MSNBC Cries Both Sides, Calm Down After Trump Almost Gets Assassinated

Not long after former President Trump was almost assassinated on stage at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart brought never-Trumper Max Boot on as a guest for The Saturday Show and duo proceeded to talk about how political violence was a problem on both sides of the aisle and wanted people to calm down before speaking about it.

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 13th, 2024 8:54 PM

CNN After Apparent Assassination Attempt: Trump ‘Falls’ at Rally

Despite everyone with functioning brains witnessing that an apparent assassination attempt just occurred on former President Donald Trump’s life on video, CNN instead ran a headline making it seem like he tripped. Yes, you read that right.

Joseph Vazquez
July 13th, 2024 7:30 PM

The Media Have Turned On Biden (For Now)

They want Joe to go. The left-leaning “mainstream” media could not be making their views on Joe Biden clearer. 

Jeffrey Lord
July 13th, 2024 4:00 PM

Worried For Democracy, PBS And PolitiFact Unveil Election Partnership

PolitiFact, one of the fact-checking outlets with the ability to censor your Facebook posts, and PBS, the news channel subsidized by your tax dollars, announced in a joint statement on Friday on their respective websites that they are teaming up for the remainder of the 2024 election cycle, formalizing their June 27 Debate segment.

Alex Christy
July 13th, 2024 2:15 PM

The Left Eats Its Own: Hollywood Edition

They’ve ravaged cities, destroyed businesses, torn down statues and made a mockery of the rule of law.

Christian Toto
July 13th, 2024 1:30 PM

Race-Hustling CNN Pundit Silenced By Ben Shapiro

Former South Carolina State Representative and current CNN talking head Bakari Sellers joined HBO’s Bill Maher on Friday’s edition of Real Time, but unfortunately for him, his anti-American race baiting ran into The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, who succinctly dismantled his arguments. Sellers had no response except to say, “I don't know what he just said.”

Alex Christy
July 13th, 2024 12:00 PM

NYT Expose Publicly Shames Trump Supporters Who Dare Visit Mar-a-Lago

The New York Times has found a new, intrusive tactic to personally attack Donald Trump's individual supporters. The long expose, “How Mar-a-Lago Became the Center of Gravity for the Hard Right,” was posted on Wednesday, from New York Times reporters Karen Yourish, Charlie Smart, and David Fahrenthold. That headline was apparently not slanted enough and now reads “At Mar-a-…

Clay Waters
July 13th, 2024 11:46 AM

PBS Hails Biden Press Conference, Compares Him To Reagan

Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart and New York Times columnist David Brooks joined PBS News Hour host Geoff Bennett on Friday for their weekly recap of the news, which naturally included President Joe Biden’s Thursday press conference. Capehart urged Democrats to stop “self-immolating” over Biden’s candidacy, while Brooks compared him to President…

Alex Christy
July 13th, 2024 9:47 AM

NewsBusters Podcast: This Wasn't a 'Big Boy' Biden Press Conference

President Biden may have avoided a 'total collapse' without 'drooling,' but his evening press conference was not a "big boy" event. The questions were soft, and the list of reporters guaranteed lighter questioning. Still, some bizarrely claim the media are pro-Trump.

Tim Graham
July 12th, 2024 10:57 PM
Willie Geist Ali Vitali MSNBC Morning Joe 7-12-24

MSNBC Reporter on Morning Joe: 'Sense of Despair' Hangs Over Democrats

On Morning Joe, MSNBC reporter Ali Vitali twice uses the d-word, for "despair," to describe the mood of congressional Democrats over the dilemma as to whether Biden should remain the nominee or step aside.

Mark Finkelstein
July 12th, 2024 9:20 PM

CNN’s Laura Coates Find Solidarity With Biden Via On-Air Coughing Fit

Following a mediocre Press Conference performance by Biden, the conversation over his age and ability continued among many Democrats, prompting a rise for his resignation, yet others praised the President, critiquing those that didn’t. Laura Coates took to her show, Thursday night, to do just this, to applaud a brilliant answer where there was none, to complain of “elementary” questions…

Mary Clare Waldron
July 12th, 2024 6:46 PM

Jonathan Turley: This is the ‘Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period’

Jonathan Turley, a Fox News contributor and George Washington University law professor, issued some stark warnings on the future of free speech. 

Tom Olohan
July 12th, 2024 5:23 PM

'Blueprint for a Fascist Regime': The View Discovers Project 2025

Desperate to shift the public’s attention away from President Biden’s collapsing mental faculties, ABC’s The View kicked off their Friday episode by parroting the Biden campaign’s fearmongering talking points about Project 2025; following Biden’s lead from his train wreck of press conference the previous evening. According to The View, it was the plan to subjugate America and…

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 12th, 2024 5:01 PM

NBC’s Melvin Hounds Clyburn on Support for Declinin’ Biden

NBC’s Today co-host Craig Melvin must have taken a page out of his colleague Savannah Guthrie’s playbook as he grilled longtime House Democrat Jim Clyburn (SC) over his choice to remain enthusiastically behind President Biden as more continue to abandon him and demand he not seek reelection due to his cognitive decline.

Curtis Houck
July 12th, 2024 4:25 PM