Egberto Willies

Daily Kos: ‘America's Right-Wing Mass Killers’ Deadlier Than ISIS
November 24th, 2015 11:25 AM
Liberals sometimes say that law enforcement’s approach to the Mafia offers a model for how to deal with jihadists, even though the latter tend not to limit their demands to protection money. This past Sunday, Egberto Willies claimed that if terrorist attacks were “treated as they should be, like organized crime, it would neuter ISIS. After all…the group is no more powerful than a large band of…
Daily Kos Writer: Obama’s Had It With Mainstream Media’s Lies
January 28th, 2015 12:01 PM
Egberto Willies claims that Obama “gave the traditional mainstream media carte blanche for six years,” but that “they failed to report truthfully, accurately, and in an unbiased manner” on issues including Obamacare and the economy. Therefore, Obama now “is effecting a paradigm shift. He is unshackling us all from a type of slavery to the traditional mainstream media.”

Daily Kos Urges War at Home -- With Wall Street and Gun Sellers
September 10th, 2013 6:45 AM
Egberto Willies at the Daily Kos is one of those reliable radicals that’s really upset with war in Syria, lamenting this is “something the John Kerry of 1971 would never advocate for” and “The only winners are the military industrial complex and a corporatocracy dependent on cheap oil.”
Then it took a weird turn. “America must go to war alright,” Egberto declared, but with the war profiteers…