
ABC Allows Scant Seconds to Crumbling Biden at Stunning New Low

February 28th, 2022 4:44 PM

The mission statement of ABC News, and other media outlets, appears to be this: It’s our job to protect you from reality. The Biden administration is crumbling under the weight of record high gas prices and inflation and now what’s seen as an ineffectual response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Here’s the last five polls of Biden’s approval rating: 38, 39, 40, 38, 37.


CBS, NBC REFUSE to Cover Massive Truck Convoy Protesting COVID Mandate

February 1st, 2022 4:40 PM

Over the last two weeks, North American truck drivers (and supporters) set out for the Canadian capital of Ottawa to protest the far-left country’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates, culminating in a rally and convoy on Saturday that spanned 40 miles and included tens of thousands of people with many insisting they’ll be staying put until their demands are met. None of this was of interest to two of…


HERESY: Nets Deny the Science Behind CDC Loosening Isolation Rules

December 29th, 2021 4:34 PM

For nearly two years, Dr. Fauci was the pope of the media’s new church of science and the CDC was the Vatican Council handing down the dogmas of the rites and rituals around masks, isolation, and vaccine anointments. But with the CDC loosening isolation recommendations in the face of new information about the Omicron variant’s life cycle, the media’s faith was shaken as they openly denied the…


ABC Fawns for Stacey Abrams' New Kid's Book, Pitch Race for Governor

December 28th, 2021 3:25 PM

In a nauseatingly gooey Tuesday interview with election conspiracy theorist and Democratic candidate for Georgia governor Stacey Abrams, the co-hosts of ABC’s Good Morning America heaped praise on the previously failed gubernatorial candidate for announcing her second go at the position, her work as a “major voting rights advocate,” and her eponymous new children’s book Stacey's…


CBS Ignores Pro-Mask LUNATIC Striking Old Man Eating on Delta Flight

December 27th, 2021 8:52 PM

Since the start of the pandemic, the liberal media have used airline confrontations over masking policies to portray those opposed to pandemic protocols in a negative light. But a Sunday scuffle between a pro-mask woman and an 80-year-old-man, who had pulled his mask down to eat, got no airtime on Monday’s edition of CBS Evening News.


ABC Pushes Families of Rittenhouse's 'Victims' to Sue Him Civilly

November 21st, 2021 10:22 AM

Are they sore losers? Maybe, but either way, ABC spent part of Sunday’s Good Morning America hoping that the families of Kyle Rittenhouse’s so-called “victims” would sue him in civil court. This comes after the teen was found not guilty and that he justly used legal self-defense against multiple violent attackers who were rioting. Beyond that, the network also took to denouncing the…


ABC Exploits Kidnapped Americans in Haiti to Push for Open Borders

October 17th, 2021 10:07 AM

Over the weekend, news broke that some 17 Americans, including children, taking part in a Christian mission building an orphanage in Haiti were kidnapped by a gang. But never letting a good crisis go to waste, ABC’s Good Morning America on Sunday used it as an opportunity to push for open borders with White House correspondent MaryAlice Parks arguing the situation meant President…


Lib ABC Shills for Disney+ Bosses, Dismisses Star as Wealthy Whiner

July 30th, 2021 1:00 PM

The next time you hear the journalists at ABC complain about corporate interference in big business, or mock Fox News as under the thumb of the GOP, remember that ABC “News” exist to provide corporate business for the network’s overlords at Disney. On Friday, Good Morning America took their bosses side in the fight against Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson. The long-time…


Drive-By Media: ABC, NBC Take Shots at Texas Election Integrity Bill

May 30th, 2021 10:13 AM

Late conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh made the phrase “drive-by media” famous. And a prime example of that part of the liberal media’s nature showed up during the Sunday newscasts of ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, where they provided ZERO information on a new Texas election integrity bill;  but yet they parroted President Biden by calling it “un-…


Mom Hate: ABC Decries Vaccinated Traveling, Gathering on Mother’s Day

May 9th, 2021 10:21 AM

With COVID cases plummeting and 58 percent of adults having received at least one dose of a vaccine, people looked to get back to normal on Sunday as they traveled and gathered to get back to mom to celebrate Mother’s Day. But ABC’s Good Morning America was not having any of it. At one point in their newscast, they lashed out at those trying to go back to normal, including the…


Rare: ABC Highlights Everyday Dangers Cops Face Doing Their Jobs

March 17th, 2021 8:30 AM

Over the weekend, ABC's World News Tonight ran a full report showing video of a Nashville police officer who was shot and wounded as he tried to arrest a woman on drug charges. It's the kind of event that should get more attention to balance out the tremendous amount of time the media devote to criminal suspects being shot by police under more questionable circumstances.


Nets Hide Blue CT Reopening Businesses, Smear GOP as Against Relief

March 4th, 2021 11:46 PM

The liberal broadcast networks made a full-court press Thursday evening, smearing Senate Republicans with the suggestion that were against giving struggling Americans aid in the midst of economic lockdowns. On top of that, they bashed Republican-led Texas and Mississippi for left restrictions and mask mandates, but completely ignoring the fact that Democratic Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont…

Friday Bias: ABC, NBC Skip WH Scandal, Nets Downplay Cuomo in Trouble

February 12th, 2021 8:49 PM

On Friday night’s broadcast network newscasts, they all chose to finally acknowledge but downplay the Cuomo story while ABC and NBC skipped over Ducklo.


CBS Silent as Biden Readied COVID Vaccines for Guantanamo Terrorists

January 31st, 2021 10:13 AM

Shortly before their evening newscasts Thursday, news broke that the Biden administration had approved a plan to give terrorists housed at Guantanamo Bay (including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed) precious doses of the coronavirus vaccine ahead of most Americans. Doing their part to cover-up President Biden’s blunder, CBS has yet to report the story to viewers on any of their flagship…