Washington Post Fact Checker Gives 'A Bushel of Pinocchios' to IRS's L

May 20th, 2013 10:00 AM
Of all the scandals plaguing the Obama administration, the one involving the Internal Revenue Service appears to be the one that even liberal news outlets deem serious. Count Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler amongst the concerned, for on Monday he actually gave the IRS's Lois Lerner "a bushel of Pinocchios" for statements she has made about her organization's targeting of…

WaPo Hits Obama For Peddling False 40% Background Check Myth on Gun Sa

April 3rd, 2013 4:40 PM
Yesterday, the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler decided to not to be a lapdog for the Obama administration with his Pinocchio test concerning background checks for firearm purchases. On April 2, he awarded President Obama’s claim that 40 percent of gun sales don’t require a background check, which earned him three -- out of four possible -- Pinocchios from Kessler.  Kessler explained that "…

NY Times Spreads Obama's Bad '40 Percent' Figure on Background Checks

April 3rd, 2013 4:34 PM
The New York Times's Michael Shear passed along the Obama administration's unsubstantiated claim that 40% of gun purchases take place without a background check, in Wednesday's "Background Checks Are Still Stumbling Block in Gun Law Overhaul." Since the existing background-check system began, in 1994, officials have screened more than 108 million people before they could buy a gun, according…

WaPo Fact-Checker Twice Calls Out Obama Over Non-existent Sequester-Re

March 6th, 2013 4:07 PM
President Obama's sequester-related press briefing on March 1 contained the usual fibs. Examples include but are certainly not limited to the following: "We've already cut $2.5 trillion in our deficit," when the entire amount involved is something which might happen in the future; his claim that his State of the Union laundry list "is the agenda that the American people voted for," when many of…

CBS Spotlights Arne Duncan's 'Exaggeration' on Sequester Effects; ABC

February 28th, 2013 5:18 PM
Thursday's CBS This Morning stood out as the only Big Three network morning newscast to zero in on Education Secretary Arne Duncan's false assertion about the sequester – that "there are, literally, teachers now who are getting pink slips; who are getting notices they can't come back this fall". Correspondent Bill Plante noted that "Duncan conceded he knew of only one county nationwide where…

Bill Clinton Whopper: 'Half of All Mass Killings in the U.S. Have Occu

January 14th, 2013 9:43 AM
While it's not exactly news when former President Bill Clinton fails to tell the truth (after all, the first count on which he was impeached concerned his lying under oath in grand jury testimony), a whopper he hauled out at the Consumer Electronics show last Wednesday concerning gun violence was so over the top that it deserves far more notice than most of the establishment press will give it…

He Didn't Mean to, But WashPost's Glenn Kessler Did Conservatives a Fa

December 18th, 2012 12:49 PM
Without even realizing it, the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler has done a great service for the conservative movement and the interests of taxpayers. For the first time, we have in one place—citable in a mainstream news source—definitive proof that President Reagan was tricked into agreeing to a phony spending cut/real tax hike deal. The minor detail that the fact checker draws the wrong…

NYT Found Ryan 'Misleading' on Medicare, But Its 15-Plus Fact Checkers

October 12th, 2012 2:55 PM
The Biden-Ryan vice-presidential debate Thursday night brought out the media's "fact check" squads, including the New York Times, which had a squad of reporters evaluating the statements of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan online during the debate. Still, with perhaps 15 reporters on the job Thursday night, the paper still had to out-source a crucial Biden misstatement on Libya to the one-man fact-check…

WaPo's Kessler Assigns Three 'Pinocchios' to True Claim Obama Missing

September 25th, 2012 3:20 PM
Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler published a column yesterday attempting to debunk the claim in an American Crossroads television spot that President Obama skipped almost half of his intelligence briefings.  Kessler assigned the assertion a 3 out of 4 possible Pinocchios. No matter how Kessler spins it, however, the fact remains that President Obama failed to receive in-person…

George Will Calls Out Washington Post Fact-Checker

September 3rd, 2012 3:02 PM
Since Wednesday, the Obama-loving media have been working overtime trying to disprove a number of statements made by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan during their respective speeches at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. On ABC's This Week Sunday, George Will called out Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler for claiming Ryan had mislead Americans about a GM plant closing in Janesville…

Washington Post's Kessler Slams 'Obama's Misleading Tweet on Romney's

July 9th, 2012 3:35 PM
The Washington Post's popular Fact Checker political column isn't known for being particularly balanced when it comes to choosing which statements to dissect. So, it was surprising when the column's author Glenn Kessler, who usually chooses to go after statements made by prominent Republicans, fact-checked a tweet made by President Obama. On July 3, @BarackObama tweeted, "FACT: In 2010 and…

WaPo's Robinson Hypes Bogus Report on Obama's Spending His Own Paper D

May 28th, 2012 9:49 PM
NewsBusters reported Friday that the Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler gave a MarketWatch piece claiming President Obama's "spending binge never happened" three pinocchios for its utter falsehoods. On Monday, the Post's Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and former assistant managing editor Eugene Robinson actually misrepresented his own paper's findings to hype the thoroughly debunked…

Media Mostly Mum on Outrageous Obama Claim of Fiscal Restraint

May 25th, 2012 12:33 PM
White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday lectured journalists to not believe the "BS" that Barack Obama is a reckless spender. Rather than investigate Carney's assertions, or the sketchy basis for them, reporters have either embraced the talking points or allowed them to go unchallenged. Chris Matthews on Wednesday repeated the "fact" that federal spending "is rising at the slowest rate…

WaPo Busts White House for Citing Bogus Report Claiming 'Obama Spendin

May 25th, 2012 10:02 AM
As NewsBusters reported Thursday, White House press secretary Jay Carney during the previous day's press gaggle cited a bogus MarketWatch report hysterically claiming "Obama Spending Binge Never Happened." Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler looked at Carney's comments as well as Rex Nutting's article Friday and gave their assertions three Pinocchios: