
NBC Blames SCOTUS Bump Stock Ruling for Weekend Shootings, No Evidence

June 17th, 2024 12:10 PM

Over the weekend, three communities across the United States were victims of gun violence as parties and gatherings came to sudden ends when scumbags decided to kill people. NBC’s Today looked to exploit the tragedies on Monday by having correspondent Erin McLaughlin blame the murders on the U.S. Supreme Court, citing their decision to strike down the Trump-era bump stock ban. But…


Networks WHINE About Columbia’s Pro-Hamas Camp Getting Busted By NYPD

May 1st, 2024 1:12 PM

Overnight, the anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia University was finally broken up after the NYPD outsmarted the barricaded protesters by breaching the second floor of occupied Hamilton Hall. But on Wednesday morning, the whining from ABC, CBS, and NBC was almost as bad as the shrieking coming from the terrorist sympathizers as they recounted the horror of the 100 people arrested…


ABC Boasts Crackdowns 'Hardening the Resolve' of Pro-Hamas Students

April 29th, 2024 4:50 PM

The anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas encampment continued to spread to other university and college campuses like a disease over the weekend and ABC correspondent Trevor Ault responded on Monday by boasting that crackdowns were “hardening the resolve” of the student extremists. He even suggested that they were the ones being threatened and not the ones causing the problems.


Networks Praise Pro-Hamas ‘Solidarity Movement’ Spreading, Promote BDS

April 24th, 2024 2:20 PM

The three major American broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were out in force Wednesday morning as all three of them took to praising the pro-Hamas extremists taking over college campuses across the country. Ignoring the raging antisemitism that was on full display and captured on videos circulating on social media, they praised the “solidary movement” that was spreading to more campuses.…


NBC Tries to Discredit Victims of Antisemitism at Columbia University

April 23rd, 2024 1:54 PM

In recent days, the pro-Hamas gatherings at university campuses across the country have grown more violent and more brazen with their anti-Semitic rhetoric; causing Jewish students to feel unsafe and universities to advise them to stay away as they shift to virtual learning. But despite all the videos of these incidents, the Tuesday edition of NBC’s Today (via correspondent Erin…


ABC World News Tonight SUPPRESSED Biden’s ‘Very Fine People’ Moment

April 22nd, 2024 11:44 PM

All three major broadcast networks covered the ongoing violent antisemitic campus protests during their evening newscasts. Only one, ABC, omitted President Joe Biden’s statements granting moral equivalency both to the antisemitic protesters and to those who oppose them- his own “very fine people” moment.


NBC: Repeaters Not Reporters on Claudine Gay's New York Times Op-Ed

January 4th, 2024 5:41 PM

NBC’s Today took up the Claudine Gay story again on Thursday…not as reporters, but as repeaters. Reporter Erin McLaughlin was a stenographer to deposed power, quoting large passages of Gay’s op-ed in Thursday’s New York Times, titled “What Happened at Harvard Is Bigger Than Me.” It’s the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy! It was a video press release. 


Nets: ‘Conservative Attacks,’ Plagiarism ‘Claims’ Wounded Claudine Gay

January 3rd, 2024 5:02 PM

The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC gave full stories Tuesday night and Wednesday morning to the long-delayed resignation of Harvard University President Claudine Gay following her infamous congressional testimony refusing to condemn rampant anti-Semitism on her campus and a growing list of examples of plagiarism.


'Underwhelming': CBS, NBC Downplay Evidence of Hamas At Gaza Hospital

November 18th, 2023 1:45 PM

On the Saturday edition of NBC’s Today reporter Erin McLaughlin ran down the list of evidence Israel has provided that Hamas has used the Al-Shifa Hospital for military purposes only to dismisses it as “nothing definitive.” Meanwhile, on CBS Saturday Morning, Imtiaz Tyab did the same thing, labeling the provided as evidence as “frankly underwhelming.”


Which Party? Nets Leave One KEY Detail in Murder of Las Vegas Reporter

September 8th, 2022 1:00 PM

On Wednesday afternoon, Clark County, Nevada Public Administrator and Democratic Party official Robert Telles was arrested in connection with the death of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German following a series of stories German had penned about what sources told him was an abusive culture in Telles’s official and an inappropriate relationship with a colleague. Of course…


Nets Skip Ukraine Expanding Gun Rights Before Invasion, Giving Weapons

February 24th, 2022 7:51 PM

On Wednesday, hours before the start of the Russian invasion of Ukrainian, the Rada (parliament) advanced legislation that would allow more Ukrainian civilians to own firearms as they stared down the bear that was eager to wage war on and conquer them. It’s another obvious example of why civilian firearm ownership is important and vital for a free people, yet it wasn’t worth any airtime on the…


MSNBC MELTDOWN Over Full Football Games, ‘Theaters and Beaches!’

September 8th, 2021 10:22 AM

On Tuesday's edition of Hallie Jackson Reports on MSNBC, the namesake host and correspondent Erin McLaughlin lamented sellout crowds at college football games over the weekend. Additionally, McLaughlin promoted a doctor who refuses to see unvaccinated patients and gave incomplete information while fearmongering about a new variant.


Nets Skip Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer, Families Speak

August 31st, 2021 2:30 PM

On Sunday, President Biden spat in the faces of the grieving families whose loved ones, service members were killed by a suicide bomb at the Kabul airport last week. As their bodies were being tended to during the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base, Biden repeatedly looked down at his watch as if he was counting the minutes until the inconvenient photo op was over. Meanwhile, the…


NBC Hails High School Valedictorian’s Pro-Abortion Tirade

June 3rd, 2021 3:44 PM

After arguing weeks earlier that a new pro-life measure in Texas was a “public health threat,” on Thursday, NBC’s Today show hailed a high school valedictorian in the state for using her graduation speech to launch into a pro-abortion tirade trashing the law. While the policy protecting unborn children was labeled “controversial” in the report, the student’s nasty political screed was…