David Horsey

LA Times Cartoonist Scribe Deems Koch Brothers Worse Than Corrupt Demo
April 9th, 2014 6:54 PM
Wow, what a great year to work as a political cartoonist in California, especially if you're also a columnist.
Back in January, a California state senator name Rod Wright was convicted on all eight counts in his trial for voter fraud and perjury. Just a few weeks later, another state senator from California, Ron Calderon, was indicted on two dozen (!) counts of bribery, fraud, money…

LA Times Cartoonist Capitalizes on Aurora Tragedy By Portraying NRA As
July 24th, 2012 5:28 PM
The Los Angeles Times has published an inane and irresponsible piece of political commentary about the recent mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. This time it's cartoonist and columnist David Horsey, blaming the NRA for the bloodbath, both in writing and in a cartoon depicting a callous Wayne LaPierre quipping "I hope the guns weren't harmed."
Horsey writes:
Let's also consider…
Seattle P-I Greets Visitors with Criticism of Tea Parties
April 16th, 2009 4:40 PM
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which since mid-March has been published solely online, greeted visitors to its Web page today with links to opinion pieces or cartoons critical of the April 15 Tea Parties (see screencap at right).In the upper right-hand corner, under a picture of Seattleites at a tea party protest, were links to a liberal opinion piece by P-I cartoonist David Horseya photo…
Vanity Fair Cartoonist Cribs from Seattle P-I's Anti-McCain Cartoon
July 23rd, 2008 1:00 PM
Update below.Vanity Fair magazine thought it amusing to have artist Tim Bower work up a mock magazine cover that lampoons the now-infamous satirical depiction of Sen. Barack Obama as a Muslim and his wife as a gun-slinging leftist radical (h/t Marc Ambinder). In Bower's cartoon, McCain clutches a walker while his wife waits with vials of prescription medicine. A George W. Bush portrait hangs…
Seattle P-I's Horsey Rides to New Yorker Rescue, Skewers McCain
July 15th, 2008 5:18 PM
Liberal political cartoonist David Horsey defended the New Yorker's satire of the Obamas with his July 15 Seattle Post-Intelligencer drawing (shown at right, for a larger size check the P-I Web site here) while raising some left-wing tropes about the presumptive GOP nominee. "For all the irony-challenged literalists who were upset by the New Yorker's Obama-as-a-Muslim magazine cover, here's one…