Katie Couric

MRCTV's Mandelburg on OAN: Dancing in the White House, Woke NPR
MRCTV's Tierin-Rose Mandelburg and Alison Steinberg of One America News Network discussed recent media topics, including Katie Couric's controversial comments on Trump's MAGA supporters and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's dance moves. They also highlighted NPR's new CEO's woke views. Lastly, they found the obsession over a football player liking a Donald Trump post unnecessary…

Couric Smears Trump Voters As Jealous Anti-Intellectuals
Former 60 Minutes anchor Katie Couric recently joined Bill Maher on his podcast Club Random. During a discussion on income inequality, Couric mused that those who support Donald Trump are motivated by anti-intellectualism and jealousy.

NewsBusters Podcast: YouTube Offers Katie Couric, Kamala, and Cackles
Kamala Harris granted a softball interview to Katie Couric, who delighted in her abortion advocacy and asked her to explain just how reporters allegedly aren't talking up Biden's accomplishments. What? We're in another cycle of reporters complaining that the economy is doing great, and the voters just aren't accepting their spin.

FLASHBACK: Lib Media Fury After CBS Dumped Nasty ‘Reagans’
Twenty years ago, CBS faced a firestorm after a leaked script to the New York Times showed the network’s upcoming mini-series, The Reagans, was an inaccurate and unfair portrayal of the 40th President, then in the final months of his battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

Journos Push Hamas Propaganda, Compare New GOP Speaker to David Duke
On October 7 the world witnessed a horrific attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists. Yet shockingly and disgustingly there were some in the journalism community who actually sympathized with Hamas. Well those leftists are still at it, as they passed along Hamas propaganda as factual and called any opposition to a ceasefire racist. The following are just some of the worst outbursts from leftists…

NBC, People Magazine Stick to the Legend on Matthew Shepard
Once again, our leftist media are using the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard to push the LGBTQ causes, like putting men in women's sports and "gender affirming care" for minors. It doesn't matter to them that there are reports that Shepard wasn't killed in an "anti-gay hate crime," but over a drug deal. "Print the legend," skip the rebuttals.

Couric: Obama Owes Me a 'Big-Ass Bouquet' for Palin Attack Interview
Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported on Friday that former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric boasted about how she helped Barack Obama get elected in 2008 with her infamous attack interview on Republican Gov. Sarah Palin. "You're welcome, by the way," Couric told the audience, sparking laughter and applause. "I always thought that Barack Obama should have sent me a big…

FLASHBACK: As CBS Evening News Anchor, Katie Couric Was a Liberal Flop
At CBS, Katie Couric sounded indistinguishable from liberal politicians when it came to climate change, government health care, President Barack Obama’s massive spending, and even a government takeover of U.S. banks. She flattered Obama, condemned the rest of the media for being too tough on Hillary Clinton, and blamed her own failures at CBS on — what else? — sexism.

20 Years Ago: Media Saluted Hillary’s ‘Candid’ Scandal Fairy Tale
Twenty years ago this week, a compliant media elite aided Hillary Clinton's self-serving attempt to re-write the history of the Lewinsky scandal and her "vast right-wing conspiracy" smear of conservatives.

Katie Couric: I Take No Joy in Tucker Carlson's 'Downfall'
It's not often you'll hear a lefty like Katie Couric express sadness for someone like Tucker Carlson and his "downfall," even as she suggested he can't be "rehabilitated" from his Fox News work.

Mother’s Day Flashback: How the Media Use Moms to Push Liberal Agenda
For years liberal reporters and celebrities have exploited moms and Mother’s Day in order to score rhetorical points and seek a rhetorical edge in pushing various causes. Republicans are trashed as terrible mothers, while Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama are heralded as super-moms.

Flashback: Year of Media Spin Gave Us Budget-Busting ObamaCare
Thirteen years ago this week, the liberal media celebrated the final passage of the Affordable Care Act, aka “ObamaCare,” President Barack Obama’s big government answer to the millions of Americans without health insurance. Passage came after a year of media cheerleading, as journalists trumpeted the alleged benefits of Obama’s plan and denigrated conservative critics as racists or terrorists…

Flashback: 2007 Oscar Began Liberal Media’s Year of ‘The Goracle’
Sixteen years ago tonight, Hollywood liberals handed former Vice President Al Gore a “best documentary” Academy Award for his alarmist global warming film, An Inconvenient Truth. The award set off a year of the media touting Gore and promoting his agenda, culminating when European liberals gave him the Nobel Peace Prize in December.

FLASHBACK: Media Slobbering Over Obama’s SOTU Speeches
Joe Biden can never hope to garner the gushing praise the media habitually lavished on his onetime boss, former President Barack Obama. Liberal reporters were always thrilled whenever they were privileged to hear their hero delivering predictable liberal platitudes from the well of the House of Representatives.