
CNN Paints 'Fox & Friends' Segment as Racist

April 2nd, 2018 5:22 PM
To CNN's horror, President Trump unleashed a series of new tweets Monday morning, picking up where he left off in his "tweet storm" on Sunday. As she briefed the anchors of New Day, White House Reporter Kaitlan Collins could not tell if "these tweets actually represent a change in policy for this President or if they’re just simply him venting after watching cable news."

CNN Mocks POTUS for Hanging Out With Fox News Hosts

April 2nd, 2018 12:01 PM
During Monday's edition of New Day, a discussion ensued about President Trump's most recent "tweet storm" where he addressed the hot button issue of DACA. CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins said that the President's meetings with Fox News hosts over the weekend plus "hard-liner" Ann Coulter's "recent media tour calling Trump a disappointment" as the rationales for the tweet storm.

Blow, Sciutto Defend Liberal Parkland Students Holding ‘Nuanced’ Views

March 26th, 2018 5:41 PM
Using a debunked photo of Parkland student Emma Gonzalez ripping apart the Constitution and a Facebook post from Republican Congressman Steve King (Iowa) as cudgels, CNN Newsroom fill-in host Jim Sciutto and New York Times columnist Charles Blow rallied on Monday afternoon to defend the anti-gun, far-left Parkland students from conservative criticism.

After Memo's Release, AP, Others Push 'Free Beacon Funded Steele' Lie

February 3rd, 2018 8:22 PM
Shortly after the Nunes memo's Friday release, five reporters — three at the Associated Press and one each at MSNBC and CNN, pushed the long-discredited claim that, in the AP's words, "(Christopher) Steele’s opposition research effort was initially funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon."

CNN Frets ‘Someone Is Trying to Take’ Dem Win in Contested VA Race

December 27th, 2017 10:04 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360, fill-in host and former Obama administration flack Jim Sciutto highlighted a race that was a political junkie’s dream: A race so close it would be decided by drawing a name out of a hat. But the race for Virginia’s 94th district was consequential because a win for the Democrat would change the control of the House of Delegates. Of course, Sciutto…

CNN’s Clapper Suggests Putin ‘Handling’ Trump Like a Spy ‘Asset'

December 18th, 2017 8:29 PM
CNN: The news outlet that pompously declares they’re “the most trusted name in news” threw that out the window on Monday when their national security analyst and Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper suggested that President Trump was being treated like an intelligence asset by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Media Freak Out Over Trump Not Taking Q’s in China, Obama Did Same

November 10th, 2017 9:01 AM
Proving they always can find something to complain about when it comes to Trump, journalists from NBC, MSNBC and CNN all took to Twitter to whine about the “freedom of the press” being squashed during Trump’s trip to China this week, where he conceded to China’s request for no press questions during their joint conference. 

Lefties: ‘Nitwit’ Kelly Was ‘Odious’ ‘Coward’ Making ‘Bizarre' Remarks

October 19th, 2017 6:18 PM

In addition to CNN, liberal activists, actors, journalists, and trolls disturbingly berated and maligned the character of John Kelly following his Thursday Whtie House remarks, declaring him to be an “odious” “coward” and “nitwit” offering a “bizarre,” “dishonest,” and racist statement amidst the Gold Star family controversy.


Video Mash-Up: CNN Hated Trump's ‘Dark,’ ‘Incoherent’ ‘Sermon' to U.N.

September 19th, 2017 6:03 PM
From the moment President Trump’s Tuesday speech to the United Nations General Assembly ended, CNN made clear that they would be providing the liberal, pro-Obama response, lambasting his remarks as contradictory, “dark,” “frightening,” “incoherent,” and even weak. Now, if you’re skeptical that this video supercut included only partisan commentators, that sadly did not happen as the same rhetoric…

Wolf Blitzer: Barcelona Terror Could Be ‘Copycat’ of Charlottesville

August 17th, 2017 2:15 PM
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer was anchoring the network’s breaking news coverage Thursday afternoon on the possible radical Islamic terror attack in Barcelona, Spain when he made the inartful and arguably pathetic assertion that the truck attack could be “a copycat” of the neo-Nazi car attack on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

Reporters Falsely Claim Ivanka Trump Will Control World Bank Fund

May 22nd, 2017 9:14 PM
When it comes to "news" which might discredit Donald Trump or a member of his family, the modus operandi for too many in the press is, "Tweet and report first, ask questions later (if at all)." On Sunday, several media members couldn't resist falsely tweeting that Ivanka Trump will somehow control $100 million pledged by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to a World Bank fund for women…

Blitzer Pushes Guests for Trump Impeachment; ‘Are We Getting Closer?'

May 16th, 2017 7:54 PM

During Tuesday’s Situation Room, CNN host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly nudged guests to accept the notion of impeaching President Donald Trump following a New York Times piece claiming that Trump told then-FBI Director James Comey in February to end the Mike Flynn probe.


CNN Partisan Cuomo Spins Susan Rice Story as ‘Another Fake Scandal’

April 4th, 2017 11:02 AM
On Tuesday, CNN New Day anchor Chris Cuomo sidestepped reports that Barack Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice may have abused her authority in unmasking intelligence reports regarding communication between President Donald Trump's transition team and Russia. Instead, he blasted outlets like Fox News: "President Trump wants you to believe he is the victim of a 'crooked scheme,' his words…

False: CNN's Jim Sciutto Claims Trump Never Honored CIA Wall of Heroes

January 25th, 2017 7:44 PM
CNN correspondent Jim Sciutto has demonstrated a tendency to get very outraged by the inaccuracy of Donald Trump’s rhetoric. Perhaps he should check the log in his own eye. CNN doesn’t put on screen that Sciutto worked in the Obama State Department, as chief of staff to Obama’s first ambassador to China, Gary Locke. On Monday, he insisted Donald Trump didn’t “say anything” about the wall of…