
Mark Halperin Admits Liberal Bias of the Media Helps Democrats

March 18th, 2016 5:38 PM
"Democrats often have the media on their side because of liberal bias." That sounds like a very common complaint among conservatives. However, that is exactly what liberal Mark Halperin stated yesterday on Bloomberg's With All Due Respect when he admitted the very obvious. This admission came during a discussion about how the Senate refusing to hold hearings on President Obama's nomination of…

Halperin: Bernie Gets Bum Rap as MSM Buys Into Hillary 'Faux Outrage'

March 8th, 2016 6:39 PM
Mark Halperin has ripped the MSM for its "outrageous" treatment of Bernie Sanders. Calling the media "lemmings," Halperin, seconded by John Heilemann, said on today's With All Due Respect, that the Hillary campaign has ginned up "faux outrage" over a number of Sanders' statements, and that the media has been "following it around," treating minor matters like "major contretemps." Halperin also…

Halperin: All Agree Great for SCOTUS to 'Look More Like America'

March 2nd, 2016 6:27 PM
I'm guessing most NewsBusters readers could care less about "diversity" when it comes to choosing Justices of the Supreme Court. That they'd be thrilled if all nine justices looked, for example, like Clarence Thomas--so long as all shared his philosophy of judicial restraint and original intent. On today's With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin interviewed Planned Parent president Cecile Richards.…

NBC Urges Rubio to Attack Trump, Then Says He’s Taking ‘Low Road’

February 26th, 2016 1:05 PM
Despite the hosts of NBC’s Today repeatedly demanding that Marco Rubio attack Donald Trump just two days earlier, after the Florida senator did just that in Thursday’s GOP debate, Friday’s edition of the morning show led off with co-host Matt Lauer fretting: “Texas smackdown. Things get ugly at the Republican debate, with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both taking repeated shots at Donald Trump....Has…

WADR Raps MSM for Playing Trump 'Punch'--After Playing It Themselves

February 23rd, 2016 6:18 PM
Let he who is without sin . . .  throw the first punch? Today's With All Due Respect rapped the MSM for its extensive coverage of Donald Trump having said of an unruly protester "[I'd] like to punch him in the face." Lamented John Heilemann: "cable news is so often so crazily dumb."  Just one problem. Before Heilemann and Halperin bemoaned the MSM's excessive coverage of the line . . . they…

ABC, NBC Bask in the Possibility of the ‘Unstoppable’ Donald Trump

February 22nd, 2016 9:40 PM
One day before the Nevada Republican presidential caucuses, the Monday editions of ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News couldn’t help but bask in the possibility that the “unstoppable” Donald Trump could run the table and win the rest of the state-level contests to take the Republican nomination against Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. World News Tonight anchor David Muir teased the “…

Scarborough Mercilessly Mocks Rubio's 'Firewall' in Nevada

February 22nd, 2016 10:32 AM
If there was one theme on today's Morning Joe, it was Joe Scarborough's relentless, merciless mocking of the notion that Marco Rubio has an electoral "firewall" in Nevada. It began with Mika Brzezinski's citing of a National Review article from December that spoke of such a firewall. Joe, butter not melting in his mouth, turned to Mark Halperin, coyly wondering why he was laughing at the notion.…

Halperin Scoffs at Scarborough Notion It's 2nd-or-Die for Rubio in SC

February 19th, 2016 8:22 AM
Talk about setting someone up to fail . . . Heading into a contest, politicians traditionally like to lower expectations. But Joe Scarborough has raised expectations for Marco Rubio almost to the roof. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough repeatedly cited talk that if Marco Rubio doesn't finish second in the South Carolina primary, "he has to get out of the race."   Chuckling through Joe's…

Mark Halperin: Press 'Biased Against' Hillary

February 11th, 2016 5:54 PM
Any would-be Republican presidential candidate who had--hanging around his neck--all the scandals and investigations that surround Hillary Clinton, would likely not have the chutzpah to throw his hat into the ring. He'd know that the MSM would create such a toxic environment that his candidacy would never have a chance of getting off the ground.  And so it is somewhere between amusing and…

Notable Quotables: NBC Winces When Hillary's Honesty Questioned

February 8th, 2016 9:00 AM
This week, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt tells Hillary Clinton how he “winced” when a young voter told the candidate that “people don't trust you,” even as Holt's scandal-scarred predecessor Brian Williams showed a stunning lack of self-awareness when he told MSNBC viewers on caucus night: “We will be the purveyors of truth and justice.” Plus, when Hollywood is accused of racism over the…

Heilemann: Governors in GOP Field See Rubio as a 'Punk'

February 5th, 2016 6:10 PM
With all due respect, indeed! On the Bloomberg TV show of that name that he co-hosts with Mark Halperin, John Heilemann today reported that the current and former governors in the GOP field--Bush, Kasich and Christie--think Marco Rubio is a "punk." Clarified Heilemann: "when I say 'punk,' they have the same view that Hillary Clinton had of Barack Obama [in 2008]: line-cutter, punk, man of no…

Scarborough/Halperin on FBI-Hillary: Sources Say Something Happening

January 29th, 2016 7:48 AM
With news of the death of Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane, let's borrow a line from another group of the late '60s, Buffalo Springfield: "there's something happening here." What it is ain't exactly clear, but it doesn't seem to bode well for Hillary Clinton. Today's Morning Joe featured an ominous exchange between Joe Scarborough and Mark Halperin. The notion was that a variety of sources--…

Liberal Nets Heap Praise on ‘Shrewd’ Trump ‘Eviscerating' Megyn Kelly

January 27th, 2016 9:15 PM
On Wednesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted 10 minutes and 43 seconds over four segments on their evening newscasts to 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s decision to boycott Thursday’s Fox News Channel (FNC) debate and, in that coverage, ABC and NBC hailed Trump as a “renegade” making “a very shrewd move” by “eviscerating” moderator Megyn Kelly and FNC.

Biased NBC Lectures Fox News on Journalism Over Trump Debate Boycott

January 27th, 2016 11:26 AM
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today had the audacity to lecture Fox News on journalistic ethics and treating all Republican presidential candidates with “respect.” This was the same network responsible for the disastrous and wildly biased CNBC debate in October that prompted the RNC to dump NBC as a host for an upcoming February debate.