
NBC’s Mike Memoli Laments Biden Gaffes Outshine Foreign Policy Chops

July 12th, 2024 3:37 AM

In the immediate aftermath of the press conference seen ‘round the world, NBC Washington Correspondent Mike Memoli provided us with a masterclass in cope, and an insight into how we all got gaslight into believing President Joe Biden is some sort of foreign policy expert.


Mitchell Fears Media Being Unfair To Biden, Just Like Hillary In 2016

February 9th, 2024 2:32 PM

The White House and the Biden Campaign are not happy with their media friends in the aftermath of the Robert Hur report and President Joe Biden’s world leader gaffes. As they tell it, the media does not do an adequate job covering all of Donald Trump’s equivalent statements. On her Friday show on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell not only agreed, but claimed that this is what happened to Hillary Clinton…


Reporters Caught Using Identical Talking Points to Dems on Impeachment

September 29th, 2023 11:46 AM

With impeachment in the political headlines once more, Democrats and their media allies have formed a tight phalanx around President Biden, armed with a handful of fresh talking points. And unsurprisingly, it’s nearly impossible to distinguish the journalists from the politicians.


MSNBC Fawns Over ‘Powerful,’ ‘Positive’ Biden Speech at the U.N.

September 19th, 2023 3:26 PM

President Biden made his 2023 address Tuesday morning to the United Nations General Assembly and, as predicted, the liberal media were there to swoon over it like North Korean propagandists. MSNBC played that role, touting it as a “comprehensive” set of remarks with “powerful” and “positive” messaging that showed concern for climate change and Ukraine.

NBC Shovels Nauseating Puff Piece on Hunter Biden Harming Joe in 2024

September 18th, 2023 5:46 PM

NBC’s chief Biden tool and apple polisher Mike Memoli hit send Sunday on a puketastic item with colleagues Carol Lee and Monica Alba that painted President Biden with nothing but sympathy from the get-go in “Biden allies worry son Hunter’s indictment could strain the president’s 2024 focus”.

NBC Fan Service: 'As Trump Went to Court, Biden Went for a Bike Ride'

August 6th, 2023 6:39 AM

NBC reporter Mike Memoli has been one of the most flagrant Biden publicists in the White House press corps. On Thursday night, published the latest example, under the headline "As Trump went to court, Biden went for a bike ride."


Oh No! MSNBC Frets Hunter’s Plea Deal Bust Will Hurt His Daddy in ‘24

July 26th, 2023 9:02 PM

After Wednesday morning’s announcement of Hunter Biden’s plea deal for his criminal investigation falling through, Andrea Mitchell discussed the issue on her on her eponymous MSNBC show. Along with guests MSNBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli and former attorney Paul Charlton, Mitchell fretted that the Hunter legal case would “be a significant complication for” President Biden’s bid for…


LAME: KJP Defends NPR After Twitter Tags It ‘State-Affiliated Media’

April 5th, 2023 7:07 PM

Tuesday was a banner day for liberals and their media allies as not only did they see former President Trump arrested and arraigned in New York on 34 charges, but they flipped the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the far-left candidate won the Chicago mayoral runoff. But some still ended the day infuriated as Twitter chose to label National Public Radio (NPR) as “U.S. state-affiliated media.” As…

CLOWN SHOW: Politico, WH Journos Boast How Covering Biden Is ‘Boring’

April 29th, 2022 3:54 PM

Politico White House reporter Max Tani debased himself and his colleagues Friday morning to a humiliating degree with 2,900-word tome about how covering President Biden and his administration has, for the press corps, become “a bore” and “journalistic sedative” that “lack[s] flair” seeing as how they’re no longer fighting to save America from Donald Trump.


Go Figure: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Biden Flack About Hunter Biden

March 30th, 2022 12:17 PM

White House communications director Kate Bedingfield took her turn Tuesday at the Briefing Room podium as the fifth person to speak to reporters and, predictably, the issue of Hunter Biden’s life of corruption didn’t come up over the 80 questions from reporters despite her own record dismissing the infamous laptop as Russian disinformation. Instead, we had some solid questions about President…


MSNBC Reporter Heckled By Anti-Biden Protesters in NYC

February 3rd, 2022 4:41 PM

During a live shot in downtown New York City for MSNBC late Thursday morning, White House correspondent Mike Memoli was repeatedly heckled by protesters critical of President Biden and the media. This occurred while Memoli was laughably trying to promote Biden’s trip to the city as a “model” for how Democrats can address surging crime rates across the country ahead of the midterm elections.…


Memoli Previews 2022: 'Voting Rights Really in Jeopardy'

January 3rd, 2022 7:57 PM

MSNBC White House correspondent Mike Memoli joined MTP Daily guest host Kristen Welker on Monday to preview what is to come in 2022. For Memoli, the early part of this year will be focused on Democrats' desire to push "voting rights" because they are "really in jeopardy" across the country."


Mixed: ABC, NBC Journos Slam Biden While Others on CBS, NBC Go Soft

August 31st, 2021 10:20 PM

On Tuesday afternoon following President Biden’s address about the end of the war in Afghanistan, some broadcast network journalists slammed President Biden’s speech as an angry, defiant, and misleading while others fawned over his claims about the withdrawal as “largely a success” and said his firm deadline will be “reward[ed]” by voters.


Ghoulish Journos Demand WH Claim Abbott, DeSantis Are Spreading COVID

August 3rd, 2021 7:24 PM

The White House press corps continued into Tuesday its strategy to turn their guns toward Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) as, over the course of a press briefing and presidential press conference, numerous reporters urged President Biden and Press Secretary Jen Psaki to declare that DeSantis and fellow Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) are sickening their own citizens with the coronavirus due to their…