Time Magazine Pays the Price for Lost Credibility

Shocking. Not. Last week in this space the focus was on Time magazine’s glorification of now Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

Jeffrey Lord
August 24th, 2024 4:00 PM

PolitiFact's Convention False Percentages: 89 For Trump, 33 For Harris

With both party conventions now in the books, so too are PolitiFact’s nightly recaps. After four days of the RNC and the DNC, PBS’s new fact-checking partner, gave Republicans three times as many false ratings while giving Democrats three times as many true ratings.

Alex Christy
August 24th, 2024 3:08 PM

ABC Fawns Not 'A Big Progressive' Harris, Oprah In DNC Recap

The cast of Saturday’s edition of ABC’s Good Morning America had nothing but glowing reviews for the recently concluded Democratic National Convention. They falsely claimed that having Republicans address the convention was rare, hyped Oprah Winfrey as an independent, asserted Kamala Harris is “not a big progressive,” and claimed GOP criticisms that Democrats are light on policy are…

Alex Christy
August 24th, 2024 2:00 PM

Comic Propagandists Crush All Pretense of Objectivity

The Democratic National Convention featured the expected crush of progressive stars.

Christian Toto
August 24th, 2024 1:30 PM

Maher: CNN Is 'The View,' Collins Claims 'We Call Bull****' Equally

After an unsuccessful appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tried the late night comedy circuit again on Friday as she joined HBO’s Bill Maher on Real Time to recap the Democratic National Convention. During their conversation, Maher argued that CNN’s coverage was “the same as The View,” while Collins desperately tried to claim that…

Alex Christy
August 24th, 2024 11:36 AM

PBS Hails DNC's 'Patriotism' Versus RNC's 'Weighted Blanket'

Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart and New York Times columnist David Brooks recapped the Democratic National Convention on Friday’s PBS News Hour by contrasting its “jubilation” and “patriotism” with the “hate” that came out of the RNC’s “weighted blanket.”

Alex Christy
August 24th, 2024 9:35 AM

Silly PBS: Harris Makes Dems ‘Feel Seen,’ ‘Trump Derangement’ Not Real

PBS opened its fourth and final night of coverage from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago with reporting from the PBS News Hour, with congressional reporter Lisa Desjardins, reporting from D.C. a segment on the Republican’s “counterprogramming” of the convention. She proceeded to defensively explain Trump rhetoric to her viewers as if they were toddlers. Once the actual…

Clay Waters
August 24th, 2024 8:54 AM

Theater of the Absurd: The Worst Media Outbursts from the DNC

There was an overload of absurd, obnoxious and over-top outbursts from leftist journalists during their coverage of the Democratic National Convention. The NewsBusters team worked literally day and night to track them down. The following are the worst outbursts from leftist journalists during the Democratic National Convention. 

Geoffrey Dickens
August 24th, 2024 8:00 AM

NewsBusters Podcast: Maddow, Tapper, & Colbert Reach Convention Climax

The end of a Democrat convention really draws out proclamations of Historic Possibilities, and Rachel Maddow, Jake Tapper, and Stephen Colbert stood out in the gushfest. It's quite a contrast with how all the anchors summarized Donald Trump's acceptance speech. 

Tim Graham
August 23rd, 2024 10:39 PM

CBS Swoons Kamala’s DNC Speech Was ‘Feat of Political Athleticism’

Despite co-host, Obama family friend, and Kamala Harris donor Gayle King getting an early start on the weekend, Friday’s CBS Mornings still had plenty of partisan lunacy reacting to the final night of the Democratic National Convention and describing Kamala Harris’s speech that “echo[ed] Obama” and “[brought] down the house” with “[t]he sound of history” and “a feat of political…

Curtis Houck
August 23rd, 2024 9:29 PM

Politico Aids Post-Convention Kamala Push By Floating ‘Movement’ Label

This satirical blog critiques Politico's efforts to market “movement” as a term to describe Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. Michael Kruse of Politico is tasked with promoting this concept, albeit with apparent mockery. The blog lampoons various Democratic strategists who liken Harris to figures like JFK and FDR, highlighting the absurdity of their comparisons. Ultimately, the article…

P.J. Gladnick
August 23rd, 2024 7:58 PM

Troubling: Expert Details Radical Canadian Law to Kill Online Speech

If new legislation becomes law in Canada, citizens there could go to jail simply for exercising free speech against leftist dogma on social media platforms.

Catherine Salgado
August 23rd, 2024 7:29 PM

CNBC Host Shreds Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Fallacious,’ ‘Misleading’ Pitch

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen exposed radical leftist Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) price-fixing proposal as a disaster and a distraction.

Tom Olohan
August 23rd, 2024 5:21 PM

RFK Jr. Rebukes Gov’t-Tied Censorship in Campaign Suspension Speech

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rebuked the Biden-Harris administration for exploiting government power to censor their political opposition.

Luis Cornelio
August 23rd, 2024 4:46 PM