George Stromboulopoulos

GMA Gives 12 Times More Coverage to Wallenda Walk Than Schumer Threat
March 5th, 2020 12:07 PM
If a viewer took a few moments to pour a cup of coffee or make a bowl of cereal Thursday morning, they easily could have missed the scant coverage on ABC’s Good Morning America of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices – news that received just 27 seconds of air time. Meanwhile, acrobat Nik Wallenda’s high-wire walk across a volcano got 5 minutes and 47 seconds…

ABC Admits ‘Rush to Judgement’ Over MAGA Hat Teens Viral Vid
January 21st, 2019 11:38 AM
ABC’s Good Morning America admitted Monday that the incident at the March for Life that went viral appearing to show Catholic teens in MAGA hats sneering at a Native American veteran, was taken out of context. However, ABC failed to acknowledge that their own network also slandered these kids with their hasty reporting based off of on one viral video.

Nets Fret Trump 'Threats' 'Fear' Over Caravan Will Help Republicans
October 23rd, 2018 10:52 AM
Tuesday morning the three networks continued their fawning coverage of the thousands of illegal aliens heading to the U.S./Mexico border while ABC and NBC spent additional time worrying that President Trump’s “threats” about the caravan would motivate Republican voters to the polls.

Nets: ‘Desperate’ Cruz & Kasich Alliance ‘Too Late' to Stop Trump
April 25th, 2016 12:43 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows parroted Donald Trump’s campaign talking points by dismissing Ted Cruz and John Kasich teaming up to stop the GOP frontrunner as an act of “desperation” that came “too little, too late.” Appearing on NBC’s Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin proclaimed: “Donald Trump, to be stopped, they need to do something different....This is…

Our Study You Saw on Friday's Special Report on Fox News
September 8th, 2014 4:50 PM
As President Obama’s approval ratings have tumbled in 2014, polling news has practically vanished from the Big Three evening newscasts — in stunning contrast to how those same newscasts relentlessly emphasized polls showing bad news for George W. Bush during the same phase of his presidency.

New CNN Host 'Uncomfortable' With U.S. Gun Culture, Thinks Bloomberg's
June 4th, 2013 4:51 PM
Meet your new late-night CNN host George Stroumboulopoulos, who feels the Toronto Mayor's alleged use of a gay slur was worse than if he had a crack addiction, and thinks New York City Mayor Bloomberg is a "right-winger" whose soda ban revealed that his "heart's in the right place" and whose support for "marriage equality" was "fantastic."
Stroumboulopoulos, currently a nightly CBC…