Charles Osgood

Bye-Bye Charles! The Worst of Osgood’s Outbursts
August 29th, 2016 4:00 PM
On Sunday, longtime morning show host Charles Osgood announced to his CBS Sunday Morning audience that his almost 50-year career with the network will be coming to an end on September 25. Osgood took over the CBS Sunday Morning hosting duties from Charles Kuralt in 1994 and while the show took on a sedate tone, Osgood still managed to mix in liberal observations and even a bit of pretentious…

ABC, CBS, CNN Ignore Radical Politics of Speakers at March Anniversary
October 12th, 2015 3:59 PM
On Sunday, ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Sunday Morning followed the lead of the New York Times in omitting the extremist history of Louis Farrakhan in their coverage of the "Justice or Else" rally marking the 20h anniversary of the Million Man March. The Big Three programs also failed to mention that former pastor to then-Senator Barack Obama, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, spoke at the event and…

CBS’s Charles Osgood Promotes John Kerry Comparing Global Warming Sk
February 16th, 2014 11:54 AM
CBS News host Charles Osgood rarely catches our attention at NewsBusters, but every now and then he does something that makes us shake our heads in dismay.
During his weekly Sunday morning program CBS News Sunday Morning, Osgood touted a recent speech by Secretary of State John Kerry in which Kerry “likened deniers of climate change to those who once believed Earth is flat.” [See video below…

CBS's Charles Osgood: 'Is Constitution Truly Worthy of Reverence in Wh
January 27th, 2013 7:35 PM
Imagine you're getting ready to head to church one fine Sunday morning and on your television you hear a man say, "Let's give up on the Constitution."
Such actually happened when CBS News Sunday Morning aired a rather inflammatory commentary by a Georgetown University law professor teased by host Charles Osgood asking, "Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most…

CBS's 2012 Recap Glosses Over Key Aspects of Benghazi Attack Controver
January 2nd, 2013 7:20 PM
During a retrospective on 2012 on the December 30, 2012 edition of CBS's Sunday Morning, Charles Osgood ludicrously oversimplified the continuing scandal over the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Osgood conspicuously omitted U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's Sunday show appearances five days after the assault, which conflicted with intelligence agencies'…
NBC Finds Most Americans Oppose Repeal of ObamaCare, But CBS Reports
September 26th, 2010 8:32 PM
Sunday’s Today show on NBC and Sunday Morning on CBS presented seemingly contradictory polling results on how much ObamaCare is supported by the American public, although both seemed to be citing the same AP poll. As Meet the Press host David Gregory appeared on Today, anchor Lester Holt suggested that Republicans are going against the majority of Americans in promising to repeal ObamaCare as he…
In CBS Commentary, Syfy’s McGibney Attacks Ben Stein as ‘Greedy
September 26th, 2010 6:29 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning show, a week after airing conservative actor and economist Ben Stein’s pre-recorded commentary in which he criticized the drive to increase taxes on the already overtaxed wealthy, a liberal response from Syfy Channel producer Linda McGibney was shown in which she personally attacked Stein and other wealthy people as "greedy," and suggested that he "just doesn’t care about…
CBS: Gulf Oil Spill An 'Opportunity' to Push Green Energy on 'Power-Hu
August 17th, 2010 3:48 PM
At the top of CBS's Sunday Morning, host Charles Osgood proclaimed: "From sky-high air-conditioning bills to gasoline-fueled vacations in the car, there's nothing like summer to remind us that we Americans are power hungry." In the story that followed later, correspondent Seth Doane declared: "In the wake of the Gulf oil disaster, calls for cleaner, greener energy, are growing louder." Doane…
CBS Touts Grayson’s Push for Legally Mandated Paid Vacation, Looks t
May 30th, 2010 2:26 PM
On CBS's Sunday Morning show, correspondent Jim Axelrod filed a report touting the movement in America to make it the law of the land that some employers must provide paid vacation to their employees, even giving controversial Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson - known for making vicious attacks against conservatives – a chance to plug his proposal to make paid vacation, which the Florida…
CBS 'Sunday Morning' Goes After Catholic Church on Easter Sunday
April 5th, 2010 3:06 PM
On CBS's Sunday Morning, host Charles Osgood marked Easter Sunday by proclaiming: "For many Roman Catholics, the joy of this Easter is mixed with sadness over continuing charges of child abuse and of cover-ups within the Church's hierarchy." In a report that followed, correspondent Dean Reynolds declared that the scandal was "like a heavy blow to the soul." Reynolds went on to cite the latest…
CBS Hails ObamaCare; Calls French Health Care ‘Best in the World
August 17th, 2009 4:30 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning correspondent Martha Teichner touted President Obama’s latest PR blitz to promote health care reform: "For the third time in five days, Barack Obama used the presidential bully pulpit on behalf of what he’s now calling health insurance reform. No more letting the angry opposition control the agenda."Teichner dismissed that "angry opposition" by declaring: "Here’s a…
CBS's 'Sunday Morning' Features Grieving Aunt Criticizing Media for No
July 13th, 2009 12:37 PM
Last Tuesday, NewsBusters Editor-at-Large Brent Baker noted that seven soldiers who had been killed the week prior in Afghanistan received just 1/20th of the evening newscast time that ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted to the passing of pop star Michael Jackson. The same day, NewsBusters Publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell slammed the broadcast networks in a statement: "There is no…
CNN Introduces Christie Hefner as One of Its 'Economic Analysts
February 2nd, 2009 5:54 PM
On Monday’s American Morning, CNN anchor John Roberts interviewed former Playboy CEO Christie Hefner, and introduced her as being “added to our roster of economic analysts.” Roberts also failed to mention Hefner’s long-time support for President Obama during the segment.The interview, which started just before the bottom-half of the 8 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program, began with Roberts giving…
CBS Offers Tribute to Harvey Milk: ‘A Rebel With A Cause
December 1st, 2008 2:50 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning, host Charles Osgood teased a story on politician Harvey Milk, who was the first gay man elected to San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors in 1977: "The story of a rebel with a cause is being retold in the form of a just-released motion picture. And as it happens, the timing could hardly be more appropriate." The movie, starring left-wing actor Sean Penn, is set to come out…