Josh Gerstein

What a Joke: Politico Tries to Run Interference For Obama's Last-Minut
July 3rd, 2013 4:57 PM
Apparently, one pathetic last-minute speech by Eqypt's Mohammed Morsi was sufficient to convince President Barack Obama, who has spent several days and untold amounts of worldwide capital defending the Muslim Brotherhood leader's staying on the job in the face of what may have been the largest pro-democracy demonstrations in human history.
The Politico frantically tried to run interference…

Politico's Gerstein Assumes GOP and Other Efforts to Get at the Truth
May 19th, 2013 9:40 PM
When a reporter makes an assertion about someone else's beliefs or motivations, he or she is supposed to offer something up as evidence, say a direct quote, something that person has written, or even something someone else close to him or her has said.
Politico's Josh Gerstein offered nothing of the sort in his coverage of Eric Holder's "you can't touch me" attitude, though he provides plenty…
Politico Ignores Dzhokhar's Pro-Obama Tweets, Reports No Obvious 'Poli
April 23rd, 2013 7:56 AM
On Friday, Matt Sheffield and Bob Owens and other conservative bloggers spread the news that Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sent pro-Obama tweets out on Election Night, retweeting one that said "Barack you my dawg" and hailing how “america is impervious to the f--kery #justforthisoneday.”
Speaking of impervious, Politico reporter Josh Gerstein reported on Monday that "The Boston…

Politico Misses Kagan '09 Statement on DOMA Story: 'There Is No Federa
March 28th, 2013 12:52 PM
So, Politico jumped the shark on gay marriage yesterday in reporting that Justice Elena Kagan that she had a ‘gotcha’ moment during yesterday’s hearings on the Defense of Marriage Act.
But a real ‘gotcha’ moment would have been if Politico did their homework and resurrected Kagan’s past comments about gay marriage from 2009, when she was awaiting confirmation to the post of solicitor general…
As Inauguration Commences, Obama Ignores Jobs Council, Late Drafting B
January 21st, 2013 1:16 AM
Here are two things the major liberal media outlets aren't telling you.
While guns have dominated the national political dialogue, the clock is ticking on Obama’s budget, and he’s already admitted he will yet again be late, missing the Feb. 4 deadline mandated by federal law. What's more, for a president who originally campaigned on continuing to create jobs and economic growth for the…

Politico Predicted Obama Would Face 'Hard Questions' On Sequestration
November 14th, 2012 3:45 PM
Apparently the folks at Politico think the White House press corps is set to be tougher on the president at press conferences in his second term than they're actually proving to be.
As my colleague Tom Blumer noted, early this morning, Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown and Josh Gerstein posited seven "hard questions" they anticipated being raised at today's presidential press conference. "[W]hen…

Politico Pair Goes to Pot in Listing Seven Questions It Believes the P
November 14th, 2012 9:55 AM
Unless today is a total surprise and runs contrary to most of what we've seen during the past four years, President Obama will go through another "news conference" without a great deal of difficult or aggressive questioning from the assembled press corps.
Carrie Budoff Brown and Josh Gerstein at the Politico seem to think otherwise, and have produced a lame list of seven questions they think…

Now Politico Notices: 'Obama's Foreign Policy Team Hits Turbulence
November 13th, 2012 11:57 PM
Suddenly discovering something that anyone with eyes could see before the election, Josh Gerstein at Politico tells us that "Obama's foreign policy team hits turbulence."
Please. For over a week after September 11, the administration was pretending that a video which wasn't relevant at all caused protests which never occurred were what supposedly led to the attack on the U.S. consulate in…

Obama on 'The View': U.S. Would 'Survive' But Not 'Thrive' in a Romney
September 25th, 2012 8:50 AM
He clearly doesn't suffer from a shortage of chutzpah.
According to the Politico's Josh Gerstein, President Barack Obama was asked the following question by The View's Barabara Walters in a Monday appearance to be broadcast on Tuesday: "What would be so terrible if Mitt Romney were elected? Would it be disastrous for the country?" His response: "We can survive a lot. But the American people…
While Broadcast Media Buys 'Severe Weather' Excuse for Moving Obama Sp
September 5th, 2012 10:26 PM
If you have tickets for the Democratic National Convention and wanted to see President Barack Obama deliver his acceptance speech this Thursday at Charlotte's Bank of America Stadium, you’ll be greatly disappointed. Despite the official excuse of severe weather -- forecasters put the chance of storms at 20-30 percent -- the change in venue really seems to be because Obama campaign officials…
Obama Contradicts Holder and Others on Iran's in-U.S. Terror Capabilit
February 7th, 2012 9:26 PM
In his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer on Sunday, President Obama was asked the following question about Iran in light of the heightening tensions over its nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli air strike: "(In repsonse) Do you fear that they will wage attacks within the United States on American soil?" Obama responded as follows: "We don't see any evidence that they have…

WaPo Farms Out 10th Anniversary USS Cole Coverage, Omits Anger Over O
October 13th, 2010 1:36 PM
Ten years after the USS Cole bombing, the alleged mastermind of the attacks hasn't been tried in a military commission, angering survivors and families of the dead.
Yet for its coverage of the 10 year anniversary memorial service in today's paper, the Washington Post elected to go with an 11-paragraph article by Newport News [Va.] Daily Press's Hugh Lessig rather than assign a Post staffer to…
Krauthammer: Classified Leaks in Bush and Nixon Years Got You a Pulitz
August 7th, 2010 1:23 AM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday made a truly wonderful observation about how differently the media handle leaks of classified information depending on whether there's a Democrat or a Republican in the White House.As the discussion on PBS's "Inside Washington" moved to the Wikileaks affair, the Washington Post's Colby King said, "I don't see it as such a difficult issue at all for the Pentagon. It's…
Shocking Headline: 'Some on Left Souring on Obama
May 17th, 2009 1:54 PM
Here's a headline you'd never expect to see at a left-of-center website so soon in the new President's first term:Some on Left Souring on Obama Maybe even more shocking was the content in Josh Gerstein's Politico piece that was so prominently placed as the feature story on the site's front page Sunday: