Whoopi Attacks Trump’s Grandkids: ‘They’re Trying to Humanize Him!’

Not even a week had gone by since former President Trump was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt and The View’s Whoopi Goldberg was already decrying efforts to “humanize” the man who’s name she refuses to say without spitting on the ground. During Thursday’s episode, Goldberg lashed out at Trump’s grandchildren, who were attending the Republican National Convention with…

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 18th, 2024 7:42 PM

What We Must Learn From Trump Shooting

We now have, as we would expect, a tsunami of commentary regarding the horrible assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It is not trivial to observe that at least the good news is that just about everyone agrees what happened is very bad and not an encouraging sign about the state of our nation. After that point of agreement, we have many different and diverging opinions about who or what is to…

Star Parker
July 18th, 2024 6:42 PM

‘Walls Are Closing in’; Nets Pummel Biden on Dems Ordering ‘Code Red’

With President Biden’s Wednesday Covid diagnosis and growing questions about his competence taking top billing over the Republican National Convention on Thursday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC didn’t mince words in burying Biden by observing this “coordinated” push by other Democrats to force him out was reminiscent of a famous scene from A Few Good Men and deployed a term they’d repeatedly…

Curtis Houck
July 18th, 2024 6:27 PM

What Trump Should Say Thursday Night

When Donald Trump takes the stage Thursday night and accepts for the third time the Republican Party’s nomination for president, he faces an opportunity and a temptation. The temptation is to launch a full-bore attack on Democrats, President Biden, the left and the media. The opportunity is to use the sympathy he has garnered since last Saturday’s assassination attempt to pursue a loftier goal…

Cal Thomas
July 18th, 2024 4:22 PM

Exclusive: Devin Nunes, Rumble CEO Hail Free Speech in MRC Interviews

EXCLUSIVE: MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider emphasized the importance of supporting platforms that support free speech while at the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Tom Olohan
July 18th, 2024 3:32 PM

ABC, NBC Skip Gold Star Families at RNC; Nets Give Vance Strong Marks

With President Biden contracting Covid Wednesday and showing even more physical impairment in his grim gait on and off Air Force One, the Republican National Convention was knocked off the pole position Thursday morning for the flagship major news shows of ABC, CBS, and NBC. But when they did get there, they receive only mixed grades as ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today…

Curtis Houck
July 18th, 2024 2:45 PM

Collusion Cackles? Max Boot's Wife Indicted as Agent of South Korea

Buried at the bottom of page A-3, today's Washington Post ran a little item headlined "Ex-CIA expert accused of aiding South Korea." Sue Mi Terry was "indicted on criminal charges of acting as an agent of South Korea," failing to register as a foreign agent -- like Hunter Biden. At the bottom of paragraph 8, we learned Terry is "the wife of Post columnist Max Boot," a Russian…

Tim Graham
July 18th, 2024 2:01 PM

On PBS, Capehart Tells Sad Amy Walter: Stop, Biden's Doing Just FINE!

A debate broke out on Tuesday night between PBS's resident political analyst and forecaster Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report and die-hard Democrat and columnist Jonathan Capehart.

Clay Waters
July 18th, 2024 1:28 PM

Anderson Slimes GOP As 'Wu Klux Klan' And "Fascists'

During the Wednesday taping of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Anthony Anderson showed why he was selected to guest host during the week of the Republican National Convention as he compared the GOP to the Ku Klux Klan while labeling the party “fascists.”

Alex Christy
July 18th, 2024 12:40 PM

Bozell Gives MSNBC’s Scarborough, Reid a Taste of Their Own Medicine

If it’s acceptable for leftist media to label conservative shows as “unindicted co-conspirators” when a terrorist attacks, then turnabout is fair play, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a radio interview Tuesday.

Craig Bannister
July 18th, 2024 11:12 AM
Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 7-18-24

Morning Joe Admits—We've Known For 'A Long Time' That Biden Was Losing

Morning Joe knew "for a long time" that Biden was losing, but it continued to claim that he was doing well, discounting any negative polls. It does put a final nail in the coffin of any pretensions Joe Scarborough might have had of being anything other than an all-in Biden lackey and hack.

Mark Finkelstein
July 18th, 2024 10:20 AM

Charlamagne to Colbert: Trump's Rhetoric Is 'Not Even Safe For Him'

CBS’s Stephen Colbert welcomed radio host Charlamagne Tha God to a live edition of The Late Show on night three of the Republican National Convention to irresponsibly suggest that if President Biden, or some other Democrat, wins in November, the Supreme Court will nullify it. He also suggested that Donald Trump’s rhetoric led to his being shot on Saturday, while also attacking the…

Alex Christy
July 18th, 2024 9:56 AM

NewsBusters Podcast: PBS Finds 'Veering Into Racism' Night at the RNC

Night two of the Republican National Convention was about "safety," talking about crime and immigration. So at the top of their show on taxpayer-funded PBS, anchor Amna Nawaz announced Republican rhetoric can "veer into outright racism" and echo white supremacy. Our tax dollars are abused.

Tim Graham
July 18th, 2024 6:40 AM

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Peers Into Vance Speech, Finds a White Supremacy

The bitter leftists at MSNBC’s prime-time studio panel limited their initial reactions to Ohio Senator JD Vance’s vice presidential acceptance speech to stylistic observations. Additionally, there was some light grousing about Vance’s exclusion of such MSNBC content bait as abortion and Project 2025. Even racial bomb-thrower Joy Reid showed some initial restraint. 

Jorge Bonilla
July 18th, 2024 1:49 AM