Ashley Parker

NY Times Again Fumbles ‘Birther’ Controversy, to Hillary’s Benefit
July 9th, 2016 1:47 PM
The New York Times once again conveniently fumbled recent political history (to the benefit of Hillary Clinton) on the origin of Barack Obama’s birth certificate controversy. Ashley Parker and Steve Eder’s “How Trump’s ‘Birther’ Claims Helped to Stir Presidential Bid,” on the front page of the Sunday July 3 edition, laid out how Donald Trump came to embrace and then distance himself from the…

NYT Covers Rock-Throwing Anti-Trump Rioters -- Only Online
May 27th, 2016 9:21 AM
The New York Times filed some disturbing facts about what happened outside a Trump rally in New Mexico: “Protesters Throw Rocks at Police Horses Outside Trump Rally in Albuquerque.” But the troubling story of left-wing protestor violence against police and property -- a story that would seem to justify the anxieties of Trump supporters -- didn’t make the print edition. Instead, the reporting from…

In Lead, NYT Pits 'Trailblazing Woman' Hillary vs. 'Sexist' Trump
April 29th, 2016 4:17 PM
New York Times campaign reporters Amy Chozick and Ashley Parker played into Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s feminist theme in Friday’s lead story, “Trump’s Attacks On Clinton Have Calculated Risk – Gender-Based Criticism – Democrat, With Eye on November, Studies Ways to Parry." The original lead was even more slanted in favor of the Democrat, with Clinton called “a trailblazing woman” which was…

FNC Panel Targets Media Coverage of 'Unproven' Cruz Story
March 28th, 2016 3:40 PM
Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel critiqued the media's attention on the National Enquirer's cover story about multiple alleged affairs involving Senator Ted Cruz. Howard Kurtz noted that "the dilemma for the press here is whether to run with these unproven allegations." The Daily Caller's Gayle Trotter asserted that the press "shouldn't run with it, because the story itself shows that the…

New York Times Upset Over Trump and Jeb's 'Anchor Baby...Slur'
August 20th, 2015 11:24 PM
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump faced off in separate town meetings in New Hampshire, New York Times' Ashley Parker and Jeremy Peters reported Thursday. The reporters also demonstrated that the pro-amnesty NYT would use the illegal immigration issue to harass the Republican Party all the way to November 2016. In this instance, by ginning up mock outrage against the "slur" of "anchor babies."

NYT Takes Trump Seriously, At Least When He Calls GOP Rivals 'Puppets'
August 3rd, 2015 10:03 PM
Strange new respect? Two days after the New York Times labeled real estate mogul and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a racist on its front page based on thin evidence, the Times is suddenly treating one of his Twitter pronouncements as newsworthy, with Ashley Parker devoting an entire story to Trump's tweet. Perhaps because he's attacking his fellow GOP candidates as "puppets" of…

NYT Sends Warning Shot to GOP Over Hillary's Classified Emails
July 27th, 2015 9:23 PM
On Monday morning New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan, facing an outcry from her paper's liberal readership, fretted over its coverage of the investigation into Hillary Clinton sending private emails containing classified material. The print edition sent a similar message to Republicans who might dare to use the issue against Clinton on the road to the White House: Ease off. Reporters…

NYT Pits 'Jovial' Sen. Graham vs. Possibly 'Unprincipled' Scott Walker
July 10th, 2015 8:44 AM
Moderate Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, constant critic of conservativces. Conservative activist Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who has survived brutal battles with public unions. Both are Republicans running presidential campaigns on their own terms, according to separate stories on A18 of Thursday's New York Times. But that's where the similarities in their treatment ends. While Graham…

NYT Front Page Ponders Rubio as Savior for 'Aging,' Out-of-Touch GOP
May 8th, 2015 3:43 PM
The New York Times devoted valuable front-page, over-the-fold space and a banner photo to a story on Sen. Marco Rubio campaigning in Iowa, and came down hard on the GOP as an old, stodgy, white party: "Rubio's Immigrant Story, and an Aging Party in Search of a Spark."

Day After Bush Blackout, NYT Shows Its Version of Front-Page Balance
March 9th, 2015 10:34 PM
After former President George W. Bush failed to make the cut in the New York Times' photo collection of the march commemorating Selma, the Times on Monday showed its idea of political balance. It led the paper with yet another hammering of an incompetent, ultraconservative Republican Congress, while another front-page report critical of Hillary Clinton was hidden under a mild headline and…

NYT's Fave Topic: How GOP Congress Is Wrecking Party Hopes for 2016
February 25th, 2015 10:19 AM
Tuesday's New York Times featured a front-page "congressional memo" by Carl Hulse and Ashley Parker devoted to the paper's new favorite topic: How the GOP-led Congress is staining the party's reputation for 2016: "Funding Fight Poses Dangers For the G.O.P. -- Battle on Immigration Puts Security at Issue."
Impressive: New York Times Spins Crime Issue as Problem for GOP
December 25th, 2014 7:06 PM
A Christmas Day article in the New York Times left no doubt which party they would leave a lump of coal for. The paper impressively managed to spin a current controversy into a problem solely for the Republican side -- as if crime has not long been a losing election issue for the Democrats -- by portraying the GOP as making knee-jerk, stiff-necked appeals to white fear.

NY Times Damien Cave on 'Venerable...Leader' Fidel Castro
December 20th, 2014 11:11 PM
New York Times reporter Damien Cave reported from Havana that Obama's liberalized policy shift toward Cuba meant that that country was finished with its "venerable....leader" (not ruthless dictator) Fidel Castro, and also took a shot at "stiff-backed critics of Fidel’s government." As Miami bureau chief, Cave fostered a bizarre obsession with hypothetical inequality that might transpire in a…
NY Times Approves of Obama's Cuban 'Audacity' vs 'Hard-Line' Opponents
December 19th, 2014 3:20 AM
Surprising news that President Obama would normalize relations with Cuba by establishing full diplomatic relations while easing restrictions excited reporters and editorial writers at the New York Times, who saw the demise of the "dinosaurs" and "aging...hard-liners" who opposed liberalizing ties to the authoritarian Cuban government.