
‘With No Evidence’; ABC, CBS Melt Down Over GOP Impeaching Mayorkas

January 31st, 2024 4:56 PM

On the liberal broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC, the adversarial rhetoric continued to ratchet up on Wednesday from Tuesday night against the House GOP’s efforts to impeach Biden Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis as the networks used their morning news shows to screech there’s “no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors” and the impeachment is leaving the…


Nets: ‘Historic’ Mayorkas Impeachment Has Border Deal ‘In Jeopardy’

January 30th, 2024 3:26 PM

After having been indifferent toward the House Republican push to impeach Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC turned up the kvetching on Monday night. That continued Tuesday on their flagship morning news shows with gripes about the “splitscreen” of a “historic” impeachment while the Senate’s “work[ing] with” him on the border and how, in turn, the…


Nets FAIL to Decry Hunter’s Hill Stunt, But CBS Notices His Rich Buddy

January 11th, 2024 8:33 PM

Regarding the latest network coverage (or lack thereof) Wednesday night and Thursday morning concerning Hunter Biden’s life of corruption, we’ve got some good news and we’ve got some bad news. The bad news? ABC, CBS, and NBC saw no problem with Hunter’s shameless stunt appearing before the House Oversight Committee as they debated a contempt of Congress resolution. The good news was Thursday’s…


Hunter v. House: ABC, NBC Bury Possible Bombshell Hunter Biden Hearing

November 29th, 2023 1:52 PM

Tuesday saw a possible monumental twist in the Hunter Biden saga as Biden said he would be willing to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena and testify publicly (even though the committee currently wants a private deposition) about his life of ruin, corruption, and allegations of malfeasance involving his father, the current President.  But like most Biden scandals, it received…


‘Not...Bipartisan’; Nets Continue to Seethe Over ‘Right Wing’ Speaker

October 26th, 2023 5:46 PM

Following a collective meltdown the night prior, the major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC used their Thursday morning news shows to keep up pressure and impress upon viewers that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) isn’t someone to be trusted given he’s “not...bipartisan” and is not only “right-wing,” but possesses “one of the most conservative records” in a part where “election denialism is…


ABC & NBC Drop Bowman Fire Alarm Coverage, CBS Runs Excuses

October 2nd, 2023 11:25 PM

After running with New York Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman’s absurd excuse for why he pulled the fire alarm in one of the House office buildings on Saturday, it appears at least two of the big three news networks grew tired of the scandal and decided to move on and hope Americans forget about the serious crime Bowman committed. CBS Evening News was the only nightly network news…


Nets Defend Far-Left Bowman, Accept His Excuse for Pulling Fire Alarm

October 2nd, 2023 1:50 PM

This week in liberal media double standards, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent the weekend and Monday morning defending far-left Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) after he pulled a fire alarm inside a House office building and delaying a vote to keep the government open. In all but two instances, they “big three” uncritically accepted his excuse that it was an “accident.” If this were a Republican, it’d…


Election Interference: Nets Scream ‘No Evidence’ to Biden Impeachment

September 13th, 2023 3:37 PM

The obsequious liberal media were out kissing the feet of the Biden White House on Wednesday morning as they rushed to defend President Biden with shrieks of “no evidence” following Tuesday morning’s official opening of an impeachment inquiry by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) into the mountains of evidence of Biden family malfeasance. ABC, CBS, and NBC were so blatant in their spin as it came…


Always Bashing Republicans: ABC, CBS Obsess Over Tuberville Gaffe

July 12th, 2023 5:11 PM

When will the liberal media spend their newscasts touting their correspondents chasing Democrats around the Capitol and hounding them over the last Biden controversy? That’s a question upon seeing ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings give full reports Wednesday to putting GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville (AL) on blast for a gaffe about military recruitment and white…


STUDY: TV News Blamed GOP, Not Big-Spending Dems, for Debt Drama

May 30th, 2023 1:00 PM

In their coverage of the just-concluded debt ceiling stand-off, ABC, CBS and NBC put the onus for a potential default on Republicans, ignored the dangers of the rising national debt, and hyped GOP proposals to trim spending as extreme attempts to “gut” or “slash” liberal programs.


Disney-Owned ABC Avoids Angering China, Skips House Hearing on CCP

March 1st, 2023 3:15 PM

The House Select Committee on China held its first hearing Tuesday night on the rising threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party as its seeks to grow its foreign influence and reach global supremacy. The hearing was extremely bipartisan, but despite that rare example of Congress working together, Disney-owned ABC’s Good Morning America chose to stay in the good graces of the…

Bucking Tucker: Liberal Media Suddenly Demands January 6 Videos

February 27th, 2023 8:26 AM

On the heels of Fox News host Tucker Carlson being given access to 40,000 hours of security video of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 suddenly the liberal media has dropped their long apathy about the footage and is now demanding to see it.


ABC & CBS Screech About the Debt Ceiling, Absolve Biden of Blame

January 19th, 2023 9:12 PM

ABC & CBS were in full meltdown mode on Thursday evening as their flagship evening newscasts ABC's World News Tonight and CBS Evening News acted like the end of the world was upon us if the U.S. debt ceiling isn't raised without spending cuts, and focused their coverage on Republican demands instead of the intransigence of the Biden regime. 


Back to the Mat: Nets Leave Biden Docs Behind to Hit GOP on Debt Limit

January 19th, 2023 4:58 PM

CBS dropped the Biden documents scandal on Wednesday morning and was followed that night by NBC, so it was only a matter of time before ABC did the same. Sure enough, Thursday’s Good Morning America put it out to pasture. Instead, the three networks resumed spinning for the Biden administration as they slammed House Republicans for refusing to lift the debt ceiling, creating a “…