David Ignatius

PBS Fears ‘Constitutional Crisis,’ Casts Trump as Chair-Hurling Knight
Before journalist Jeffrey Goldberg’s revelation that he’d been privy to a national security text thread discussing war plans by the Trump White House, the Atlantic’s editor in chief hosted another busy episode of public television’s Washington Week with The Atlantic, where Washington Post columnist David Ignatius and Atlantic writer Michael Scherer helped…

Morning Joe Regular Admits Oval Office Meeting With Zelensky A Success
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski describes as "disastrous" the Oval Office meeting among Trump, Vance, and Zelensky. But Morning Joe regular Elisabeth Bumiller of the New York Times admits though "hard to watch," it was a "pressure tactic that got us somewhere." Mika responds with a curt "all right" and quickly moves on.

PBS Labeling of 'Extreme Right' GOP Congress Continues Into 2025
Both the PBS News Hour and PBS’s weekly journalist roundtable Washington Week in Review used the new 199th Congress and Rep. Mike Johnson narrowly winning the vote to become Speaker of the House to break out their biased labeling tricks. Washington Week moderator and Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg (along with contributors Leigh Ann Caldwell and David Ignatius of…

MSNBC Hosts Lament Overlooking ‘the Charisma of Kamala Harris’
Even with hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski away on Monday, the fill-in cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe managed to meet their high bar for obnoxious praise for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign; at one point even lamenting that they had overlooked how supposedly charismatic she was as they misguidedly focused on her failed 2020 run. A Washington Post…

Morning Joe Despairs on 'AWOL' Lloyd Austin: Ignatius Sighs Say It All
On Morning Joe, David Ignatius, the Washington Post columnist and Morning Joe regular, repeatedly sighs while trying to defend Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for his failure for several days to inform the White House of his ICU hospitalization for complications from cancer surgery.

SHOCK: Washington Post's Ignatius Urges Biden NOT to Run in 2024
Late Tuesday night, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius stunned permanent Washington with his most recent op-ed calling for President Joe Biden not to run for reelection in 2024 due to his advanced age. The piece is sure to set Biden off when he wakes up from his nap.

Morning Joe On Anniversary of RFK Assassination Never Mentions Sirhan
Morning Joe's segment on the anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy never mentions his assassin, the Palestinian Sirhan B. Sirhan, or that Sirhan's motive was RFK's support for Israel, or that Sirhan was an ardent supporter of Communism.

After Debt Deal, King Wonders If Biden Can Make 'Centrism' 'Sexy'
CNN’s Friday edition of Inside Politics turned into a Biden 2024 ad as host John King previewed Biden’s Oval Office address on the debt limit deal by asking his assembled panel if he could make “centrism, compromise sexy.”

Was This Journalist Talking About Fox News—Or Joe Scarborough?
On Morning Joe, discussing revelations that Fox News people said critical things in private about Trump, but something very different on the air, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius says: "You have a sense that, like the Republican politicians you and I were talking about, Fox is chasing what it imagines its viewers, the public on the right, want to hear. And that's just…

Morning Joe Blames Paul Pelosi Attack on GOP, 'Trump-Fueled Fascism'
On Morning Joe, at the end of the first half-hour spent exclusively on discussing the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, and blaming it on Trumpism, Mika Brzezinski vows, "we're going to be spending the entire show trying to take a deep dive into this."

Morning Joe's Sudden Respect For Richard Nixon
File this one under NewsBusters' "Sudden Respect" rubric. Friday's Morning Joe celebrated Richard Nixon! It did so because, in contrast with Trump, Nixon conceded the 1960 presidential election to JFK, despite strong evidence that the results in Illinois and Texas were stolen on behalf of the Democrat. There was even the spectacle of Washington Post's David Ignatius, speaking of Nixon…

Scarborough: Trump Was Right on Europe's Dependence on Russian Oil
It was obviously a tough pill -- or shall we say nut -- for Joe Scarborough to swallow. On Wednesday's Morning Joe, the Trump hater par excellence grudgingly admitted that as president, Donald Trump got it right when he chided Angela Merkel over Germany's dependence on Russian oil.

Potty-Mouth: Morning Joe Mentions 'Toilets' 14x in Opening Minutes
Talk about having a potty mouth! With Joe Scarborough leading the [dis]charge, the Morning Joe crew mentioned "toilets" no fewer than 14 times in its six opening minutes today. We've talked before about Scarborough getting on his "hobbyhorse" and riding a favorite phrase into the ground. But this morning, it's more apt to describe Scarborough mounting his . . . commode. Morning Joe was making…

Scarborough Feels Putin's Pain, Paints Ukraine as Potential Aggressor!
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough summoned up sympathy, if not for the devil, at least for Vladimir Putin. Scarborough's argued that we need to respect Russia's need for secure borders, and that "Ukraine is a knife that cuts right into the heart of Russia!" He suggested that we consider how the US would feel if Russia signed a mutual security pact with Mexico.