
ICYMI: WH Press Keep Eyes on the Ball, Pummel KJP Over Declinin’ Biden

July 5th, 2024 12:51 PM

In case you didn’t see the litany of embarrassing clips on X earlier this week, Wednesday’s White House press briefing revealed more surprising message discipline from the beat reporters as they continued to rhetorically bludgeon the Biden administration and the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about the obvious mental decline of President Biden (which, for many, have only decided…


KJP Show Wrap Up: The Week in Briefings with Hidin’ Biden in Delaware

June 19th, 2024 5:48 PM

With it being summer and the first presidential debate only eight days away, President Biden has been and will soon go into hibernation with trips to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Camp David in Maryland, leaving only Monday and Tuesday for White House press briefings. However, the press corps made it count with hardballs and softballs on what the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre called “cheap…


Genocide, Alito, & Scheffler: Best & Worst of This Week’s WH Briefings

May 17th, 2024 6:04 PM

This week marked a rare occasion in which President Biden remained at the White House all five weekdays and thus allowed for five press briefings from the ever-inept press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre (and John Kirby only serving as a crutch on Friday). The questions were, not surprisingly, all over the place given the lunacy of the week, ranging from accusing Jews of genocide to harassment…


Doocy, Gutierrez Grill Inept KJP on Biden Dodging Pro-Hamas Thugs

May 2nd, 2024 11:42 AM

Before being shamed into speaking on-camera Thursday to the American people about the dangerous anti-Semitic hooligans who’ve thrown college campus into chaos, Wednesday’s White House press briefing was dominated by numerous reporters — including Fox’s Peter Doocy, Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann, and even NBC’s Gabe Gutierrez — pressing the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre on why Biden hasn…


Doocy Confronts KJP on Whether Biden Will Debate Trump or Run Scared

March 7th, 2024 11:41 AM

Fox’s Peter Doocy made the most Wednesday afternoon of the last briefing for the week (with Thursday’s State of the Union and President Biden on the road for Friday) as he went around and around with the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre over whether Biden will actually debate former President Trump now the general election fight is all but set in stone.


Heinrich, Wegmann Grill WH on Border Deal, Iran Killing Americans

January 29th, 2024 5:14 PM

On Monday, the border crisis and Sunday’s Iranian proxy attack that killed three American soldiers dominated the White House press briefing and, amid over a dozen liberal reporters asking process questions on Iran and open-ended questions on the Senate border deal, there were a rare few who actually pressed the administration on their weakness in the Middle East and the border deal that has…


Here Were the Most BITING Briefing Questions on the Lloyd Austin Saga

January 10th, 2024 4:45 PM

As we’ve seen throughout the Biden administration when the liberal press choose to bring the heat during White House press briefings, it’s usually only good for a day or two before they fall in line. Worse yet in the case of ABC, CBS, and NBC, we almost never see probing questions and/or tense exchanges surface on their flagship morning and evening newscasts. On cue, that happened on Tuesday…


Not-So-Dirty Dozen: 12 Best Hardballs and Throwdowns From WH Briefings

January 1st, 2024 10:02 PM

After taking trips down memory lane on Tuesday and Thursday with the six most pro-Hamas moments and grillings from the left, respectively, we’re going to open 2024 with the 12 best moments – battles, beatdowns, and hardballs – from 2023, the first full year of the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre’s term at the podium.


The Bold & the Beautiful…& the Pro-Hamas: This Week at WH Briefings

December 15th, 2023 11:32 AM

With President Biden out and about to start the week, White House press briefings didn’t kick off this week until Wednesday and continued on Thursday, leaving plenty of space for questions from the left bashing Israel, the New York Post’s Steven Nelson and Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann stumping Biden flacks Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby, and, of course, Doocy Time on Hunter…


KJP Ends 187-Day Shutout of NY Post’s Nelson, Gets Schooled by Jacqui

December 5th, 2023 12:36 PM

During Monday’s White House press briefing, the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had quite the day as she ended what had been a petty, 187-day blackout against the New York Post’s Steven Nelson, hilariously ended the briefing after a question from Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann about the new twist in the Biden corruption saga, and was caught in a double standard by…


Trimble, Wegmann Grill Kirby, KJP on Disturbing Anti-Semitic Protests

October 24th, 2023 10:19 AM

Monday marked the first White House press briefing in 11 days, so the press corps had plenty to say about the Middle East crisis triggered by Hamas’s October 7 terror attacks in Israel. While some tried to‘both sides’ the situation, Fox’s Grady Trimble and Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann battled National Security Council figurehead John Kirby and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over…


KJP Gets Taken to the Cleaners on Biden Building More Border Wall

October 6th, 2023 10:33 AM

Karine Jean-Pierre, the Biden White House’s ever-inept press secretary, had a rough go of things Thursday afternoon as she took a plethora of brutal questions from the left and right over President Biden’s sudden capitulation to sanity and allow for the construction of just over 20 miles of new border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Given it was more than just Fox’s Peter Doocy and Real…


This Again? Doocy Calls Out KJP for Blaming Rising Crime on GOP

October 4th, 2023 10:49 AM

On Tuesday afternoon, the Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy wasn’t having it as the ever-inept White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reverted back to a years-long, cartoonish, pants-on-fire fable that Republicans are the true anti-cops, defund-the-police party in light of Monday night’s carjacking of Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) in the Navy Yard section of Washington D.C.


Don’t Care: AP Frets to KJP That Joe Got New COVID Booster in Private

September 26th, 2023 10:11 AM

As the liberal media hawk the latest COVID-19 booster shot and begin their latest fear-mongering campaign ahead of the holidays, the Associated Press’s Will Weissert served as the standard bearer during Monday’s White House press briefing as he opened the Q&A for the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by fretting that President Biden didn’t get his umpteenth booster in public.…