Elizabeth Vargas

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests
Eighteen years ago this week, the liberal networks donated their airwaves to the cause of protesters seeking to kill a bill which would have increased the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws, with fawning and emotionally-charged coverage of left-wing political marches — “people draping themselves in the American dream,” as one over-the-top morning host anchor enthused.
How’d It Get Published? Daily Beast Pens Fact-Free Smear of NewsNation
The Daily Beast has always had a reputation as not only a leftist publication, but a contemptuous band of pricks buffered by layers of juvenile smugness. So, it was no surprise when they had writer Joe Berkowitz spend a week watching NewsNation and, on cue, he concluded with a piece dripping with disdain that was so thick he must of forgotten to get basic facts right, including who hosts what…

ABC Omits Classified Material on Hillary's Server; Touts Her Health

ABC, NBC Hype Caitlyn Jenner Speech at ESPY Awards

ABC’s 20/20 Exposes Rampant Disability Fraud

'Key' Obamacare Rule Mentioned Just Once by Nets as It Takes Effect

'Big Three' Give Scalise Controversy 13 Minutes of Coverage In 1 Day

Our Study You Saw on Friday's Special Report on Fox News

ABC Conflates Legal and Illegal Immigration, Tags Protesters 'Anti-Imm

Ten Years Ago, 'The Passion' Ruckus Demonstrated Network TV's Hostilit

Madonna (Really): 'Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People