Neil Cavuto

MRC's Brent Bozell Slams Media's ‘Arrogant, Haughty Attitude’ on 2016
September 14th, 2016 5:05 PM
MRC President Brent Bozell slammed the “arrogant, haughty attitude” of the press in 2016, deriding the biased presidential coverage in favor of Hillary Clinton. Talking to Neil Cavuto on Fox News, Bozell compared, “Their attitude about global warming, the attitude about gay rights, which is to say ‘you can only have one position’ and [journalists are] taking it to the presidential campaign.”

Reagan’s OMB Director: Next President Will ‘Inherit a Recession’
May 26th, 2016 8:07 AM
Former Reagan official David Stockman predicted that whoever was elected in 2016 would “inherit a recession.” Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget for President Ronald Reagan, said on May 25, 2016, that Wall Street would undergo “massive panic and selling.”

Bozell: ‘I Left Encouraged’ Facebook Wants to Fix ‘Erosion of Trust'
May 19th, 2016 2:32 PM
In his first television appearance since the highly-anticipated meeting on Wednesday between Facebook and the nation’s top conservative leaders, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell told Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto Thursday afternoon that he “left encouraged” that the site wants to fix the “erosion of trust” set forth by allegations of censoring conservative news topics.

MRC’s Rich Noyes Slams ‘Sophomoric,’ ‘Absurd’ Boston Globe Cover
April 11th, 2016 1:30 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared with Neil Cavuto, Monday, to slam the “sophomoric,” “absurd” Boston Globe for printing a fake front cover that speculated on what a future Trump presidency might be. Noyes derided the effort to pass off a stunt editorial as real news “As a political hit job, this is pretty sophomoric. It's absurd.”

Cavuto's 'Horse's Ass' Slam Is Latest Salvo in Trump Flap at Fox News
April 8th, 2016 5:08 PM
“Words matter,” Fox Business Network anchor Neil Cavuto said during a “Common Sense” segment in which the managing editor of business news for the channel criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump for accusing fellow candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz of being “worse than a puppet” and “a Trojan horse” for the GOP establishment.
When Cavuto stated “comments like that … risk…

Gerri Willis: 'Thank ObamaCare' for 'Soaring' Federal Healthcare Costs
January 27th, 2016 1:19 PM
With less than a week left until the January 31 ObamaCare 2016 sign up deadline, costs are climbing and enrollment is down.
“You can thank Obamacare” for the 13 percent increase in federal healthcare costs in 2015, despite lower-than-predicted enrollment, according to Fox Business personal finance reporter, Gerri Willis.
Nets Neglect to Cover Sen Dems Blocking Passage of Syrian Refugee Bill
January 21st, 2016 2:45 AM
On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks failed to cover the move by Senate Democrats earlier in the day to filibuster the bipartisan Syrian refugee legislation that had passed the House in November with the help of 47 Democrats that would have tightened restrictions to more thoroughly vet refugees from the war-torn region seeking to enter the U.S. Overall, the vote failed to hit the 60…

Bozell: WaPo Hits Rubio As Lazy; No Such Attack on Obama
December 21st, 2015 6:16 PM
"Let's pretend that Marco Rubio were a Democrat." Members of that party would, "in a New York second," slam the Washington Post for the "bigotry and racism" in today's front-page hit piece, "Rubio's aloofness on stump unnerves GOP activists," the Media Research Center's (MRC) Brent Bozell noted in his appearance on the Dec. 21 edition of Fox News Channel's Your World w/ Neil Cavuto.
MRC’s Noyes to Cavuto: Media ‘Finger on the Scale’ in Trump Coverage
December 9th, 2015 3:55 PM
Appearing on Fox Business’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast on Wednesday, Media Research Center research director Rich Noyes took the editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed to task for “basically telling his staff that it's okay to call Trump a mendacious racist, a lying racist.” Noyes told host Neil Cavuto it was “another example of the media trying to basically, you know, deal with Trump themselves rather than…
Cavuto Provides a Math Lesson for Student Demanding 'Free' College
November 12th, 2015 4:55 PM
A group of student activists calling itself the Million Student March are demanding free education. What they need are more math classes and the reality check that nothing in life is free.
A student spokesperson for the group proved that in an interview on Fox Business Network’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast, on Nov. 11.
At Debate, Ben Carson Calls Out Media: ‘Vet All Candidates’
November 10th, 2015 10:02 PM
At the Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, Ben Carson called out journalists “misinterpreting” his record. The candidate demanded, “We should vet all candidates. I have no problem with being vetted.” He added, “What I do have a problem with is being lied about and then putting that out there as truth.”
Networks Sidestep Obama's Defense Spending Veto; ABC, NBC Air Nothing
October 26th, 2015 4:03 PM
On Thursday, October 22, 2015, President Barack Obama signed a veto message of the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA establishes budgets and policies for the Defense Department, and in the last 53 years it has only been vetoed four times. Coverage of the veto signing and its significance has been rather dismal despite Obama summoning the White House press for a public signing. ABC and…

Bozell: CNN Set to Employ Double Standard with Handling of Dem Debate
October 13th, 2015 3:18 PM
Appearing on the October 13 Cavuto Coast to Coast, Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell discussed CNN's double standard as goes the Republican vs. Democratic debate. While the vast majority of questions in the Republican presidential debate were setups for arguments amongst the candidates, by all indications the Democratic debate would largely tee up the participants to attack…

Bozell: Media Ignoring Pope's Call for Protecting Religious Liberty
September 24th, 2015 7:34 PM
"Not a single network news outlet caught the visual and the words of Pope Francis turning and rebuking Barack Obama on religious liberty," Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell told Fox News's Neil Cavuto this afternoon. Instead, the liberal media focused on the pontiff's remarks on climate change.