
VP Harris Draws Top Billing On ABC Coverage of Bibi White House Visit

July 25th, 2024 11:44 PM

The Regime Media are all hands on deck in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 campaign, furiously spinning everything related to the presumptive replacement Democrat nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris. But ABC News, as is their custom, took it a step too far.


Nets Rediscover Menendez Trial After Just 9 Mins Before Guilty Ruling

July 16th, 2024 10:15 PM

Prior to Tuesday’s guilty verdict in the corruption trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (NJ), the major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC spent only nine minutes (8:56) on their flagship morning and evening newscasts and Sunday morning political talk shows. But by Tuesday night, they came out of the wilderness with six minutes of coverage (6:08).


ABC News Dares Not Speak The Ethnicity of Would-Be Central Park Rapist

June 25th, 2024 1:06 AM

What is it with ABC News personnel not being able to offer ethnic descriptors of suspected sexual predators on the loose? Once again, critical details are left out of a story- this time, as an attempted rapist is loose in New York’s Central Park.



Regime Media FREAK OUT Over Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law

June 20th, 2024 12:33 AM

Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public schools across the state. The corporate media’s reaction to this development is best described as a collective muted hysteria.


CBS, NBC OMIT Reporting On Illegal Alien Rapist Caught In NYC

June 19th, 2024 12:15 AM

On the day that President Joe Biden announced his much-ballyhooed executive order on immigration, other immigration news broke. Most of the major networks omitted the story, as it does not reflect favorably on Biden’s immigration policy.


CBS, NBC Find Culprit For Spiking Home Insurance Rates: Climate Change

June 13th, 2024 12:01 AM

The Regime Media appear to have settled on a non-Bidenomics or inflation culprit for the ongoing spike in home insurance rates: climate change. CBS and NBC did so immediately after delivering rosy reports on inflation and holding out hope for a single rate cut this year.



June 6th, 2024 11:44 PM

Not even a day as solemn as D-Day, wherein we commemorate not just the liberation of Europe but the rescue of Western civilization from Hitler’s evil grasp, is safe from ABC’s relentlessly sycophantic coverage of President Joe Biden. Tonight’s interview was more of the same.

Networks Paint Hearing as St. Merrick Garland vs. Republican Villains

June 6th, 2024 9:44 AM

The four nightly broadcast news shows (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) on Tuesday presented Attorney General Merrick Garland’s House hearing as a brave moment where he proclaimed he would "not be intimidated" by House Republican demands. 

DESECRATION: Not Even D-Day Is Spared From ABC’s Pro-Biden Sycophancy

June 5th, 2024 11:26 PM

The solemnity of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which in 1944 marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi tyranny, was generally observed throughout the Regime Media. Except for ABC, which chose the occasion to promote President Joe Biden’s speech in a manner more befitting a campaign comms shop.


Regime Media Help Push Biden’s Border EO, Fake ‘Shut Down’ Narrative

June 5th, 2024 9:10 AM

When looking at how the Regime Media report on any of the given issues of the day, you can be certain that the truest, purest victim of any of the calamities of the day is always going to be the electoral prospects of one Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior. There is no other rationale that could underlie the ridiculous and servile coverage accorded to President Biden’s executive order on the…


Hunter Biden Trial Roundup: The ‘Laptop From Hell’ WAS ALWAYS REAL

June 4th, 2024 11:55 PM

With today’s coverage of the happenings of the Hunter Biden gun trial comes a major piece of vindication for anyone reporting or attempting to report on the existence (and, subsequently, the contents) of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop From Hell”. The major network newscasts (mostly) reported on the laptop, albeit tangentially and reluctantly.


Nets Defends Fauci From GOP in ‘Emotional’, ‘Fiery’, ‘Testy’ Hearing

June 4th, 2024 6:26 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC were not only exhausting airtime fawning over and spinning for Hunter Biden as his first criminal trial got underway, but also rallying around Dr. Tony Fauci on Monday night and Tuesday morning over the “contentious”, “heated” and “hostile” House hearing he endured on the COVID-19 pandemic response that left him “defiant” yet “emotional” over “the threats” posed by critics.…


BLESS THE ‘CHILD’: Hunter Biden Gun Trial Gets Pillow-Soft Treatment

June 4th, 2024 1:45 AM

The networks must have collective whiplash. The brutality and edge of their coverage of former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan business records trial is eclipsed by the collective tenderness with which they’re handling Hunter Biden’s federal trial on gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware.


ABC Hypes ‘Incredible’ Guilty Verdict of Trump, ‘Cheers’ at Biden HQ

May 30th, 2024 10:33 PM

Not surprisingly, Disney-owned ABC went gaga Thursday over former President Trump being found guilty on all 34 counts brought by far-left Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg relating to the 2016 election, basking in the “incredible verdict” from New Yorkers that they claim had not only “broken” Trump in spirit, but will cause “a significant percentage” of voters to not vote for Trump. In turn, they…