CNN's Toobin Scoffs, Unlike Trump, Obama Had No Scandals!
March 5th, 2019 8:42 AM
Even though Barack Obama has been out of office for over two years now, CNN is still doing their part to protect his legacy. On The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Monday evening, CNN’s chief legal analyst praised the former president as scandal free, while blasting President Trump for being targeted by House Democrats in a new probe.
Rick Santorum: I Love Being a ‘Responsible,’ ‘Lone Voice’ on CNN
March 5th, 2019 7:27 AM
It certainly comes as no surprise that anyone watching CNN can always count the number of conservative Republican commentators on the fingers of one hand. However, Rick Santorum -- who was formerly a two-term senator and GOP presidential candidate -- states that “I love it” at the liberal channel because “I can say whatever I want to say and however I want to say it” even though he often must…
CNN's Toobin: Patriotic to Discuss Removing Trump Via 25th Amendment
February 19th, 2019 5:55 PM
Jeffrey Toobin is CNN's chief legal analyst, but he seems to be clueless about the fact that the 25th Amendment can only be invoked when a president is either physically or mentally incapacitated. It was never intended to be used in case high level officials decided that they just didn't like a president. Yet somehow Toobin allowed his obvious dislike for President Donald Trump to, well, trump…
CNN Mocks Trump for Eating Omelet During Border Emergency
February 18th, 2019 8:26 AM
To prove that there's a border emergency, President Trump must stop eating omelets! Ridiculous, you might say. And yet, on this morning's New Day, CNN's John Avlon, Alisyn Camerota and Jeff Toobin mocked President Trump for eating an omelet, somehow suggesting it debunks the existence of an emergency. In bonus coverage, Jeffrey Toobin predicts Trump will win a legal challenge to his emergency…
Media Let Dems Off the Hook: ‘No Incentive’ to Compromise
January 10th, 2019 2:17 PM
Since the government shutdown began in late December, the media have made sure to repeatedly lay the blame solely on President Trump and Republicans in Congress. Not only did the press refuse to place any responsibility for the budget impasse on congressional Democrats, but reporters actually touted the notion that liberal lawmakers had “no incentive” to compromise.
Toobin: Shutdown Due to Coulter 'Challenging the President's Manhood'
December 23rd, 2018 9:57 PM
As NewsBusters has reported, the media have cited their favorite Republicans in blaming the shutdown on conservative media stars. During Friday’s edition of The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer, the panel suggested that Ann Coulter bears responsibility for the government shutdown because she dared to challenge the President’s “manhood.”
CNN's Toobin: It's the First Day I Thought Trump May Not Finish Term
November 30th, 2018 2:05 PM
Thursday was the first day that Jeffrey Toobin claims he thought that President Trump would not finish his term. Or at least it was the first time Toobin had that thought since September, when he announced that a Trump tweet was an impeachable offense. What drove Toobin to repeat his fantasy on Anderson Cooper 360 on Thursday was Michael Cohen claiming he was lying when he testified to Congress…
CNNers Claim Caravan Storming Border Proves U.S. Doesn’t Need a Wall
November 26th, 2018 5:10 PM
In the 7:00 a.m. Eastern half-hour of CNN’s New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota and chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin submitted that the images over the last week with migrants storming the U.S. border with Mexico, seeking to force their way (illegally) into the country illustrated that — wait for it — the U.S. does not need a border wall.
Cable News Erects Wall of Falsehoods Around Caravan
November 26th, 2018 11:37 AM
For the past month, talking heads on CNN and MSNBC have repeated numerous outright falsehoods about the Central American caravan: namely, that it is comprised of “mostly women and children”; that there is “no evidence” of criminals participating; and that none of those marching north are “economic migrants.” An MRC analysis of cable news coverage also identified eight instances in which panelists…
Toobin: Trump's a Dictator Who Thinks DOJ Are His 'Personal Servants'
November 22nd, 2018 8:30 AM
During Tuesday’s edition of CNN's The Situation Room, CNN Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin warned of creeping fascism, saying “this is what happens in authoritarian countries...The President, the leader orders the investigation and prosecution of his political enemies,” without even bothering to mention that strong evidence exists that crimes have been committed. Comey laid out a very strong…
CNN: We Regret Giving ‘Bogus’ Clinton Email Server Story Too Much Time
November 20th, 2018 10:34 AM
The panel on CNN’s New Day Tuesday morning used the Ivanka Trump email story to fawn over Hillary Clinton, admitting regret over giving it “too much” attention during the 2016 election cycle. The journalists revealed their bias in calling it a “bogus” story to begin with, complaining that they probably helped seal her defeat by giving it attention.
Watch an Ebullient CNN React to Its ‘Victory’ for Acosta Over Trump
November 16th, 2018 10:58 AM
Not surprisingly, CNN was in an exuberant mood on Friday morning after federal judge Timothy Kelley ordered their chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta to have his White House press credentials restored following the Trump administration’s decision on November 7 to yank his pass following yet another act of showboating by Acosta hours earlier at a White House press conference.
CNN's Toobin Tears into Trump for 'Constant Attacks on Black People'
November 10th, 2018 3:30 PM
Liberal journalists routinely make the mistake of pretending only black people are insulted by Trump, when the rainbow of Trump's insults is very diverse. We showed that when he called Omarosa a "dog." She was one of many. On Friday's edition of The Situation Room, CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin took off in his critique of Trump's "constant attacks on black people" after the president insulted a…
This Week in Media Bias History: Bashing ‘Angry,’ ‘Bitter’ Thomas
November 3rd, 2018 12:15 PM
Journalists have been bashing conservative Supreme Court judges for decades. Even after Clarence Thomas was confirmed, reporters never liked him much. On November 2, 2007, Jeffrey Toobin sneered that Thomas is “angry,” “bitter,” and “isolated.”