Andrea Mitchell

Mitchell Whines Clinton/Lynch Meeting Has ‘Overshadowed’ the Campaign
July 1st, 2016 2:24 PM
MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell was still at it on Friday afternoon lamenting that the Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch airplane meeting has been “overshadowing” Hillary Clinton’s campaign and surmised that the former President wasn’t looking to “gain some influence” from the Attorney General as her Justice Department and FBI investigate Hillary’s private e-mail server.

ABC, NBC Finally Cover Clinton/Lynch Meeting, Only 'Pleasantries'
July 1st, 2016 1:04 AM
On Thursday, the ABC and NBC evening newscasts finally found the time to report on the secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, after omitting it Wednesday night and Thursday morning. However, both broadcasts tried to play the encounter off as harmless. “Aides to Bill Clinton and Lynch say it was a chance meeting, and they were simply exchanging…

Mitchell Rejects ‘Conspiracy Theories’ on Clinton/Lynch Meeting
June 30th, 2016 2:01 PM
During her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell dismissed the controversy over Bill Clinton’s private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” as she rushed to defend Hillary Clinton. Mitchell lamented even having to discuss story: “Now on top of all of this, as though there weren't enough conspiracy theories out there already…

Nets Cover Benghazi Report, Find No ‘Wrongdoing’ by Hillary
June 28th, 2016 4:41 PM
On Tuesday, while all three network morning shows covered the newly-released House Benghazi Committee report, the broadcasts also dutifully parroted Democratic talking points attacking the credibility of the findings and concluded: “It does not appear to uncover conclusive evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.”

Nets Fawn Over the 'Happy Couple,' the Possible Clinton/Warren Ticket
June 28th, 2016 1:57 AM
Hillary Clinton trotted around Ohio Monday with Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, adding fuel to the speculation that Warren is going to be her VP pick. And like a celebrity couple, the “big three” networks took time to fantasize about the greatness of a Clinton/Warren ticket. “A major new force on the campaign trail, Elizabeth Warren joining Hillary Clinton side by side for the first time…

Andrea Mitchell Mesmerized by Clinton and Warren: ‘Magic on Stage’
June 27th, 2016 6:01 PM
Monday on Andrea Mitchell Reports, the host salivated over the “magic on stage” at the Clinton/Warren rally Cincinnati earlier in the day. Mitchell and Anita Dunn, former White House communications director, went back and forth as they praised the pair for their “very real” chemistry on stage. They went on and on, suggesting the women looked like a “pretty good winning ticket for the fall” who…

MSNBC: Dem Senators Should Seize 'Opportunity' to Push Anti-Gun Agenda
June 17th, 2016 12:39 PM
The two Democrats being hailed as heroes of the gun control filibuster, Senator Cory Booker and Senator Chris Murphy, have used MSNBC to their advantage as they prepare for a vote on the Senate floor this Monday. Thursday, Andrea Mitchell Reports featured Senator Booker, and on Friday Senator Murphy appeared on Morning Joe. What emerged from both interviews: Republicans will not be able to face…

MSNBC Uses Trump's WashPost Ban to...Attack the Reagan Administration?
June 15th, 2016 3:00 PM
Nearly two days after Donald Trump revoked press credentials of The Washington Post for his campaign events, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports was still wallowing over it on Wednesday afternoon as the eponymous host and her panel slammed the idea that a candidate would attack the liberal media as both “petulant and childish” plus bashed the Reagan administration’s press record.

MSNBC Loves Obama’s ‘Extraordinary,’ ‘Passionate Cry From the Heart'
June 14th, 2016 1:48 PM
Make no mistake, the journalists at MSNBC and CNN loved Barack Obama’s defense of not using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” Regarding the Tuesday speech, which also denounced Donald Trump, Andrea Mitchell was beside herself: “This was a passionate cry from the heart about his vision of America by this President. He has never before taken on Donald Trump and he just eviscerated Donald…

NBC Runs Two Stories on Trump’s Tweets, Ignores Hillary's Flip-Flop
June 14th, 2016 1:21 AM
During NBC’s Nightly News program on Monday the network ran not one but two reports on Donald Trump’s actions following the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. Both reports were about Trump’s attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton. In addition, they both chastised Trump for what he had tweeted following recent terrorist attacks. But while they were focused on Trump they ignoring Clinton…

Notable Quotables: Media Thrilled by Hillary’s History Making Moment
June 13th, 2016 8:56 AM
The June 13 issue of Notable Quotables: journalists erupt with glee after Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman to clinch the Democratic nomination, as one New York Times reporter tells Bernie Sanders that it's "sexist" for him to "get in the way of what could be the first female president." Meanwhile, some journalists blame Trump for violent riots that erupted in California, while lefty…

NBC Touts 'Buzz' For 'Hero of the Left' Warren As Possible V.P. Pick
June 10th, 2016 10:41 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News played up that "V.P. speculation [was] swirling as Elizabeth Warren meets Hillary Clinton at her house." Lester Holt trumpeted Senator Warren as "a hero of the left," while Andrea Mitchell hyped that "the buzz about Warren [is] only growing." Mitchell later underlined that "the pros of picking Warren: she's a fiery speaker, who relishes attacking Trump....and [is] a…

Hillary’s 'Historic' Candidacy Mostly Covered by Women Reporters
June 8th, 2016 12:58 PM
A Media Research Center analysis of all 950 ABC, CBS and NBC weekday and weekend evening news stories about the 2016 presidential campaign from January 1 to June 7 finds the broadcast networks organized their coverage to ensure that Clinton’s historic candidacy was almost entirely reported by women correspondents, while the GOP race was largely reported by male correspondents.

Mitchell Hails Hillary as ‘Defining Figure in Women's Empowerment'
June 8th, 2016 11:59 AM
Appearing on NBC’s Today Wednesday morning, correspondent Andrea Mitchell could not contain her excitement as she swooned over Hillary Clinton becoming the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party: “...after two bruising presidential primary campaigns, Hillary Clinton, finally able to write her page in the history books....embracing her place in American history.”