MRCTV Attends March for Life & Learns ‘Murder is Perfectly Fine’

The 51st annual March for Life, a pro-life rally, took place on January 19 in support of life from conception to natural death.

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg
January 19th, 2024 7:21 PM

CEO of Soros-Funded Org Whines Biden Admin’s Censorship Restricted

The CEO of an organization funded by leftist billionaire George Soros went to Davos to whine that some U.S. government censorship actions have been restricted.

Catherine Salgado
January 19th, 2024 5:43 PM

KJP Ducks Jacqui Heinrich on Basic Question: Is the Border Secure?

While much of the questions during Friday afternoon’s White House press briefing centered on the Middle East, abortion, and Ukraine, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich stuck to the border and got the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to play dumb on a basic question: does the White House think the border is secure? She arrived at that direction question by way of a recent House resolution: “…

Curtis Houck
January 19th, 2024 5:37 PM

Cal Thomas on the 2024 GOP Race: Is It Over?

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News Monday night as Iowa voters caucused and delivered a decisive victory for Donald Trump in his quest to win the Republican presidential nomination and a second term as president. Gingrich joyfully predicted that Trump would not only win the nomination but would win the White House in November with a minimum of 29 states. Gingrich…

Cal Thomas
January 19th, 2024 4:54 PM

CNN's Allison Accuses DeSantis of Trying to 'Erase' Black History

On Wednesday's The Source, CNN host Kaitlan Collins demonstrated that the liberal news network is still showing a double standard in aggressively fact-checking Republicans while still allowing Democrats to peddle misinformation.

Brad Wilmouth
January 19th, 2024 4:51 PM

Why Donald Trump Won the GOP Nomination

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president after a dominant performance in the Iowa caucuses -- a performance in which he earned over 50% of the vote and left his closest competitors in the dust. Trump currently leads in the polls in New Hampshire, South Carolina and every other primary state. Get ready for “Trump vs. Biden II: Electric Boogaloo.”

Ben Shapiro
January 19th, 2024 3:50 PM

MSNBC Outraged Israel Rejects Two-State Solution While Hamas in Power

The Israel/Hamas War was still raging in the Gaza Strip on Friday with no end in sight, especially since Hamas was still refusing to release the hostages. But on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell and chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel were clutching their pearls over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting the idea of a two-state solution with the Palestinians while their Hamas…

Nicholas Fondacaro
January 19th, 2024 3:46 PM

AP Unfazed By Blatantly Contradictory Climate Change Agitprop

The eco fanatics over at The Associated Press are trying to have their cake and eat it too by screeching “climate change” to explain both freezing and warm weather happening simultaneously around the world.

Joseph Vazquez
January 19th, 2024 3:00 PM
Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 1-19-24

Partisan Scarborough Tries To Paint Trump As 'Dazed and Confused'

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough. in a transparent attempt to cover for Biden's obvious decrepitude, makes multiple comments about Trump allegedly being in decline, not well, shuffling, losing multiple steps, etc.

Mark Finkelstein
January 19th, 2024 2:02 PM

U.S. vs. the Houthis: Weakness Provokes Bullies

North and South Yemen no longer exist. During the Cold War, North Yemen had ties to the West, and South Yemen had Marxist leadership, branding itself as totalitarian regimes often do, the “People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.” With the collapse of the Soviet Union and communist subsidy, North Yemen finally sought a merger with South Yemen in what is now known simply as Yemen.

Erick Erickson
January 19th, 2024 1:38 PM

WATCH: EU Official Calls ‘Disinformation’ a ‘Security Threat’

A European politician with an anti-free speech track record has new, scarier propaganda to justify crushing speech.

Catherine Salgado
January 19th, 2024 1:29 PM

Rich Lowry Educates CNN as It Tries to Smear Founding as Racist

National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry had the unenviable task of having to educate the cast of Friday’s CNN This Morning that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were not intended to perpetuate slavery and that the founding was not racist, but he still managed to perform the task quite well.

Alex Christy
January 19th, 2024 12:51 PM

PBS Defends AP's Premature Iowa Call: 'Been Doing It for 170 Years'

Even some in the liberal press were a bit bothered by the Associated Press’s decision to call the Iowa caucuses for Donald Trump at 7:30 p.m., just 30 minutes after they’d begun and before some caucus-goers had even voted. The decision was especially significant, given the handwringing in the mainstream press about the dangers a second Trump term would pose to free elections and democracy…

Clay Waters
January 19th, 2024 12:11 PM

FINALLY! DOJ Confirms Hunter’s Laptop Was Real But ABC/CBS/NBC Censor

Well it’s about time! On Tuesday, the Department of Justice officially acknowledged that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real and legitimate. This was the very same laptop that Democrats and their pals in the liberal media repeatedly denounced as “Russian disinformation.” So how much time have the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks spent on this official acknowledgment? ZERO seconds. 

Geoffrey Dickens
January 19th, 2024 12:05 PM