
CBS News Frets Over Plight of DOGE-Fired USAID Worker

March 4th, 2025 1:59 AM

Once again, the CBS Evening News has decided to shine a victim spotlight on fired federal workers. This time, the focus is cast on the plight of a fired USAID worker.


NEVER MIND SOROS: The Regime Media SEETHE With Envy at Trump-Musk Bond

November 19th, 2024 10:21 PM

The dust has not yet fully settled on the 2024 presidential election, and the Biden-Trump transition is in full swing. As the Regime Media shifts to Resistance mode, one focal point of coverage emerges: the relationship between President-Elect Donald Trump and Tesla/SpaceX founder Elon Musk, which will be covered as improper whenever possible.


The Horror! ABC, CBS Scared of Trump’s Picks to Lead Energy Dept, FCC

November 19th, 2024 10:39 AM

On Monday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings informally added Chris Wright and FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr — whom President-Elect Trump nominated to become Energy secretary and chair of the FCC, respectively — to the list of appointments they’re melting down over, fearing the former’s promise to unleash American potential on energy production and the…


The Regime Media FREAK OUT Over Trump Picking RFK, Jr. To Lead HHS

November 15th, 2024 1:16 AM

The Regime Media’s shift into Resistance mode continues apace. The major media outlets uniformly melted down over President Elect Donald Trump’s decision to nominate Robert F. Kennedy to lead the nation’s public health apparatus as Secretary of Health and Human Services.


CBS Liberal Discovers Split-Ticketing on Abortion, Presidential Ballot

November 12th, 2024 5:47 PM

CBS’s abortion-obsessed political correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns joined Tuesday’s CBS Mornings Plus to answer for the liberal media’s despondent reactions to Vice President Kamala Harris’s blowout loss coming despite abortion ballot amendments/initiatives/referendums passing in seven of ten states where the issue went before voters (and four went red for President-Elect Trump). As…


Pompous CBS: Kamala Will Beat ‘Darker’ Trump With ‘Silent’ Harris Vote

November 4th, 2024 5:29 PM

With ABC’s Good Morning America continuing to run through the tape Monday with more venom toward former President Trump and cooing over Vice President Harris, CBS Mornings predictably had the same idea by emphasizing Harris pledging “unity, collaboration, and freedom” with Trump mired in “grievances,” “personal grudges,” and “violent rhetoric.”


CBS, NBC Admit Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment Was Bad News for Kamala

October 30th, 2024 6:57 PM

While ABC’s Good Morning America was off denying reality Wednesday that President Biden’s comment referring to Trump “supporters” as “garbage,” CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today were pained to admit he’s “undermin[ing]” and “drawing attention away from Kamala Harris’s closing message” by “courting controversy” with an “unforced error.”


ABC STILL Obsessed With Kelly, Brags Kamala Would ‘Put Americans 1st’

October 25th, 2024 3:59 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America not only continued to try and make fetch happen with scaring and shaming voters into voting for Vice President Harris instead of former President Trump with more fawning over former Trump chief of staff John Kelly’s tall tales about his former boss being a fascist and Adolf Hitler enthusiast, but also tried to dial up the gush for Harris “calling on her…


CBS News SEETHES Over Trump McDonald’s Workday

October 20th, 2024 10:40 PM

In keeping with an earlier promise, former President Donald Trump visited a Pennsylvania McDonald’s for a 15-minute shift at the fry station and drive-through. The CBS Evening News came unglued.


Vile Nets Tag Trump’s ‘Dark,’ ‘Inflammatory Rhetoric’ as ‘Dangerous’

October 14th, 2024 4:21 PM

The group chats must have been ablaze over the weekend as, on the Monday network morning shows, ABC, CBS, and NBC aired similar 2024 campaign segments stirring the pot of hate toward former President Trump, arguing he’s filled with “dangerous,” “dark,” and “increasingly inflammatory rhetoric” about “political opponents” and “vilifying immigrants.” In contrast, they all celebrated Vice…


Despite Shooting, ABC, CBS and NBC Blast Trump with 95% Bad Press

September 18th, 2024 9:15 AM

Not even Sunday’s close call with a would-be assassin could interrupt the liberal TV networks’ barrage of bad press against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


The Regime Media Are Back to Milking Springfield, Demonizing Trump

September 17th, 2024 11:25 PM

Just 48 hours after the second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, the Regime Media are back to leveraging the rhetoric regarding Springfield, Ohio: this time, as a whatabout device with which to justify future insightful rhetoric against Trump.


CBS, NBC Bash Trump’s ‘Inflammatory Rhetoric’ on Assassination Attempt

September 17th, 2024 1:18 PM

On Tuesday, CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today continued to show disgust with how former President Trump’s reacted to the second assassination attempt on his life in as many months, calling on him (and not the left or themselves, for that matter) to ease “heightened tensions” and “calm things down” instead of espousing “growing anger”. In the latter’s case, they even lumped in…


Obsessed Much? CBS Reporter Forces Abortion in Chats With FL Voters

September 5th, 2024 1:25 PM

As part of CBS Mornings’s genuinely intriguing “Three Meals” series where a host or correspondent chats with voters in a state or district over breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the latest episode bordered on pathetic as correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns went to Florida to inject abortion into conversations with voters (since they weren’t bringing it up themselves) and portray the Sunshine…