Willie Geist

Geist Gushes Over Gore: Skips Fact Check of Climate Claims
July 17th, 2017 4:33 PM
In a fawning two-part interview with former Vice President Al Gore on Monday’s NBC Today, fill-in co-host Willie Geist sympathized with the Democrat’s alarmist environmental crusade and promoted his new film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. However, absent from the conversation was any mention of the numerous errors, inaccuracies, and false predictions made in Gore’s first documentary, An…

NBC: Whose Meeting Account ‘Are We to Believe,’ Trump's or Putin's?
July 9th, 2017 10:38 AM
To the absolute shock of most in the liberal media, President Trump was the one to bring up Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election during his meeting with Vladimir Putin on Saturday. In the lead up to Trump’s foreign trip to the G20 summit, many in the liberal media were claiming that Trump wouldn’t bring up Russia’ interference at all. But after finding out that he, in fact, did, they then…

Morning Joe Freakout Over Trump Criticism Of Obama Overseas
July 6th, 2017 1:18 PM
A new trip oversees by President Trump brought renewed criticism from the media as he levied criticism at his predecessor, specifically the Obama administration's poor handling of Russian hacking during the 2016 election. The subsequent reaction by the cast of Morning Joe on Thursday was laughable as they decried the commander-in-chief attacking “a former president on foreign soil.” Apparently,…

'Morning Joe' Melts Down Over Trump's CNN WrestleMania Tweet
July 3rd, 2017 2:32 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe was, sadly, absent of Joe and Mika along with their normal crazy antics, but media hysteria ensued on the set, regardless. The hyperventilation that occurred in the room over the President’s WrestleMania tweet was so great that an oxygen tank probably should’ve been brought in at some point. With a dead serious tone, Willie Geist began by asking the panelists, “Did you…

NBC Decries Rise of Conservative Media for Creating Polarized Country
July 2nd, 2017 11:06 AM
What NBC’s Willie Geist spun as a rundown of the political echo chambers in America on Sunday Today, quickly devolved into a condemnation of the rise of conservative media. “Fake news is a favorite term, as you know, of President Trump. What you consider real and fake in many cases has become a question of where you're sitting and who you're listening to,” declared Geist at the start of the…

Today Show Panel Assumes Trump Will Perjure Himself
June 12th, 2017 4:44 PM
During a panel discussion on Monday’s NBC Today the hosts and pundits all agreed that President Trump would almost certainly commit perjury if he ever testified under oath in the Russia investigation. The group of liberal journalists were eager to convict Trump even while acknowledging that former President Bill Clinton actually got away with the crime.

Morning Joe: Talk Radio and Conservatives Cause 'Political Tribalism'
June 7th, 2017 2:11 PM
On Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe, panel members chose to decry the current political climate of the U.S. by reviving the old attack on talk radio and conservatives. Steve Schmidt, senior campaign strategist for the 2008 McCain presidential campaign, began by connecting political "tribalism” with “the conservative commentator on the radio that talks about half the country being his enemy.”…

NBC’s Katy Tur Celebrates Teen Vogue’s Anti-Trump Awakening
May 21st, 2017 11:24 AM
After a turbulent week in American politics where controversial stories about President Trump’s administration were broken by newspapers with long-standing histories bias, NBC spent some time on Sunday Today championing a relative newcomer to “the game.” “But this national moment has brought some new players into the game as well,” touted host Willie Geist. “NBC's Katy Tur shines our Sunday…

Morning Joe Obsesses Over McCarthy’s Trump Joke
May 18th, 2017 1:54 PM
In the tumultuous world we currently live, there are a number of worthy topics of discussion. One possibility could be international issues involving countries such as North Korea, Iran, or ISIS. Another might be hotly debated domestic issues including health care, entitlements, or even national spending. Instead of any of this, the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe chose to spend an entire segment…

Professor on MSNBC: Trump Actions Parallel Rise of Nazis
May 17th, 2017 5:13 PM
Ever since James Comey was fired from his position as FBI Director by Donald Trump, the progressive left and their allies have been in an uproar. Several have voiced the opinion that Trump did this in order to end the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. One Yale history professor, however, put forth the claim that the President’s actions foreshadow a much more…

Morning Joe Treats WashPost Writer to Softball Interview
May 16th, 2017 1:38 PM
Following the uproar brought about by his Washington Post article that President Donald Trump leaked classified information during a meeting with Russian officials, columnist Greg Miller turned to the hostile and completely unsafe space of Morning Joe to discuss his story. Just kidding! The friendly liberal show didn't even bother to ask the questions that a real reporter would ask, pressing…

NYT Shifts Blame for Gov Shutdowns Depending On Who's In Office
April 27th, 2017 3:52 PM
It’s always fascinating to see media outlets give completely opposite takes on the exact same issue, depending on who’s in the Oval Office. The New York Times did just that today in another display of hypocrisy, typical of the left-wing paper. Like the networks, The Times is blaming the looming government shutdown on President Trump, but in 2013 when President Obama was in office and facing a…

NBC Ignores American Arrested in North Korea, But Slams Palin Photo
April 23rd, 2017 2:12 PM
Troubling news broke out of North Korea early Sunday morning after an American citizen was arrested by North Korean officials on Saturday. “It has been confirmed that another American has been arrested in North Korea's capital, Pyongyang, which about 120 miles north from here from Seoul,” reported ABC’s Bob Woodruff during Good Morning America. It’s shocking news that hits just as tensions…

ABC Suggests Trump Fired Attorneys After On-Air Urging from Hannity
March 12th, 2017 10:51 AM
After of a week of the liberal media claiming President Donald Trump was being misled by conservative media, ABC’s David Wright continued the charge by insinuating the President was listening to Fox News for governing advice. “On Friday, the Attorney General asked for resignation letters from all 46 federal prosecutors who were Obama-era holdovers,” Wright reporting during Good Morning America…