Mark Strassmann

CBS Is Bothsidesing and Normalizing the Murder of a Healthcare CEO
The murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson continues to dominate the headlines. In the wake of the horrific shooting, the media have taken the left’s cue and begun to provide coverage that “bothsides” and normalizes murder.

NBC, CBS Ignore Student's Alleged Murderer Is An Illegal Immigrant
The big three networks of ABC, NBC, and CBS had three underwhelming, yet widely varying approaches to the news that a released illegal immigrant has been charged with the murder of a Georgia college student on the respective editions of Good Morning America, Today and CBS Saturday Mornings. ABC mentioned the illegal immigrant part, but not the released part. NBC…

LOPSIDED: Nets Push ‘Tennessee Three’ Side Over Conservatives (107-24)
MRC analysts looked at 92 minutes, 22 seconds of network evening and morning coverage of the ousting of the “Tennessee Three” from April 6 to April 13 and discovered a whopping disparity in clips with the leftist trio and their supporters overwhelming conservative Republicans by a 107 to 24 count. A 4 to 1…

Cheerful: ABC, CBS Celebrate TN Dems ‘Have Finally Been Reinstated’
The liberals of ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings didn’t hide their enthusiasm on Thursday as they celebrated the reinstatement of Tennessee Democratic State Representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson after their district leaders voted to send them back until a special election is held. Each network also pushed accusations of racism against Tennessee…

CBS Declares Ousted Dems Living In 'Mostly White' GOP's Nightmares
On Monday night's CBS Evening News, senior national correspondent Mark Strassmann stuck his finger in the eyes of Tennessee Republicans who voted to oust two of the three attempted insurrectionist Democrat legislators. The obnoxious gloating Monday came after one of the misbehaved Democrats was reinstated by the Nashville council.

CBS Warns TN Republicans Left Dems No Choice But to Get Violent
A little over a week and half after a leftist trans terrorist shot up a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, CBS Mornings spent part of their Friday newscast telling Republicans in the state that they could be the target of more leftist violence. And according to CBS Prime Time host John Dickerson, the violence would be caused by Republican state legislators voting to…

ABC, NBC Ignores Leftists Storming TN Capitol, CBS Downplays
For the second time this week, the left turned violent Thursday when a mob of over 1,000 gun control activists stormed the Tennessee State Capitol in what some described as a violent insurrection. Much like their cable news colleagues from earlier in the day, the three evening news broadcasts either ignored or downplayed the violent riots at the Tennessee State Capitol. While the news of the…

NBC Hides Political Party of Racist Democrat Who Went on Vile Rant
Kudos to CBS and reporter Mark Strassmann for fairness. Strassmann, on the CBS Evening News and CBS Mornings shows was the only journalist to repeatedly note that the powerful Los Angeles politician who went on a racist rant is a Democrat. ABC barely noticed it. NBC covered the story once on Tuesday, but made no mention of party affiliation.

Which Party? Nets Leave One KEY Detail in Murder of Las Vegas Reporter
On Wednesday afternoon, Clark County, Nevada Public Administrator and Democratic Party official Robert Telles was arrested in connection with the death of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German following a series of stories German had penned about what sources told him was an abusive culture in Telles’s official and an inappropriate relationship with a colleague. Of course…

ABC, CBS Distort History to Mark Trayvon Martin's Death in 2012
As ABC and CBS ran reports commemorating the 10th anniversary of black Florida teen Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman, both networks misinformed their viewers, and ABC even imitated the same smear that NBC News was forced to apologize for 10 years ago.

CBS Still Peddling LIE Rittenhouse Crossed State Lines With Rifle
On Sunday’s edition of CBS Face The Nation, it seemed as though their goal when covering the not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense trial was to cram as many lies as they could into the segment. Moderator Margaret Brennan allowed lies about him bringing the gun across state lines, allowed lies about him buying it illegally, allowed lies about him being a white…

Nets Smear Atlanta Sheriff With Out-of-Context Quote About Spa Shooter
In the immediate aftermath of the tragic shooting spree of an alleged sex addict against a series of Asian spas in Atlanta last week, the hammer that was the liberal media saw everything as a racist nail. On Thursday and Friday morning, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) took their cues from Vox liar Aaron Rupar and falsely smeared Cherokee County Sheriff’s spokesman, Captain Jay Baker…

Nets Hide Blue CT Reopening Businesses, Smear GOP as Against Relief
The liberal broadcast networks made a full-court press Thursday evening, smearing Senate Republicans with the suggestion that were against giving struggling Americans aid in the midst of economic lockdowns. On top of that, they bashed Republican-led Texas and Mississippi for left restrictions and mask mandates, but completely ignoring the fact that Democratic Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont…