David Gergen

Hysterical Media Outlets React in Horror to Trump... Yet Again

CNN: ‘Surreal’ Summit Is ‘Incredibly Depressing Moment’ in Our History

Cooper: ‘One of the Most Disgraceful Performances’ by a U.S. President

CNN Mocked Conservative ‘Tea Baggers,’ But Now Decries Incivility

CNN’s Gergen Laments Trump Bringing About 'the Death of Democracy'

After Days of Hype, CNN Panelists Shrug at Playmate’s Interview

CNN Panel Churns Out Speculation About Mueller’s Questions to Trump

‘Sociopath’ Trump and ‘Nazi’ Republicans Deserve ‘Extinction’
From psychoanalyzing Donald Trump as an “unhinged” “sociopath” to blaming Fox News and the GOP agenda for “re-animating” the Nazis, liberal reporters, writers and hosts have spent the last few weeks of summer using heated rhetoric to denounce conservative Republicans and Trump as a bunch of haters advancing a “white supremacy agenda.” The following is a collection of worst media and celebrity…

CNN: Trump's 'Cruelty' Over DACA Reveals His Racist 'Values'
Hysteria Over Paris Pullout

Gergen Raises Impeachment, Hilariously Touts Tribe as Credible Source

'Disturbing' Speech by 'Moral Midget'; CNN Melts Down Post-Trump Rally

CNN Panelists Laugh at Gergen Claiming Trump's 100 Days Worst Ever