DeMarco Morgan

CBS Hammers Tim Kaine on Hillary Avoiding the Press
September 1st, 2016 11:43 AM
In an interview with Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine on Thursday, the hosts of CBS This Morning actually grilled the Virgnia senator over Hillary Clinton refusing to talk to the press. Fill-in co-host Demarco Morgan lead off the contentious exchange: “Senator, this was Donald Trump's first meeting with a head of state as the nominee and he immediately opened up the floor to…

ABC Notices Hillary's Deleted Benghazi E-Mails, NBC Still Censoring
August 31st, 2016 3:10 PM
On Wednesday's GMA, ABC finally covered the latest development on Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal. Paula Faris gave a news brief noting that "the Justice Department now says that up to 30 deleted e-mails from her private server could be related to the Benghazi attack." CBS This Morning mentioned the new revelation on the Clinton scandal during the lead-in for a report on the former senator's lack…