Australia Transgender Case Re-Defines What a Woman Is

A landmark Australian Federal Court decision has ruled that sex is changeable, finding the girls-only social app Giggle guilty of gender identity discrimination against transgender woman Roxanne Tickle. Tickle sued after being denied access to the platform, alleging unlawful discrimination. The court ordered Giggle to pay $10,000 plus legal costs, stating long-established cases support that…

Justine Brooke Murray
August 23rd, 2024 4:42 PM

Morning Joe: ‘Patriotism Fully Reclaimed’ As DNC ‘Flags Got Bigger’

The party that constantly wants to fundamentally change America into a facsimile of a socialist European state apparently really loves America, according to the stacked panel of liberals on Friday’s Morning Joe. The MSNBC gaggle seriously suggested that the size of the flags at the Democratic National Convention showed a correlation to their love of America; further insisting that, by…

Nicholas Fondacaro
August 23rd, 2024 4:30 PM

NBC Hails ‘Moderate’ Kamala’s ‘Impassioned’ DNC Speech

NBC’s Today couldn’t measure up to the hackery on ABC and CBS Friday morning in recapping the final day of Democratic National Convention, but they still delivered plenty of pathetic lines cheering “moderate” Vice President Kamala Harris’s “impassioned speech framing the election in historic terms...and delivering a searing rebuke of” Donald Trump but hoping to govern from “the center…

Curtis Houck
August 23rd, 2024 4:11 PM

The Jobs Aren’t All Right

The government, for the past year, has overstated joblessness by 818,000 jobs. That revision comes on top of the monthly revisions already made. It is probably not a conspiracy to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look good or they would have waited until after the election, not before early voting, to announce the revision. But it is troubling that the government data was off by so much and…

Erick Erickson
August 23rd, 2024 3:45 PM

Stewart Hearts Harris: 'Doesn't Faintly Resemble The Caricature'

Jon Stewart wrapped up The Daily Show’s week of coverage of the Democratic National Convention with a live episode on Comedy Central on Thursday where he promoted the idea that Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech proves “she doesn’t faintly resemble the caricature that's been painted.” Later in the program, actor Jason Bateman would narrate a promo video for Harris, where he argued she…

Alex Christy
August 23rd, 2024 2:22 PM

Hyping Harris: Late Night Comedy's DNC Coverage Goes Soft

For the late night comedy shows, the week of the Democratic National Convention provides the hosts with an opportunity to prove that they can make fun of Democrats in the same way they attack Republicans. However, a new MRC study shows they failed to do so this past week. In terms of quantity, the comedians hold 113 fewer jokes than they did during the RNC and 60 fewer jokes about Kamala…

Alex Christy
August 23rd, 2024 12:08 PM

ABC: ‘Moderate’ Kamala Was Reagan With ‘Morning in America’ DNC Speech

As they have all week, ABC’s Good Morning America had the best (or worst?) body of work gleefully devouring propaganda from the Democratic National Convention like drunk college kids hankering for late-night pizza. On Friday, they drooled over “what a night” for Vice President Kamala Harris, giving a “Morning in America” speech that could have been given “at a Republican convention...…

Curtis Houck
August 23rd, 2024 11:28 AM

Anti-Free Speech Google Joins $250M Deal to Radicalize California News

Censorship-obsessed Google seems to be buying off California news outlets with a bombshell deal to fund and influence the state’s journalism enterprise in the middle of an election year.

Catherine Salgado
August 23rd, 2024 11:18 AM

FCC’s Carr Praises ‘Democratizing Force’ of Free Speech

Elites “view free speech as a threat” because of its power, a top Federal Communications Commission official stated.

Catherine Salgado
August 23rd, 2024 11:13 AM

'Everything We've Been Waiting For': Colbert Hails Harris Speech

CBS’s Stephen Colbert wrapped up his week of live shows from Chicago on the final night of the Democratic National Convention by hyping Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech as “everything we've been waiting for.” To cap it all off, he welcomed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for some additional party promotional material.

Alex Christy
August 23rd, 2024 9:54 AM

Krugman Flashback: Biden Created the 'Best Job Market In a Generation’

New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has spilled much ink over the last year fawning over President Joe Biden's blazing jobs market, and now here comes the boomerang. 

Joseph Vazquez
August 23rd, 2024 8:25 AM

PBS’s Capehart on Horror of USA Chants at GOP Rallies: ‘Felt Menacing'

Reporter Laura Barron-Lopez set the scene for Night Three of the Democratic National Convention on the preceding episode of the PBS News Hour Wednesday evening, looking back with joy at Barack and Michelle Obama’s speeches from Night Two.

News Hour co-anchor Amna Nawaz opened PBS’s Night Three convention coverage by also finding “a message of hope” in Barack Obama’s…

Clay Waters
August 23rd, 2024 7:52 AM

Column: 'Joy' Time Is Over, Time for News on Substance

Shouldn’t this election be about governing, not just “tone”? Shouldn’t our media force some specifics? Watching network morning shows each day during the convention would make you feel buried in “joy” chatter and “dance party” gush and celebrity razzle-dazzle. The Harris campaign’s aversion to policy specifics is a nifty match for today’s television news, which avoids policy substance whenever…

Tim Graham
August 23rd, 2024 5:49 AM

‘NEEDS CONTEXT’: CNN’s Daniel Dale Weasels Out of Kamala Fact-Check

CNN’s Senior Reporter Daniel Dale provides a very early glimpse of what Regime Media fact-checking of Vice President Kamala Harris will look like, in the immediate aftermath of her acceptance speech to close out the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

Jorge Bonilla
August 23rd, 2024 3:16 AM