Christina Ruffini

What About the Abandoned? CBS Rips Biden Admin Spinning Afghan Crisis
With the final military planes off the tarmac and out of Afghan airspace, the Biden administration was desperate to try to paint their deadly disaster as some sort of success. Each of the press secretaries and top officials at the White House, State Department, and Pentagon parroted the same talking point that it was the largest airlift in U.S. history. But CBS News popped their bubble Monday…

Nets Cheer Dem Stunt Blocking ‘Un-American’ Texas Election Law
On Monday and Tuesday, the network morning shows were thrilled that Democrats in the Texas state legislature pulled a political stunt to temporarily prevent passage of a Republican election reform law, hailing the “dramatic” move as a “last stand” by left-wing lawmakers “vowing to fight on.” The Democratic Party shills on ABC, NBC, and CBS also parroted nasty remarks from President Biden…

Here’s the Bad Biden Polling News Networks Are Hiding
While all three broadcast networks spent Sunday and Monday touting new polls showing general approval for President Biden’s job performance after his first 100 days in office, the liberal media outlets managed to cover up several negative findings for the Democrat, found in the same surveys. Some unflattering numbers were mentioned or vaguely alluded to, but many were not.