM

NPR Reporter Finds 'Tax Professionals' to Paint Romney As a Tax Evader

On Thursday's Morning Edition, NPR reporter Scott Horsley sought out "tax professionals" to underline the notion that Romney's not releasing more tax returns because it would reveal he's manipulating his retirement account in sketchy ways to evade taxes. "Tax professionals" would imply these designated expert guessers were nonpartisan -- but that isn't how NPR constructs its Romney narrative.
Tim Graham
July 21st, 2012 8:03 AM

Bozell Column: Another Slice of Miami Vice

Network television is a pretty dreary place in the summer time. It’s somehow the perfect time for Hollywood executives to throw millions of dollars at ever-dumber sexualized content. It’s hard to tell what offends more, the raunch or the sheer stupidity of it all. The network calling itself “The CW” is barely noticed at any time of the year, if quality were a determinant. So instead they seem…
Brent Bozell
July 21st, 2012 7:20 AM

Sorry Media, ‘Context’ Really Doesn’t Excuse Obama Slam Against

President Obama's “you didn't build that” remark about business entrepreneurs touched a nerve on the Right, and sent liberal journalists and bloggers scrambling to explain away his gaffe by asserting that, “in context,” his statements weren't bad at all. While it is true that Obama's remarks are frequently referred to in a short-hand manner, in their full form, his comments are just as…
Matthew Sheffield
July 21st, 2012 5:15 AM